Jumping Jacks $50,000 Blackjack Tournament - Westgate Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by The_Professional, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OOPS. Obviously I didn't know about that change. Thanks for the update!
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    I was never notified either, I heard about it from Jonny. So I called and confirmed it and asked for my refund. I wonder when they were planning to notify those of us who signed up and paid? I was going to be in Vegas anyway for my nephew's high school graduation so this abrupt cancellation didn't hurt as bad as it could have. I too had non refundable flight tickets. I'm planning on playing a couple of weekly ones in between family stuff as long as I'm in town.
  3. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

    Based on my impression of Westgate on my last trip, I am almost confident that their plan is to notify guests of tournament cancellation as they check at the front desk.
  4. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    Wow, that's not right!!! Has anyone actually been notified yet? I found out from Jonny 21 via Billy C, but nothing from Westgate yet.
  5. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    I just called Westgate today. I got no excuse and no remorse in regard to the cancelled tournament. As of today, I hadn't received a call letting me know of cancellation and no refund. I asked if they intended to inform folks and the guy said he thought they were supposed to..... I don't know when, it's been cancelled for three weeks. He said it might take up to 2-4 weeks for credit to appear on my card. I would recommend calling them to get credit for cancelled tourney as they are dragging their feet.
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    It's a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. On the same day that one of their people told me it was cancelled, another member of this site was assured that it was still going to happen. Terrible customer relations by Westgate!
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    To the pros reply. Speculate all. You go to check in unaware of the cancellation. What do they offer you for your $279.00. They are promoting $35 a night stays with(of course) not so obvious $22 a night resort fee.
  8. The_Professional

    The_Professional Active Member

    My speculation. They will refund a portion (for the tournament) upon check in and a semi-sincere apology.
  9. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    If you payed with a credit card simply deny all charges via a call to your CC bank. There's no reason to settle for a partial or portion refund at check-in, your entry payment included comped lodging according to your posts. When the event was canceled the lodging cost charged should also be canceled and refunded.

    If you buy a shirt from Macy's online and it's out of stock and the order canceled, you'd certainly bitch about paying shipping costs for the non-shipped shirt.

    Your payment included the complete package (tournament entry and lodging), why would you settle for a partial (portion) refund and a semi-sincere apology?
    noman and LeftNut like this.
  10. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Here in Cheeseheadland we call that a bait and switch. I wonder if the Nevada Gaming Commission would approve...
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  11. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    I got my refund this past week. I'm guessing the only way you do is if you call and request it. That's complete garbage if they don't call everyone ahead of time and let them know the tourney is cancelled. This should have happened within days of making the decision to cancel.
    Bait and switch is right Monkey....

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