For the record

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Don119

    Don119 Banned User

    who, and who not

    If I understand correctly, a private message is an email sent via the system from one member to another without the sender or recipient knowing each other's email address, or any other member knowing about the message. Does this accurately define “private messaging” as it is to be accurately recognized here at If so, with regard to “via the system,” what exactly constitutes “the system?” Is it strictly mechanized, or is it “intelligent” in any means whatsoever? In other words, to be precise; I am simply inquiring, is private messaging here at, strictly “private,” or is it not? Is there any form of concealed “internal” internet site censorship, interception/suppression, or bias in existence here, whatsoever?

    Some experts in the field of Internet privacy have a consensus that Internet privacy does not truly exist. Privacy advocates, of course, believe that it should, and does, exist. And, likewise, as usual, there are those who manipulate either view to the best of their own distinct personal agenda.

    Which, in turn leads us to “social engineering,” a collection of methods used to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. While similar to a confidence scam or simple fraud, the term typically applies to trickery for information gathering or computer system access and in most cases the perpetrator never comes face-to-face with the victim. I would suppose any deliberate deception and/or manipulation of the term “private,” may possibly fall under this particular grouping.

    I have noticed this site has an unusually large number of “moderators,” and appears as such to be a fairly self-run entity; however, what privacy protections/guarantees are actually in place for all across the board?

    I had read in previous postings - questions and concerns, therein, to this effect. Perhaps, a clear and concise explanation as to what here at, constitutes “private,” and what does not; as well as, to who, and who not, this explanation pertains to, would be prudent.

    I would also like to place a reminder within this post, we live in a country whereby constitutionally, as citizens, we are each entitled to the same liberties and justice, across the board, off and on the internet.

    Thank you.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Oh, never mind. After a little research, I understand now. Don119 is just the latest incarnation of CelticAngel. Goodbye Don119.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2007
  3. NicsMommy

    NicsMommy New Member

    no return

    A close friend who occasionally peruses this site phoned us last night and told us what was going on here. We can reassure you Mr. Smith and anyone else just as equally unimportant that Celtic Angel hasn't returned. As of May 2007, caring for a new arrival, being woken at all hours of the night, financial responsibilities, office hours, and completing a degree, has been more than enough to keep Celtic Angel busy. Happy now? Hope you can rest easy and untwist your panties knowing that the dreaded Celtic Angel is no longer on the loose! Just currently in Vegas visiting relatives for the holidays and enjoying a well-deserved vacation! Please do consider this registration momentary, only.

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