Does anyone really like PLAYUBT.COM?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by kirbyk, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Nope. Full package.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    I can't Win.

    Booh, hoo, boo.

    The best times are right after the show when everyone jumps in to try it. Hopefully you get a high enough stake game. But when all you other AP's play,....well then it's lights out, so long Nellie, put the horses in the barn for me.
  3. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    bet low!

    My strategy is to bet low....usually 1K per hand,and see how the table shakes out. Usually I dont have to start betting higher until after the first elim because of the kamikaze strategy. By hand 8,it seems like half the table is already gone more than half the time.
    In one SnG today,I bet my standard 1,000 on first hand,all others had max bets-and the dealer snipered them all with a BJ! Yes,I won a table in one hand with 1,000 on the table. Other great stories...I lost a table with 433,000on hand 25(lost by 2K),and won two tables within the first three hands. Sometimes its frustrating,but to me its free gambling. Saves me from driving 4.5 hrs to LV.
    I've managed about 30 TECs so far,plus one final table in the St Kitts freeroll(2nd place). On Bet21,I'm not doing as well. There are usually 800 or so entries,compared to 200-300 on UBT. I've made the 2nd round a few times,but no further.
    On the not free side,I'm doing great on the $1 SNG. It seems no one bets more than 5K until after #8. The midnite madness deal is fun,too,but havent done anything there yet(3 times in,one 2nd rd appearance). I would love to win that one...first place runs about 350. I'm just wondering how much longer can they offer that $1000 guarantee with only about 180-200 entries.

    I got next on the BJ 12 step manual.
  4. Venture

    Venture Member

    Full package?

    Yes, they say it is a full package. But we know better. Hotels and entry are covered. Airfare? Airfare from where? Miami?

    This is not a cash prize. But it has a dollar amount. The biggest killers are the tax to be paid (no cash winnings to pay the tax from) and travel to their designated departure point.

    We would probably pay more in tax than the promoter paid for the whole deal. HMMM? Then there are the incidental expenses.

    Plan on winning!

    Just another view.
  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    "What Do I Win?

    You will be flown to wherever the next tour stop is, already pre-qualified to play at the final table"

    If someone can't afford to pay tax on a $6000 travel package, they probably shoudln't be playing anyways.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Europe as well?

    If I win will they fly me from England?


  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Of course they will


    Trust me they would get a place for you on the aeroplane even if it meant leaving the pilot behind.

    Andy :D
  8. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Ultimate Bet phone number - anyone have it?

    I'm trying to find a phone number for Ultimate Bet - but can't locate it on the site. Does anyone have it? If so, I'd appreciate a post. Thanks in advance.
  9. sf9410

    sf9410 New Member Software

    Does anyone have any advice on downloading the software? I have downloaded the software and met the system requirements, but I still get an error. I also have IE Explorer 6.0 and greater so that is not the issue Same as above, I've tried locating a technical support number on the site, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
  10. Simieski

    Simieski New Member

    I have found that if you split bank bet until u get either lead or second chip stack (inc a double on 11 (sometimes even blackjack) or 10 against lower up cards and generally splitting 10s and then bet minimum and let the others bet max, on the whole with some obvious exceptions this works very well on the Sit n Gos. Going to try it in the tournament today, see how it goes.

    I would have to say though, as an employee of a UBT competitor I am impressed with their software and think it is a grand shame that they will never have real money due to legal issues in the states.
  11. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    More information

    What exactly is the problem? I assume you can download it okay, just having problems playing. That is a problem for me on my desktop at home which is an older machine running Win98. I think it meets the requirements, but most of the time the animation is really slow and I get absent a lot instead of being able to play.

    My laptop which is newer but has WinXP runs fine, so it is not my cable modem. In fact my laptop is wireless.

    That makes me wonder, maybe my cat5 wiring is a problem.

    Got to check that out.

    Another thing I haven't tried is turning the animation off (I think that would speed up the screen, no more cards floating across the table.) Good luck. Let me know if you get it working.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2006
  12. Simieski

    Simieski New Member

    OK tried this strategy on 10est tourney yesterday and came 8th, going to try again today.
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Good luck!

    Unless of course we are on the same table. Keep on with the strategy though....


  14. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    My thoughts.

    I gave some thought the whole min/max debate and I've come to the conclusion that going kamikaze is the better way to go if for no other reason than you have the possibility to get more chances in for a win if you either lose very early or take a huge lead very early. There's no entry so the win rate is through the roof, just my two cents.
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Scorcho,

    If that is such a good technique then how come no one down here does it? I haven't seen a single all-in on the first hand yet! lots of 5 and 10K bets but no all-in!
  16. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I never said it was a good technique and I haven't put it into much practice,it's just trying to think outside of the box.

    Let me ask you this, then, if betting small is such a good technique how come we're not hearing about person after person on the boards winning seats? I'd say my theory is just as good as anyone elses right now. Bet big, either max bets or splits until you get about a max bet ahead then cool it and play like you normally would, if you bust early big deal, move on to the next table. When you're playing a field as inexperienced and suicidal as this one, you have to try to switch things up, and what better time to do that than when you have more or less nothing to lose?
  17. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Lost in translation

    Erm, I think you must have misunderstood, fgk. Scorcho's comment is specifically about the TEC-winning, no entry fee, tactics.

    And I think we are all pretty much agreed that at least one hand of max betting, before reverting to normal play is the optimal technique to maximise your hourly win rate.
  18. mrbill

    mrbill New Member

    I won a TEC last night by surrendering 2 times and getting a BJ on the 3rd hand.

    First hand I bet 12,500, 3 people had 25,000, a 5,000 and 2 other 12,500. I was dealt a 16 against a dealer 9. The only thing I remember is one of the other 12,500 doubling a 15. I surrendered and the dealer turned over a 2 for 11 and drew a 10 for 21. Now the table is down to 3 of us.

    Second hand I bet half my bankroll. The guy with 20,000 left bet 10,000 and the other guy bet his 12,500 bankroll. I got a 14, the other 2 had 19's and the dealer had a 10. I surrendered again and the others stayed. Dealer turned over a 10 and now there are 2 of us.

    Third hand I bet half again and the other guy bet 10,000. I was dealt a BJ, he had 20 and the dealer had a 10 up. Dealer checked and flipped over an A, giving me the win.

    I have many TEC's. Mostly by just outlasting the bettors at the table. Don't really have to think much.
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    All in is a great technique...

    Going all in is a great technique on the first hand, If you win! Just as playing a minumum bet is if you lose.

    Unfortunately we don't know what will happen on the first hand (or any hand for that matter) so it is all just a gamble.

    If your winning TEC chips by going all in, then by all means keep playing that way, or vise-versa. As long as the games are free there will be players beating half to all in on the first hand so just deal with it.

    I play all in when I am playing mutiple computors as did Ken and other players, it free and you can play as offten as you like so what does it hurt?

    Now when I am playing just one game I like to try and play it more like a real in a real game situation. There I play between $500 to $3,500 starting out.

    Is this the correct way to play? If I win it is and if not I guess it wasn't. Find the way that your most comfortable with playing and have the best success with and play that way.

    Personally I like to start off small, even if I lose the first few bets I can always come back as long as I have chips, but with a all in (1st hand) it is do or die at the start.

    Which ever way you play good luck and hope to see you in the St. Kitts tournament.
  20. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    1 hand

    I played the other day in last position on the 1st hand and watched everybody put out max bets. I just had a feeling that the dealer was going to win so I bet the min (I am a 1st hand max bettor currently) and guess what, the dealer had a snapper! Game over. LOL

    I am still amazed by some of the play that I see. People not betting enough to win even with a swing on elimination hands, other times betting too much and opening the door to other players, and players with massive leads still banging out max bets until they bust out. Frustrating when you get beaten by these players :D . I'm still sticking with the single max bet then min until elimination strategy. Seems as good as any other approach but I need to play some proper TBJ before I forget how to play. I'll be at Global tonight then....



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