Double Down Card

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Nov 30, 2006.


Do you prefer the double down card.....

Poll closed Dec 30, 2006.
  1. Up

  2. Down

  3. Doesn't matter

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Doubling for less has some value in the Global scenario. Here's why:

    If BR2 and BR1 double behind me, I won't have a high anyway. My double would need to win while both their doubles push or lose. So, the extra money I double with, beyond $205 has no value.

    However, the unbet chips might have value. If I double for $205, and BR2 doubles for the full amount and catches a decent hand, BR1 will likely double for at least the needed $405 to keep pace with BR2's double. That means I am tied for first low with BR1. (We both held back $595.) If BR1 makes a mistake and doubles for the full amount, I have first low.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, my last comment was for when one advance, but it's still applicable when two advance. Just change "while both their doubles lose or push" to "while at least one of their doubles loses or pushes". :D
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    my original point

    500 is the only double you can make since your initial bet was 500 and 500 is, as you say, the minimum. This is why I said you weren't quite comparing apples and apples. Minor point really.

    Ken, would you use the secret action at all in this scenario?


  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    No, as the problem is described, I wouldn't use my secret action here. However, I suspect that fgk intended for these not to be minimum bets. After all, there's no way to have bankrolls of 1300 or 1400 in the UBT format.

    So, fgk, should we just add an extra zero to all the amounts in the UBT example?

    I started running this example on my home-grown tournament situation software, but I finally gave up and interrupted it. It's extremely inefficient, and even with this simple example it was going to run for a whole day before it came up with an answer. I've instead decided to work on the program some more. I know a few ways to make massive improvements to its performance, but they'll take a while to implement.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    The power of the face down card!


    You're right about the 1300 and 1400 totals - wouldn't happen in EBJ. I was just "assuming" both had an extra zero i.e., 13,000 and 14,000!

    Now you tell me that you've got a home computer program doing this for you? I thought it was bad enough playing heads up against the computer in your brain and I've gotta compete against Ken Smith and his pentium powered softward too? No wonder I'm the underdog!

    But back to the top of DD cards -

    How do you utilize the fact that in EBJ the DD card is unseen? I had a novel approach recently that utilized this, in combination with a secret bet on a round 30 EH hand that will hopefully illustrate my point about the power of this tool!

    BR1 54,000
    BR2 49,500 - me (no surprise there) and acting first

    Use of secret bet for _________

    BR2 - dealt 13 or 14
    BR1 bets 23,000 and gets 9-12 (I don't remember the exact numbers)

    Dealer showed 2 or 3

    Now, I use psychology because I know what my opponent has bet I type in:

    Well GG _______. All in at this point. Hit double for less (500)

    Now my opponent doesn't know what happened. Did I bust? how much did I bet. Rather than just hitting they DD also. REsults?

    BR1 DD to a stiff and lost 46,000. Dealer drew to 18-19. Me? I busted!

    Who won?
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Don't worry. You can rest assured that I don't use any artificial aids while playing online. No software, no calculator, no paper and pencil.

    The software I'm developing is for research.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    It's not the artificials aids that worry me when I lose to you Ken, it's your innate natural ability that foils me every time! :cool:

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