I won't be the next Hilton Millionaire

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by KenSmith, May 10, 2005.

  1. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    I and many others in Las Vegas this week will miss you.

    Best wishes to you and your family.
  2. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    Family is most important

    Sometimes in our life we're forced to make a serious CHOICE. Those decisions are based on our priorities and values. No doubt - your choice is the best.
    Speedy recovery to your Dad and best wishes to all your family.

    Arlalik & Tirle
  3. vickic

    vickic New Member

    My dad went through this a few years ago and he's better than ever now. I hope your dad has the same outcome. Our thoughts will be with you.
  4. E1010

    E1010 Member


    You and your brother Have made very good decision, this is the time that family matters are most important.Hopefully your father will do very well and you will participate in many future tournaments .
  5. Street1

    Street1 New Member

    You can't put a price on family

    What a selfless decision the two of you have made. The dollars will come and go but family is forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :)
  6. kennye

    kennye New Member


    I just wanted to drop a note and say my thoughts are with you and the family. Family comes first, Blackjack will be around forever, there will be many more great times we will all share with you on the tournament trail.Health is more important that anything else in this world. Again, I wish only great health for your dad and your family.

    Kenny E.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks for the outpouring of support

    Wow, what an awesome community! Thanks to all of you for the thoughts and prayers for my family.

    Now, an update: Dad actually had to be taken into surgery a few hours ahead of schedule on Thursday, but after an almost 7 hour surgery he's doing quite well. He ended up with a total of 3 bypasses and a mitral valve replacement. At the moment he's still on the respirator in ICU but everything is going as planned. The surgeon was pleased with how the procedure went, and now we can start the recovery process.

    Thanks again, and I'll keep you all up to date.
  8. Kalex21

    Kalex21 New Member

    Ken, it's wonderful to hear that the procedure went so well. With the support of your family I'm certain that your dad will have the strength to come out of this with flying colors. My best to you and yours.
  9. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Happy that the procedure went well

    I applaud your selfless action and am happy your father's procedure went so well. My father had the same procedure and he came out better than ever. Everyone will miss you in Vegas.
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    An update

    Keeping all of you up to date, the news is all good.
    Dad was released from the hospital today in great shape. After a few weeks of recovery I'm sure he'll be better than ever.

    I'm truly amazed at the short recovery cycle after major surgery. Medical technology is a remarkable thing.

    Now let's hope the Million Dollar event gets picked up somewhere else. I have some unfinished business in that area. :D
  11. applejack

    applejack Member

    Ken...I trust your dad is on the road to recovery and I wish you and your family well. Hope to see you on the "trail" real soon.
  12. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Ken, I didn't hear about your dad until after I left for the Hilton. You and your dad's health were the topic of conversation at every event. Hearing the news of his sucessful surgery was a lift for all of us. I'm sure you and your brother being there for your dad was worth more than a million dollars to him.
    Hope his sucessful recovery continues.
  13. goutman4ever

    goutman4ever New Member

    I was happy to find out that your dad is on the recovery. Been keeping you in our thoughts since we heard about the situation. You're definitely a special man with his priorities in the right place!

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