For Your Consideration

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Cmon Celtic Angel

    Ken Smith's (site administrator) post ask for this crap (generic crap, not gender specific) to come to a halt about 1 1/2 hours before your post, review the entire site not just the thread you're posting in to remain completely informed. Let the Angel return to Heaven, the site is saved, your mission is complete. We all thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2006
  2. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Consider This

    "......Since the first day I emailed you in 2004 with a strategy responded with a complete explanation without knowing who the hell I was." -Rookie789.

    My story is similar, as I'm sure other members stories are as well. Joe Pane has always been there for us little BJ guppies, even when other Pros' couldn't be bothered. He has always answered our questions both publicly and privately to the best of his ability, and always with sincere patience and understanding. Those who call him a friend know that he is a kind, thoughtful, and loyal person whose passion for the game and steadfast convictions are sometimes unfortunately mistaken for arrogance.

    I should know, as I was one of those who mistook Joe's gregarious personality for arrogance. But after getting to know him, I came to find out what a wonderful person he is. And yes, I have at times butted heads with him as well. But he has always debated publicly with me in a respectful manner. There are those who would say I am merely his 'songbird'. But for the record, Joe Pane has never asked, told, or even suggested to me what I should post. Everything I have posted has completely been my own opinion. How some people choose to label it, or spin it's content, is their own agenda. I simply don't care.

    But let me give you a perfect example of Mr. Pane's character from someone other then myself. Last week at the Hilton tournament, I was having a private conversation with a well known and very well respected BJ player. Out of the blue, this person preceeded to tell me their 'Joe Pane' story of how he willingly stood by them in their time of need, when no one else would. This person, who knew nothing of what was going on on this site, nor did they know he was anything other then a casual aquaintance of mine, had no problem expounding about what a loyal and true friend they had in Joe.

    It saddens me to read that this man, who has contributed so much to this site and to our community, is now considering leaving. All because a few disgruntled members took it upon themselves to systematically attack him and rip apart his character. Were they in cahoots with someone else, or were they merely venting some morbid personal vendetta? I don't know. Yes, I have my own theories, as I'm sure by now most members do. But at this point, it doesn't really matter. The damage is done, and no amount of back-tracking will rectify the consequences.

    As a BJ guppy and as your friend, I'm asking you Joe Pane, to reconsider. If not for those of us who respect and admire you and your expertise, but for future guppies, who will need someone to turn to for help. Please think about it.
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Here, here!

    I don't know Joe from Adam but I know this forum would be worse off without him. He has a strong personality and people with strong personalities often create strong feelings in others, good and bad. He is clearly passionate about the game of blackjack and its advancement, and I applaud that as we all should. He has a very high level of experience, knowledge and skill and we all have something to learn from him. Sure, I've cringed when I've read some of his posts but I have about many others here too. If there weren't characters like Joe around the world would be a far more boring place.

    In the (paraphrased) words of the greatest soul singer ever, Marvin Gaye, "let's get (it) on".


  4. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User


    Dear rookie789,
    You are most welcome.

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