Hollywood Dave challenges Kid Rock

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Hollywood Dave,

    I want to take this opportunity to say my post was in jest. I appreciate your posts HERE, especially you keeping us updated to certain things.

    To others, I apologize for talking "smack" here and will refrain from it in the future. It was done for a laugh :joker:

    This is my final post on this subject.

  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  3. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    The Old Gang

    As somewhat of a new member here at BJT, is it just a coincdence that it seems like anyone that has any association with UBT or Bet 21 is always under attack here?

    It’s really a sad day when these valuable members are no longer posting here because of the garbage they have to endure, and from what I can see it comes from members who post nothing worthwhile and have little or no tournament accomplishments to back up the trash that spills from their mouths.

    Old post from members like Yama,Anthony Curtis, Kenny Einiger,Joe Pane, Mike Castellano were always valuable and worth the time reading as far as I was concerned as a guest, which I did for the longest time. Their contributions were the catalyst of my weekly visits. It looks like I became a member here to late to enjoy the knowledge that was once shared here on a daily occurrence.

    Most of my time here now will be spent rereading old post from the battle tested and proven veterans who were always willing to share tips and advice for all of us to absorb.

    Agree with them or not they were always willing to share with all the members including lurkers like me. Or is Hollywood your next victim that will be run off from this once valuable forum.

    Where is the "OLD GANG”?
  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Last Post Also...

    Just for the "Record", and this must be said, is that the biggest problem that I have had with Hollyweed, is that he "speaks" and "acts" as if he is the "definitive expert" regarding Tournament Blackjack, when in fact that isn't the case at all!!

    Just a little over 3 years ago, I remember playing with him in the first World Series of Blackjack Championship at the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, as invited players. Prior to him playing his first round, he was standing back in the corner reading Stanford Wong's book on Tournaments, because he didn't have a clue about what to do or how to play the Tournament. Now here we are 3 years later, and not only does he publicy dis Wong and his book ("The Blackjack Tournament Bible, if you will, for so long"), but now comes out with a book touting himself as an EXPERT! Come on. Please!!

    Professionals in any given field, in most cases take years to hone their skills, bring credibility to themselves and their profession, and earn the reputation as an EXPERT. Sorry, but one doesn't become an expert at anything overnight (i.e. 3 years) just because he/she says it's so. Just doesn't happen.

    If it weren't for the fact that he turns everyone "off" both professionally and personally, with his way overboard antics, we wouldn't even be having these posts. As promised, this is my final say regarding the issue, and in fact wanted to "put on record", my cause for consternation.

    Finally, definitely won't be spending my hard earned money on his book, and in addition, will be working on putting in place a Challenge Match between just the two of us, Hollyweed and myself, the real "Badboy of Blackjack", for at least 1 million dollars, on national TV, and finally bring some closure to this whole thing, with ho holds barred...

    My "luck" and radiating/captivating personality (As noted at the taping of the UBT match against him in Hollywood, where I OWNED the audience!), against his self-proclaimed EXPERT status...

    I guarantee that the final result will not be pretty for him...

    Over and Out...

    The only "Real Bad Boy of Blackjack"

    P.S. Will try to be an Angel about all of this in the future, but will welcome talking to Hollyweed about this possible "Mother of ALL Blackjack Matches" between the two of us... :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    For my benefit

    Dreamer what is your real name? I'd like to google you so I can find out about your record, etc. As a UK resident I don't have access to the UBT on TV so I need more info.


  6. dreamer

    dreamer New Member



    Would love to talk with you personally...

    Not sure what you're asking for, and if it's regarding my "record" of any Blackjack wins, etc; not much of note to report to be honest with you. My winnings have been relatively minimal in comparison to countless others. I still "DREAM" of the BIG WINS, and will ultimately achieve some significant success in this regard. In the meantime, life goes on, and I have other priorities in life, where I can "plant some trees" under which I'll probably not be able to sit in my lifetime. My friend and mentor, Zig Ziglar, has a philosophy that states, "We can have everything in life we want, including most of the things money can buy, and all of the things money can't buy, if we will just help enough other people get what they want". I've pretty much adopted his philosophy, but am still a work in progress even as I type...

    Having said this, I am actively going to do everything I can to bring this possible "Million Dollar match" between myself and Hollyweed, on national TV, to fruition... Perhaps half of my winnings can go to the Charity of my choice!

    Please feel free to email me at dreamscometrue2@earthlink.net. We can arrange to become acquainted personally in the near future...

    Make it a "Super ProductiveSuccessful Day"... :cheers:

    Skip "You Gotta Talk to the Cards" Samad

    The ONLY "Real bad Boy of Blackjack"
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Don't get me wrong

    I hope my post didn't come across wrong. I do want to know who you are so I can look out for you on the playubt.com site. Did you say you were on the WSoB? Which season and episode? I really want someone to take on hollywood mano a mano and you sound like you might be serious....


  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Dreamer, you continue to name-call, so you get a nice unpaid 3 day vacation from posting. Banned for 3 days.
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Dream on

    Maybe I'm missing something, but didn't I just beat this guy on national TV like 3 weeks ago? Huh?

    Sorry Skip, I know you've got a real hankering to have a rematch with me, but until you actually raise the money to play me, there will be no game. Don't get me wrong, I'd be glad to play you, I just don't see the point expending much energy pursuing this when 1. you don't actually have the cash to play and 2. this is obviously just some wacko publicity stunt (like the clown mask?!) to feed your own delusions. Sorry, but no network is gonna put up the money for you and film it... why would they care to see some match between me and some other random player? just doesn't make sense, guy.

    i love your spirit though, you really just keep tickin right along. Some advice for you before i go, because I really don't have time for this little jabfest:

    Try to develop your own persona, and stop trying to steal mine (the whole bad boy thing). i already proved it to you once, and i don't need to do it again.

    Please don't mistake someone reading a strategy book before a tournament as inexperience or ignorance. To this day, I still study and cram before every tournament I play, usually right up to the last minute. Maybe you should try it, your results may improve.

    Lastly, my offer still stands. When you've exhausted trying to raise a million bucks from some network to shoot a match nobody except yourself wants to see, come back to me with a more reasonable number (ie what you actually have in your bank account and are prepared to lose) and I will gladly liberate it from you. Nothing to prove, no 'bad boy' grudge match -- just plain, old fashioned ass kicking.


    ps thanks Ken for tolerating this thread as much as you could. i suggest that any future remarks on this subject be taken over to my censor-free site for more breathing room, although to be honest i don't know what else i can say on the subject that isn't already painfully obvious....
  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh, I get it now - this "Dreamer" character is the same dude who thought the clown mask was a good idea.
    Well, now, that was good for UBT's image, wasn't it? :vomit:

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