Four Winds, Michigan - Monthly

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, May 14, 2009.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'm still trying to analyze why a surprisingly low chip count took first place. Your information is helpful but I was wondering about one more occurrence.
    Out of the 14 players starting in the final round, do you know how many busted out?
    I agree with LeftNut, it is an achievement to end up in the money with little knowledge of accumulation format strategy.
  2. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    thanks for the kind words......

    I only know for sure. At my table only 1 person busted out, I think it was around the 13th hand. One ended up with only $100 left after leading the first 6 hands or so by betting large, and 1 other had a little over $1000 left. I was way too tired by the end of the night to try to remember everyone's chip stacks except those that were ahead of me, and the ones I could count out at my table.

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