Hilton Suited BJ 100,000 Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Joep, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Key Factor


    Great comparision of apples and apples. But you forgot one important key in your tabulations.....Single Occupancy. Unlike Vegas where room rates are generally per room, on a cruise your rate is for double occupancy whether or not you're traveling with someone. A fair amount of BJT players travel alone, I being one of them. In Vegas I have comped rooms, but even if I didn't, I would only be paying a flat rate. Where as on the cruise I would be paying double for the non-existant person in my room.....Which is exactly what I paid out last time.

    Hmmm......So for players traveling alone, UBT is actually a much better value.

  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Of course

    elyseez gets it backwards again as always. Tex's cruise has nothing to do with his TBT. It is a seperate event. You guys say we need to compare apples to apples and then compare apples to oranges. The cruise has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Nothing. I asked Ken a question anyway.
  3. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    LOL. Oh, Barney, Barney, Barney.

    My post was addressed to FGK in referrence to his post (#18) about comparing the cruise to a UBT event in regards to value. I merely offered him an additional point to factor into his calculations, which I do support.

    But your right.....the cruise has nothing to do with what we're talking about. In fact, this whole line of thought is in a thread called, "Hilton Suited BJ $100,000 Tournament". So why are we suddenly comparing apples and apples/oranges? Oh wait, now I remember. In post #10 you started rambling on incessently about "the arrogant arm of BJT", and multi-millionaires vs. lowlings, and mini's per week....and of course, the TBT curcuit. That's how we got on the subject.

    But please, feel free to have the opinion I've gotten it backwards yet again.
    After all evereyone's entitled to their own opinion no matter how non-sensical it is.

    BTW, It's spelled Elyssez. But, then again maybe I'm getting that wrong as well.:laugh:

  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    would you at least buy that you are backwards about some backwards backwards stuff? :p
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    More mis-information on the cruise.

    I haven't been posting or replying that much simply because I thought with the travel agent and Carnival rep's contact infomation I posted for all the members there would be no need. I figured that anyone interested in going would simply call them up and check first hand.

    Sorry about cruise information being posted in this section, somehow it was brought up in the discussion.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2006
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I think so...

    I believe the players can and will. In the TBT events we offer the best possible rules and format for the players, eliminating as much of the luck factor as possible and allow for a more strategic style of play. With the TBJPA the prizes will not be as top heavy as most other blackjack tournaments and we will be paying the top 18 places, which that alone will increase the players chances at winning back money.

    Also the 23% you refer to is mis-leading, remember for each $40 TBJPA fee a player pays they will get $50 back in directly by coming off the championship event.

    And as far as the $30 casino fee, as I point out this is something I put in for the casinos for "Good Faith" to show them we still have players who will come play in these blackjack tournaments if open and given a chance to play.

    Our rules and format are what the majority of tournament players have voted on from polls, surveys, and just talking to tournament players over the passed 8 years.

    Will everybody like our format? I doubt it, but as I said I am trying to please the majority of players and I believe our format and rules will.

    The TBJPA is also getting their players discounted rooms, airfare from American Airlines, and working on other discounts and speicals for all it's members.

    The TBJPA Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT) events will always be open events when ever possible. In some cases even trespassed player maybe allowed (for tournament play only).

    Most all TBT monthly events will be held in the U.S. however we may get a Canadain casino involved. And there has been talk of a possible TBT cruise, but nothing in stone (should we host a TBT event on a cruise the casino fee would be waved and TBJPA fee reduced).

    I am trying to schedule the tournaments as evenly as possible around the country so travel will be fair for all the players and just not host the events in one location every month. I think this will be the fairest for all players.

    Now having said all of this, again I answer "YES" that I believe players will have the best possible to recoup and make a profit in the TBT events than other tournaments.

    However this is just my opinion, anyone wishing to play in any of them are more than welcome to play in the TBT events as soon as we get started.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Geting back on track

    Does anyone have any information about the winners of the Hilton 1,000,000 event?

    Did any of our BJT.com members who attended cash or have some good experiences that they would like to share or things that they learned?
  8. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

  9. redman

    redman New Member

    LVH BJ Tournament

    I was in the LVH $100,000 BJ tournament on November 21-21. It was only the second BJ tournament I ever entered. Had a gtreat time, came in second place $12,000. Came in 1st place on every table to the final and lost it on the last hand, if my memory is correct. He had two fives against dealer ten and doubled to get 21. Will be there again in May.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Congratulations Redman - It's good to see a fellow BJT.com member cashing! :celebrate:

    Can you provide any more details like:

    Number of entries/players
    Rounds played
    Mulligans bought/used
    Level of play

    If this was only your second BJ tourney thats fantastic!
  11. redman

    redman New Member

    When I was there I heard there was over 1200 entries but someone on this site said there was around 900 entries. Played 6 rounds. You could buy 1 mulligan for $100 which I did. Used it on every table but one ( because I was so far ahead of everyone I didn't need it).
  12. baalzebul

    baalzebul New Member

  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    My bad. JoeP sent me the details a few weeks ago, but I haven't posted them yet.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Vegas Property Invite Tourneys:

    A compilation of posts on the subject and review of the recent Harrah ha has INVITE tourney.

    Harrah ha has Dec. 15 to 17 $50,000 invite BJ tourney with $25,000 to first. $10,000--6,000, 3,000--1,500---1,000. And$3,500 in cash drawings.
    Two- $250 per first round. Plus two wild cards into second round. Opening reception and banquet. Tourney Day, beverages, from coffee and juice to Hard Liquor. Three FREE room nights.

    BASED on 200 entries. There were more. Exactly how many only Harrah ha has knows. Re buys were at least 40%. Personally overheard one of the top tourney execs tell a "foreigner" and later confirmed by other knowledgeable people, rebuys DID NOT GO to player pool. Retained by Harrah ha has.

    Substantially, tourney ran like a Global Player and similiar to many other "old school" tourney's. Six decks, face up. 25 hands. 10 to 500 in increments of 5. 1,000 bankroll. Six per table, two advance each round No surrender. Button started at pos. 1 and then rotated.


    As far as play to get invite: I've stated elsewhere, often, that I thought Harraha ha has dismissed me sometime ago. Yet, I like others I bumped into, not in this community, were surprised or non-commiteable on their invites, since they had not given action in some time. Even regular play dealers were asking folks if they were getting all the "junk" mail.

    Dealers overall were knowledgeable re tourney play. And most tried to educate first timers to rules and regulations re signaling action, time limits for bets and decisions. Mostly consistant.

    OVERALL: Tourney conditions were well run and consistant.

    I enjoyed amusing, interesting, entertaining and informative conversation between rounds with some old friends and some newly made ones including a large segment of the San Diego Crew.

    ONE OBTUSE OBSERVATION: While conversing at the round tables with community members and some not connected, twice,I encountered a Harraha has first. The introduction and passing out of personal contact cards by SECURITY PERSONEL.

    The second encounter was by DON 110 to distinguish him from the other two Dons on duty. I'd guess Don 220 and Don 330. But, I could be wrong. And the first by Luanie. (no number) Only one Luanie?

    THE PURPOSE? According to Don 110 and Luanie, they were there to insure our security. They would escort you to your room, car, cab, interfere in a dispute with another "customer" All to enhance your experience at Harrah ha has.

    But Luanie was deeper. In addition to those other roles, he was to PROTECT YOU from "advantage players." lest they fleece you. Now, Luanie was an ex Navy Corpsman assigned to HUMVEE duty in Iraq. It's a five member team on a Marine HUMVEE. One spot for the corpsman. That be Luanie. Now he was continuing his aid mission by trying to spot "advantage players" in the tournament. Schooled no doubt in the proper techniques by Harraha ha has top brass.

    NO FURTHER COMMENT: Cept, Ken, one can not wear BJT colors and not escape scrutiny.

    As to myself, nothing seasoned "ROAD WARRIORS" won't recognize, but certainly for newbees on expectations, I offer a non-commital observation of the vagaries of tournament play.

    Third round, sailing along to hand 24. Five left at table. BR1 3 max ahead. What was BR 1 is dumping badly. I and other two are about even.

    I bet 450 of my 920 on hand 24, only in effort to catch BR2. Second to act.
    Others particulars not really important. I get K-K to dealers 6. Everyone else has stiffy stiffs. Low and behold dealer forgot to give fifth to act, not BR 2, a second card before completing his hand. Call to floor. Decision...redeal.
    Everyone had a chance to change bets, but I gotta stay with the bet and get a 7 to dealers 10. Instead if the K-K split against 6 I have to double the 7 v the dealers 10. Other two in contention have max bets out. Catch a 10 to the dealers 20. Former BR2 is destroyed. I am destroyed. BR 1 is looking good. Two other contenders are still there.

    Two contenders for BR 2: My $20 to finish the round is out. But position 4 bests 700, uncontested and doubles it for 700 uncontested to take BR 2.

    "OH what fools, these mortals be"

    So, on tilt, I sell my airline ticket to blow it on a certain thing and it takes me seven days to hitch-hike home. Met many an interesting "person?" along the way, but that's another story for another day.
  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Did you really hitchhike all the way back home? I say no way. :cool:
    On second thought, maybe you did. Otherwise you would have had time to write a longer post instead of the condensed version. :p

    Soooo, what did you do with the extra money from selling your airline ticket. The forum is dying to know. :D
  16. noman

    noman Top Member


    No extra money. And I was in the process of an interesting Vegas view when I must have time out on Free For All. So now, I'm not sure if I can reconstruct all that I was trying to post there. Damn it was good too.
  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    You didn't answer my main question:

    Did you really hitchhike home??? I say no way. What do you say?
  18. noman

    noman Top Member


    See free for all category. Tell me what you think?

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