Ignace roll call-Ya Ho!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, May 23, 2008.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Good luck to all my midwestern friends playing in this tourney. MN RN seems to be the "Tiger Woods" of tourney BJ in the midwest right now (can't bet against her) but it's a strong field with her better half, LeftNut, Monkey System, Dan Mayo and many other good players participating.
    Hope someone posts results next week!
    I shouldn't have mentioned names above because I just realized that I left "BJ Sweetie" out and she's always a presence, also. No doubt, I'm forgetting other tough players that will be there.

    Billy C
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    St. Ignace this month won't be the same without you BillyC...
  3. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Back from U.P.

    Great to see all those that made it again, was another great get away weekend for me.

    BJ News Headline: "Dan Mayo's latest student makes the final table in only his third tournament play!"

    Turns out my brother-in-law had a better run at it than I did. He ended up making the final table and finishing 5th from a field of 135.

    For me, I got swung on the final hand of the 1st round to loose BR2 (BR1 had a big lock on 1st - 2 advanced). On my re-buy round I ended up staying in the hunt until hand 34 when I made a $350 bet to take BR2 and lost, It was downhill from there and I busted out at about hand 39 of 42.

    There was a lot of great play going on between Monkey and LeftNut and also other great demonstrations of BJ Tourney play from thier other halves too.

    There was also a surprise finish from the Minnesota contingent (or maybe not so from what I hear), but I'll leave it to others to post details on their play and results. I'm sure they remember more facts than I from their play.

    Already looking forward to October!.

  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    The Other Halves

    The other halves, TwinCitiesRN, Angelrun and MrsMonkey, got the best of it. MrsMonkey advanced in the first level from a table she shared with LeftNut. In the quarterfinal Sunday morning she got run over when the dealer started busting and dumping chips hand after hand. TwinCitiesRN and Angelrun also advanced in their first tries, leaving us guys in the dust (though Schultzy advanced in his first try and saved us guys from a totally clean sweep.) "Women RULE!" could be heard halfway through the casino! :D

    LeftNut advanced in his rebuy try in a table where he and I were seated next to each other. I got swung on the last hand by the lady on my right with only three of us still in contention and two advancing. Lefty got BJ on the last hand.

    Lefty and Angel continued their impressive run of success in BJT's by advancing again from the quarterfinals to the semis. Lefty successfully doubled down on 17, then bested a weaker player in a tiebreaker to win his table. Angel got out to a big lead and showed a lot of savvy with correlation betting, successfully protecting this lead and advancing.

    In his semifinal Lefty couldn't catch the cards when he made his run at the leader. In her semifinal Angel had a lead of nearly two max bets on the last hand and made a great bet that forced BR2 to win a double down while she lost or pushed. Unfortunately this bad beat is exactly what happened when she busted 16 against dealer 10 twice in row using her power chip, while BR2 doubled eleven and caught the face to beat the dealer twenty.

    Jonny21 was on a quarterfinal table in which the two winners eventually increased their bankrolls by fifteen and fourteen max bets respectively, with everyone else nipping at their heels. This table cleared four chip trays of $500 max bet chips! :eek: The tournament folks said they'd never seen totals like this before.

    We'll need to get the rundown from Schultzy on how his and RN's games went down. ;) Would anyone else like to share their experiences in this tournament with us?

    A bit of interesting side action was out in the parking lot outside the door in the tournament area. Someone had a couch in the back of their pickup and must've decided to stop at the casino while hauling it. The weather was nice but he forgot to account for greedy crows, which tore the stuffing out of it. :eek: Bummer for him, let's hope the machines were kinder than mother nature in this casino stop. :(
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Yep, the prophet had spoken. MrsMonkey slapped me around but good on the first round table. It didn't help that my power-chip aided two shots at improving a last hand stiff both whiffed. :laugh:

    First of all, congratulations to DanMayo's brother-in-law for making the final table!!!!

    This was definitely the ladies turn to shine. TwinCitiesRN, Angelrun (Deb), and MrsMonkey all advanced on their first round tables. Monkeysystem, Dan Mayo, and myself all had to rebuy, and I was the only one of that group to get by it - with the help of another miracle last-hand BJ. Deb amazed me once again, she's getting the hang of this pretty good. A seriously bad beat sent her to the rail at Winstar just short of the cash line on the previous weekend, and it happened again at Ignace. It's damn tough for a rookie to endure something like that twice in a row, but she's a trooper and isn't giving up.

    It was excellent to see so many BJ friends there again - the Monkeys, DanMayo, Schultzy andTwinCitiesRN, and to meet new ones such as Jonny21 who had to endure being knocked out even though he more than quintupled his starting chip stack. Ouch!

    If I get ambitious, I'll post a teaser sometime soon related to the last hand in that tiebreaker playoff.
    My opponent made a most unfortunate bet and it cost him dearly.
  6. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Indeed it does

    sound as if it the GNW hosted a major-shootout of BJT greats! :)

    Thank you Dan, Monkey and Leftnut for the run down of the highlights, amazing:D

    Again Ignace has proven to have the finest BJ Tourney in the World! :cool:

    How did Tony Soprano do? I understand he was invited to the parking lot for the real thing:eek:

    Besides Dan's student, who else made the final table...and who won?

    Were the regular tables as busy as ever with everyone trying to get in their 2 hours?

    Anyone score big on VP? Did you all get together for a party on Saturday?

    Thanks for the info.

  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Can't help you with this one, CP. We didn't hear of any parking lot action other than watching that crow rip the hell out of the sofa in the back of that guy's pickup truck. Felt bad for the guy, but it really was rather funny to watch. :p
    Can't help you with this one either, as we took off shortly after we both lost in the semi-final round.
    BJ tables were quite busy on Saturday night as usual, but Ignace made a welcome change to the requirements for play needed to cash in the $30 voucher. 2 hours of table play was still needed, but they added in the choice of earning 150 points for any machine play. At $4 coin-in = 1 point, it only took about 15 minutes to cover the 150 points on those dollar JoB's.
    We got pounded again on the VP and heard of nobody hitting anything great. The party didn't happen on Saturday night, as was the case before, caused by the large percentage of our BJT.com friends making it to Sunday morning's second round.

    On a related note, we talked to DeAnn about the alleged play requirements to "earn" the ability to enter the next BJT. Sounds like the same as what was needed to redeem the $30 voucher. Entries were down rather significantly from the previous event, I heard 133 total entries plus about 60 rebuys. I have a feeling they won't be pushing the issue of previous play too hard. Price of gas certainly had something to do with it, sure hope this isn't a trend as the Ignace BJT is an excellent event and our only chance to meet up with our BJ friends without involving a plane ticket.
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Leftnut, thanks for the info. At the last BJ tourney I did a few weeks ago we were playing the quarter JOB and it was going off like crazy. I think my wife is pretty lucky at those machines, she has a trainer software she uses at home and with her Masters in Math and being a Math teacher puts it to good use on the JOB..... if she would only let me teach her AP BJ .

    Johnny21 did you go to Hessel?

  9. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Weekend Re-cap

    It was great to see everyone at the Ignace tourney. It sure was fun watching Monkey and LeftNut battle it out. They had alot of fun jabbing back and forth. Watching the "Nut" and AngelRun play makes you wonder what they would do if they played in live tourney's on a regular basis. :eek:
    The highlight of our trip was bringing along 85-year old Alf Lee. He is a regular in the Minnesota and Wisconsin tourney's, and has been going to Vegas since 1949!! In his first round match, he had two other Minnesota tourney vets at his table. He lost a couple of big bets early and found himself in last place with only $400, but he kept fighting and eventually won the table with over $4,000!
    He advanced in two more rounds and made the finals! At the final table he made his move at hand 33 with a max bet ($500). He had a 10 against the dealer 4, doubled-down and caught a weak card, but used his power chip and pulled a 10! It didn't last long though as the dealer turned to a 21 and cleaned the table. He couldn't recover from the $1,000 loss and ended up in 6th place.
    Not sure who won the tourney, but I can report that he had about 4-5 blackjacks early, got a big lead and nobody could catch him.
  10. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    One Name you Know....


    First was taken by Richard (Dick) Light, he's another guy that comes up from the Toledo area and works at the same hospital as I do. Turns out that he could do no wrong. I think I counted 6 Blackjacks that he got during his final table appearance. I don't think he is a real stong player but he had a great run of cards and I say good for him for he lost his wife a few months ago.

    Second was taken by Pete Jr.. He had an amazing max bet split that put him in solid second around hand 35.


    Fourth actually was Jim, my brother in law. I think I stated 5th above.

    Fifth (?) the only gal at the table

    Sixth - Alf, Schultzy and MNRN's friend

    Seventh - Another guy I did not know that broke out around hand 25?

    See you in October,
  11. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Thanks Dan

    for the info.

    Pete Jr. won 1st a couple of years ago and now this 2nd, very good for him.

    There was a great amount of skilled players at Ignace and maybe this will become a tourney that will begin to pull players from around the country. leftnut and Monkey come to mind as great BJT celebritys that honor Ignace with their presence, among others. We also have the highly skilled and colorfull Schultzy and his crew:cool:, again among others. Let us not forget Mayo and the Ohioites.:eek:

    I am waiting for someone to write a book about there tourney experiences, sure it would be very interesting with all the different characters that are involved in tourney play.

    I wonder if Ignace would consider a $50,000 tourney once a year with of course a bigger package cost? Maybe someone will bring up the subject with them. Probably a package price of $350 per player. They already host a $35,000 craps tourney at $275 a player package.


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