You can leave Don't you or anyone else ever make a statement like this again. This is a free country and to prove it, you can leave anytime you want. An apology to me and every other AMERICAN citizen is in order! No I'm not a great flag waving AMERICAN but I am proud of my country and served when called - it's the greatest country to ever exist on planet earth. Millions (maybe billions) of foreigners would gladly trade places with you - how about making the trade? PS: No offense to our friends in the UK, Canada, Sweden, Germany and other FREE and very enviable countries.
How could you be so stupid!!! No one has taken any of your freedoms away, in some nations just making that statement would get you locked up and the key thrown away. An apology to me and every other AMERICAN citizen is in order, in particular the brave Americans who fought to keep your right to say what you did without going to jail or worse. I am proud of my country and I served when I was called - it is still the greatest country to ever exist on planet earth. Most of the rest of the world would gladly trade places with you . America Love Or Leave it and most all who have left and renounced their citizenship were cowards who did not want to fight for America or Traitors.
Never First off I'm a proud American, but what has happened in the last week in regards to what you are allowed to do or not to do in the privacy of your home is the real point here. I have served my country when asked and I believe that I have the right to voice my opinion if I believe that our lawmakers are making decisions for me and you with out letting the people vote on it. If this is the land of the free then you should be able to play on line if you can legally play in a casino in many states of this country .This is all about the money the major corporations like MGM and Harrah's haven't got their dirty greedy hands into. I owe no one an apology .In fact its my god given right to voice my opinion you just have to accept that. Asking me to leave the country for voicing my opinion says a lot about how you feel about "FREE SPEECH" There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between voicing your opinion and stating false facts. If Poker NUT can figure that out it will be a good thing for all that read his post Joep
The internet companies backed the wrong horses. PartyGaming, SportingBet and other online gaming companies paid millions of dollars to Washington lobbyists linked to Jack Abramoff, the notorious super-lobbyist, to help them thwart US anti-gambling legislation.The passage by Congress of the Unlawful Gambling Enforcement Act has drawn accusations of US protectionism and the suggestion that the law was driven through by conservative Republicans. However, lobbying records analysed by the Financial Times show that the companies were closely connected to Mr Abramoff and his team – the same men whose political ties, for years, played a central part in helping insulate the gambling industry from laws and regulations. The demise of Mr Abramoff and his colleagues substantially weakened the gambling companies' political hand in Washington, paving the way for the bill's passage. SportingBet spent $2.2m (£1.17m) from 1998 to 2005 lobbying Washington lawmakers on issues involving online gaming, according to figures compiled by the Center for Public Integrity, which tracks lobbying, and other public filings. Among other lobbyists, the company hired: Tony Rudy, a former aide to ex-congressman Tom DeLay and who has pleaded guilty to bribery charges in connection to the Abramoff scandal; and Neil Volz, a former congressional chief of staff who has also pleaded guilty to bribing his former boss, Congressman Bob Ney. SportingBet declined to comment. PartyGaming, the largest online gaming website, initially declined to disclose who their lobbyists in Washington were, but when presented evidence acknowledged that the company was and is currently represented by Gibraltar-based International Interactive Alliance (IIA), a company that formerly had close ties to Mr Abramoff. Although most of the public scrutiny of Mr Abramoff's wheeling and dealing in Washington has been centred on his work on behalf of Native Americans' gambling interests, records show that the IIA, which hired Mr Abramoff in 2003, was a lucrative client of the former lobbyist. Over just one and a half years, IIA paid Mr Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig, $1.3m for Mr Abramoff's services. In all, IIA has spent at least $1.9m on its lobbying campaign, and continues to be represented by Greenberg Traurig. When asked directly whether PartyGaming lobbied in Washington through the IIA, a spokesperson for the company initially defended the IIA by saying it was an "industry group" with high standards. "It has not been lobbying like the horseracing industry in that it has not put money into congressional races. [Instead, it uses] good old-fashioned talking to people and presenting the arguments," a spokesman said. But in the exhaustive investigations into Mr Abramoff by Republican Senator John McCain, there is evidence that IIA had a particularly close relationship with Mr Abramoff. In 2003, the IIA transferred to Greenberg Traurig, Mr Abramoff's former firm, $1.25m. According to congressional testimony, the payment was later passed on to KayGold, a company Mr Abramoff controlled. Asked about the payment, PartyGaming said: "Jack Abramoff's actions made the IIA one of his victims. Hindsight is easy, if we knew what we know now, then we wouldn't have even taken Jack Abramoff out for a cup of coffee." Mr Abramoff's highly public fall from grace and conviction on criminal corruption charges earlier this year – and the downfall of many of his associates – opened the door for the passage last weekend of a law that he and the companies staunchly opposed.
in USA your software had me correctly located in the good old USA currently the land of fanatical psuedo-christian false patriot right wing fruit loops who are trying to repress free speech and individual choice
Bravo RKuczek At least some of us see what is going on here, the only time poker NUT puts up anything that is almost error free is when he copies and paste a newspaper article and we all know how every thing in the newspaper's is the gospel truth. His claim when working for the government was they he tried to do the least as possible and this motto of his continues in his research of information he reports here via his inaccurate post. Joep
Guys!!!!! I'm very happy to read political posts on this forum and for the most part find them interesting, informative and intelligent. BUT, how can a simple administrative request from Ken, turn into THIS??????? Every time something even mildly controversial is said here now I can literally hear knees jerking violently upwards all the way over in England. I used to love this forum but now I'm worried about slipping on the bile! Have you heard of cage fighting....? Cheers Reachy
Ive got schrapnel in my right leg that reminds me (by my limp ) that Joe has the right to say this (which was a mocking joke BTW for you tender nannies) and he has the right to stay right here in good ole USA and say it ...and while hes holding a buring Us flag if he so chooses...its the defining thing that makes us strong... BTW...Jack Abrahamoff was invited to the White House a few times for dinner...Hummmmmmmmmmmmm...Whats that ole saying about Birds of a Feather???? The US is becoming something less than the land of the free under the current loaded up lop sided government we have...the checks and balances system is dangerously off kilter and tilted far to the right....I would say the same if it was tilted too far left...those Democratic boneheads often think more about the tree ...forget seeing thru the trees. We need a reasonable balance of force in all three branches of govt...It was our founding fathers best, wisest, and most insightful gift... Everyones favorite past time (profession for some) is under attack this fact this was a major battle lost ....and sadly we who are closest never knew that shots were about to be we're running around bleeding, hurt and confused....of course everyone is going to be a little edgy. Lighten up .... Remember during prohibition....more people drank and booze was easier and cheaper to grandfather lived thru this and told great stories about it. Perhaps it wont be exactly legal...I dont think internet gambling ever was exactly legal...but some one will figure this out. Billions of betting dollars will bring out a few good ideas Im sure....hell Im thinking how can I get in on this....LOL...ahem...really Im just kidding...:laugh: Hey its the land of the free dammit.. Peace be with you....
RE: Government Workers when I was on the executive staff of a state agency - the state I worked for surveyed its employees - one of the questions asked was "what is your number one most important job related concern?" - you'd think it might be "mean boss" - or "need to upgrade comnputer system" or? - over 50% responded it was to "stay in state employment long enough to be fully vested in the retirement system" -
This is the statement of an Ahole. A fanatic like this is the key to what I warned about concerning message boards and the very destruction of message boards. The political rant is followed by racists type remarks geared towards one religion and its people. What this will do is break down the link we all have, blackjack tournaments. Better hope this board will never need a pay for service. BTW, Im not a church goer. Barney
Barney sorry to have upset you with my little rant - but - correction please was not racist - no racial mention at all - and - I did not insult a religion - I insulted those who pretend to a religious belief as an excuse for repressive politics - I would never insult someone because of their race or gender or sexual orientation or ethnicity or religion - in fact I did civil rights work for 8 years after leaving college - first for the Human Rights Commission in Portland - then for the Urban League - also have done donated grant writing and program development assistance for Christian charitable organizations - even helped incorporate a couple of faith-based charities - you are right that the purpose of this forum is blackjack tournaments - and that is what we need to be discussing - but in this instance - politics has inserted itself into our hobby (even profession for some) - so political attitudes will get expressed - when there is a thread where we are discussing political/legal impacts - my comment followed others already posted - that expressed political/social sentiments -
To Mr. Blackjack21 Barney, I couldn't agree more with Kuczeck or yourself. I agree with his statements wholeheartedly, but also agree with your opinion that things like this can divide people. I'm an athiest. I admit that proudly and see no problem expressing that that is my view. I'll gladly attack ANY religious view in my personal life...but, that's just that: my view. I don't try to impose it on anyone else. At least not here. I don't think RKuczeck was trying to do that either. What people have an issue with is others imposing thier moral beliefs on others. To many, that is just wrong. All three of us: you, myself and Rkuczeck have met in person. I'd like to think that we all got along fairly well. I don't really see a need to be throwing around any type of hatred towards eachother. He was voicing his view. It wasn't racist or leading to racism, at least not in my opinion. We're all here for the same reason...we love the game of blacjack; however much it may break our hearts occasionaly. There are powers at work that are trying to limit our access to what we love. Should we just stand by idlely and let it happen, or at least try to make our voices heard in whatever manner we can? I don't really see what he did wrong and, quite franky, am confused as to what you se as his fault.
for the record just to go on record - I am a Taoist - my comments were not intended to insult Christians - they referenced persons claiming to be Christian who actually promote some very unChristian values in my opinion - but since I am not a Christian - that is the view of a somewhat outside observer maybe - I was raised Christian - but chose differently - as is my right - what was behind my comment - is that the anti-internet-gambling legislation was an obvious ploy to please the religious right - the republicans have alienated much of the religious right - because they have ignored their 'moral agenda' to concentrate on stealing our money - and they now need their support for the upcoming election - Frist's comments as posted elsewhere on this site make this interpretation pretty obvious I think - so the republicans threw them a bone - the bone was you and your right to play blackjack over the internet - Bush may care about taxing gambling - to finance bigger and better tax cuts for the ultra-rich - but do you really believe that he cares about your playing blackjack? - but if taking away your fun means the Bush administration can again count on the votes of the religious right for the election - no more fun for you -
To be more precise I'm an athesist and a buddhist with a particular interest in Soto Zen. Shikentaza anybody? Cheers Reachy
I have to respond to this but since it is not related to BJ I have it posted in the free for all section
Where am I I am in the good old USA. The greatest country ever known to mankind. Where I can vote in every election, without fear of reprisal. Where I can practice any religion I see fit. Where if I work hard, I can achieve wealth beyond any boundries.