Ignace T-News

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not really that amazing. We BJTers tend to think we are so much better than the average Joe that we forget that ever present LUCK FACTOR and the rise in the average player's knowledge. The average player at St. Ignace has gained a certain amount of knowledge over the years. Not necessarily a lot but some. So the average is now higher and the seasoned player has dropped down closer to the average. Combine that with that ever present luck factor and WALLAH - the seasoned player no longer has as great of an advantage as originally thought. Yes, Billy C is right, "GET LUCKY". Sad but true. :(

    The other thing to consider is that many BJT.com members do not actively post here and prefer to remain anonymous in tournaments. So you very well may be competing against a very seasoned player and not even know it - especially if that person is using effective camouflage. :eek:
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  2. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    I hope we can all meet up, Tool Man Too, and celebrate Angels 25th ;) B DAY!!! And her favorite flavor of cake?


    :celebrate::birthday: :band:

  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not likely. Actually 0 (as in zero or nada) chance. St Ignace is now a de facto "invite only". Since I have not played there for years I'm locked out. Only those who have mastered the art of "getting invites" will continue to play. To those I say GOOD CARDS TO YOU.
  4. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    If in the event you cannot play you can still come to the B-Day Party and play some fine games and go to the Island for that Fudge Waffle :cool:

  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Fudge Waffle?

    If you go to the island I recommend shopping at the store called Monkey Business. :cool: Lots of excellent monkey apparel...:D
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Details for next Ignace tournament

    I'm hoping somebody knowing the details of August 21-23 event will make a calendar post for it. Is this their occasional "pitch event" (cards down) or their more frequent 4 deck shoe event?
    Also the purse breakdown. Total is 30k, all guaranteed with 12k for first but I'm not sure how it goes on down.
    I believe this to be accurate info but feel free to dispute and make a complete calendar post if you can.
    Thank you!

    Billy C
  7. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Best Guesses

    The calendar post I made for this event is VERY close if not exactly accurate.
    Some might question if it's an "open" event but the truth is it's somewhere in the area between open and invitational (closer to open in my opinion).

    Billy C
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    This is indeed their once a year "pitch" tournament. They also have two yearly four deck shoe events. I wasn't sure when I added it to the calendar, thus the clarification.
    Seems like the rules are all the same but there was an issue about "tucking" a BJ (or was it tucking a busted hand) at one of the more recent pitch tourneys. Lefty or another regular can hopefully expand on that because I don't remember exactly how it went.

    Billy C
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    You're probably remembering how pissed off I was that one must reveal a BJ but can tuck almost anything else. It cost me advancing to the semi's to obey a silly and unfair rule. Doubtful that they've changed it although that sure would be a nice surprise.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Expose Blackjack's is normal rule of thumb

    On games dealt face down (pitch game) having to flip a blackjack or DD should be covered in the rules. I've seen several tournaments, where a player is dealt down a BJ is not exposed when it comes to your time to play it play's out as a 21 without the additional payout. The Stardust and New Frontier had these rules, but they were also live money events. If this wasn't covered then it should still pay the additional payout of a blackjack.

    For most tournaments playing a pitch game this is common practice. It isn't unfair to make a player expose a hand that will or may have additional payout involved. This is just one reason why all tournaments should have posted rules and why all players should read and know the rules.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I don't remember for sure if it was covered in the rules, think it was not. The problem was that some dealers were enforcing it, some weren't, even the tournament staff couldn't agree on it.

    Whether it has been done that way in the past doesn't make it right. Just because you got the best hand possible shouldn't mean that you should have to show everyone. Imagine if the WSOP demanded that you had to reveal your cards once your hand reached a certain rank! It gives an hideously unfair advantage to those acting later who don't have to reveal their cards.
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    What tourney venues allow "tucking" BJs? I don't recall ever seeing that allowance so I would say their rule is the norm and not an exception.

    Billy C
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I have no idea - but I also think we've been down this road here before! :D

    The problem wasn't so much the existence of a silly, unfair rule that is only there because That's The Way It's Always Been Done. The problem was the indecision by the tournament staff over the rule. On my first table in that event, we were allowed to tuck BJ's. On the second one, we could - then we couldn't - then we could - then we couldn't. Geez.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Tucking BJ

    Imperial Palace, Vegas, allowed tucking BJ in their double deck pitch to the bottom of the deck tourneys. An added value to an already valuable game. Though, as I recall from a couple of them, it was a good idea to confirm it(the tuck) ahead of time.
  15. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Two Bananas Worth

    In a pitch tournament I prefer the rule that you have to expose a BJ on your turn and not tuck it. My reason is that the automatic outsized payout on BJ's is a big luck factor in blackjack tournaments. Anything that mitigates that particular luck factor is a good thing for seasoned players. Opponents' early knowledge of the lucky BJ on the table mitigates that luck factor, so it's good for seasoned players.
  16. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I agree that that kind of ambiguity would not be acceptable. Having only three tourneys per year could be the reason, I guess.

    Billy C
  17. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Sold Out

    Just got word that St. Ignace Blackjack Blowout is sold out. They're taking names to be put on a waiting list.

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