I have a shot at $1,000,000!!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Blackjack Rebel Too, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Councelorlee and Luckyone (and Blackjack Rebel too!)

    As per my posts, I qualified to play at the HET Millionaire Maker Blackjack finals at Caesars in August (last February at Lake Tahoe), and although I have PMed and emailed with some of you individually already, I just wanted to let you all know that I have received a schedule and some format information - in addtion to what I have posted on the Events section of this website. If you will PM me an email address that I can forward it to, I will be more than happy to do so (BJRToo - of course I already have yours and will do so after I post this) - and provide an email address for myself (as well as my real name!) in return along with the details of my schedule before and after the event if you have an interest.

    As indicated, I look forward to organizing a time for those of us on "Team BJT" to get together before, during and/or after the scheduled events. Perhaps we can get Kenny Smith to give us shirts to wear! As some of you know, I am somewhat familiar with Las Vegas and travel there often if I can be of any assistance. I have booked my travel arrangements with Passport Services already and it was a most pleasant experience and they have accomodated my early and late arrival as well as a different schedule for my wife. I will arrive 08 AUG and depart 24 AUG with other events besides the 13-16 AUG stay at Caesars.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

  2. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Harrah*s Millionaire Maker

    Congrats to all the BJT headed to Caesars Palace. Their qualifier in February was an elimination format similar to the Hilton Million. Possibly because Jimmy Wike is now at Caesars. So I would expect the same format in August. The BJT tournament savy players should have a distinct advantage due to the inconsistencies in Harrah*s qualifying methods. Half of the players won't even know what a chip count is.
    If Harrah*s decides to continue this promotion next year hopefully they will need to call on the expertise of Jimmy Wike or the BJT members with tournament organizational skills to make this an equitable competition. The quality of the tournaments varied widely from the lavish registration and award banquets of the Paris to the bargin basement promotion of the Sheraton. Our gift at Sheraton was a car washing quality t-shirt.
    The tournament formats were either sketchy or unavailable in advance. The number of qualifiers varied from 11 to 1. Some of the qualifiers were raffle winners, wild cards, or sat at a table where everyone won almost every hand. Some of us were sent mailers, others found out about the tournaments via word of mouth or from BJT. No wonder some of these tournaments were cancelled or less attended than a bar mitzvah in Bagdad.
    Sheraton did a one table 25 hand accumulation where the top 36 advanced to a second table who played another 25 hand accumulation table to determine the top 3 to go to Vegas. As bad as the Grand was, at least there you played two accumulation tables so you could recover from a first table bust. In neither tournament did you compete against each other. I complained to Sheraton's casino management who were actually embarrassed and apologetic regarding the tournament format. It was dictated by casino marketing without consulting with the people running the table games. For a corporate wide promotion such as this you would think Harrah's would make an effort to put out a quality product. Not even close. The only thing missing was Wayne Allyn Root.
    Good Luck all.
  3. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Millionaire Maker Rules

    I have just received a set of the rules as they stand now and are not as previously described in the Events section of this website. As Instagator suspected, they appear to be similar to the qualifier held at Caesars and not unlike those for the LVH million dollar tournament. As time permits me to review and post, I will do so. For now, it appears to be a completely elimination style tournament with 2 of 6 advancing from each table, wildcards for rounds 2 through semi-finals and standard shoe rules without extra payouts for blackjacks or 5 card charlies.

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2006
  4. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Millionaire Maker Rules

    As there have been several "revisions" to the rules for the Millionaire Maker Finals at Ceasars in August, I thought it best to just post them here on the message board rather than add/edit the Event posting. Below is an excerpt of the salient details from what I received from Harrahs earlier this week.

    24. Participants must register the night before the tournament during tournament registration, from 7PM - 10PM or during late registration Monday from 10am-11am. There will be approximately 300 participants.
    25. If the participant is not present at the blackjack tournament area at the start of his or her assigned time, they will be disqualified from the tournament.
    26. Seating: A random drawing at registration will determine player’s positions for tournament play.
    27. Format: Tournament play will consist of Round 1, Round 2, Quarter-Final Round, Semi-Final Round and the Final Round.
    28. Round 1: Round 1 will consist of eighteen (18) hands. The top two (2) players at each table (100 players) will advance to Round 2.
    29. A Wild Card Drawing will be conducted for twenty (20) additional players to advance to Round 2. See Rules below for Wild Card Drawing for details.
    30. Round 2: The 100 players who advanced from Round 1 and the 20 wild card winners will play in Round 2 (120 players total). Round 2 will consist of eighteen (18) hands with six (6) players at each table. The top two (2) players at each table (40 players) advance to the Quarter-Final Round.
    31. A Wild Card Drawing will be conducted for eight (8) additional players to advance to the Quarter-Final Round. See Rules below for Wild Card Drawing for details.
    32. Quarter-Final Round: The forty (40) players who advanced from Round 2 and the 8 wild card winners (48 players) will play in the Quarter-Final Round. The Quarter-Final Round will consist of eighteen (18) hands with six (6) players at each table. The top two (2) players from each table (16 players) advance to the Semi-Final Round.
    33. A Wild Card Drawing will be conducted for two (2) additional players to advance to the Semi-Final Round. See Rules below for Wild Card Drawing for details.
    34. Semi-Final Round: The 16 players who advanced from the Quarter-Final Round and the two (2) wild card winners will play in the Semi-Final Round. The Semi-Final Round will consist of eighteen (18) hands with six (6) players at each table. In the Semi-Final Round, the top two (2) players from each table will advance to the Final Round.
    35. Final Round: The Final Round will consist of six (6) players. No wild card entrants will be included in this Final Round.
    36. Each player will be issued $20,000 in tournament chips at the start of each round. Round winnings do not carry over to the next round.
    37. Shuffle: Dealer will shuffle and cut a 6-deck shoe at the start of each round.
    38. Dealing Procedures: All cards will be dealt face up. Tournament will be dealt with a rotating first base. First base at the beginning of play will be determined by a roll of a die by the dealer. First base will rotate clockwise.
    39. Minimum and Maximum Bets: The minimum bet is $100 and the maximum bet is $5,000. All bets must be in increments of $100. In the event a player loses everything prior to the end of the round, or has less than $100, they will receive a score of 0 and leave the game.
    40. Each player will have 10-seconds to make their bet. Otherwise, their bet will be $100. Each player must play every hand.
    41. Betting rotation will be in conjunction with the first base rotation. Once the bet is made and contact is broken, regardless of rotation, .the bet cannot be changed and is considered final
    42. At the end of 17 hands, the dollar amount for each player will be tallied and announced. Once each Player’s dollar amounts are known, the game will proceed with the 18th and final hand.
    43. Shoe Rules Apply: Split any pair up to 3 times. Players may double down on any 2 cards. They may double down on any 2 cards after the split. Aces may be split only once and may receive one (1) card per ace.
    44. Table Assignment Changes: Harrah’s reserves the right to reassign a player or players to another table to ensure an even number of players at each table.
    45. The Tournament Director will decide all disputes. The Tournament Director’s decisions are final.
    46. Wild Card Eligibility: Any participant eliminated from any previous round is eligible for all wild card drawings. Disqualified participants are not eligible for any wild card drawings.
    47. Must be present to claim Wild Card Seat. Wild card winners will have 60 seconds to claim their Wild Card Seat. If the wild card winner is not identified in the time allotted, an alternate entry will be selected. Drawings will continue until all Wild Card Participants have been selected. It is the responsibility of each participant to hear the announcements in the Tournament area at the time of the drawing.
    48. The top prize is $1,000,000 (annuity paid $50,000 per year for 20 years or lump sum option can be taken.) The lump sum option amount will be determined based on the discounted value of a twenty-year $1,000,000 payment on August 16, 2006, as provided for in Nevada Gaming Commission Regulation 5.115.) Winning odds: 1 in 300. Odds may change depending on number of participants.
    49. Grand Prizewinner will be allotted 30 days in which to decide upon form of first prize payment.
    50. The following cash prizes will be awarded to the following finishers:
     2nd Place - $25,000-winning odds: 1 in 300;
     3rd Place - $10,000 – winning odds: 1 in 300;
     4th Place - $7,500, – winning odds: 1 in 300;
     5th Place - $5,000 – winning odds: 1 in 300
     6th Place - $2,500 – winning odds: 1 in 300;
     The Semi-Final participants who do not advance to Final Round will receive $1000 -winning odds: 12 in 300;
     Quarter-Final participants who do not advance to Semi-Final Round will receive $500 – winning odds: 32 in 300.
    *Odds may change depending on number of participants.
    51. In the event of a tie at any table, a playoff will be held with the tied participants. Each will receive $5,000 in tournament chips and will play five (5) hands. If a playoff results in a tie, additional five-hand playoffs will occur until any ties are resolved. Example: Player A and Player B are tied for second place. If Player A wins the playoff, (s) he will be awarded second place and Player B will be awarded third place.
    52. All decisions regarding the interpretation of rules, eligibility, etc. for this tournament lie solely with Harrah’s, whose decisions are final.
    53. Harrah’s reserves the right to cancel, change or modify this tournament at any time, for any reason, subject to all applicable regulatory approval, provided that such modification shall not, as of the date of such modification, materially alter or change any participant’s prize already awarded.

  5. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    thanks, chips. the additional information is most helpful. I have been trying to devise a strategy for accumulation. Now that I know it is elimination, that makes all the difference. looks like 2nd place is down considerably (from $75,000) and third also took a big hit (from $25,000) Thanks again. Frank:)
  6. Luckyone

    Luckyone New Member

    Is anyone else visiting here going from Grand-Tunica?
  7. carburpo

    carburpo New Member

    See you at Caesars

    So now that the qualifiers for Harrah's MM are all said and done how many from this great board are going to be at Caesar's for the finals the 13th-16th?
  8. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    I'll be there, but not in the tournament. Just started my tournament life this year and was out of the country during the last qualifying event.:flame:

    See if take any more vacations...
  9. I think the linup includes
    Chips McCoy
    Counselor Lee's Husband
    Lucky One

    There may be others. I know of one other person I see every week at the Pearl River weekly who is going based on his 3rd place finish at Sheraton Tunica.
    His name is Michael and is from Tuscaloosa.
  10. Luckyone

    Luckyone New Member

    Lets Rock and Rolllllllll.

    The time has come.
    4 leaf clovers and horseshoe over the shoulder time!!!!

    See Ya Soon.

    (J. Wilson)
  11. Luckyone

    Luckyone New Member

    I am up and packing and making final arrangements to leave!!
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    To all you members traveling to Vegas for the Millionair Tourney Best of Luck.

    It would be great to hear that you all wind up at the final table.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Best of luck to the Harrah's qualifiers next week.

    Good luck everybody playing in next weeks Harrah's Millionaire maker blackjack tournament at Ceasars Palace, Las Vegas.

    Hopefully all the BJT.com group will advance deep into the event and even the finals.
  14. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    fgk42 and Textournplayer

    Thanks for the well wishes on behalf of all of us. Am already here Registration is Sunday night and play is Monday and Tuesday.


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