King of Vegas

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    When is A-10 really A-6

    How about when they showed her hand as being A-10 suited and all in and when she turns it over it was A-6 unsuited.I think the first one out should have won the Million.Sad real sad.:joker:
  2. Shelly

    Shelly New Member

    I agree with everyone here. Terrible, terrible show. I absolutely cannot stand that Max Kellerman guy, he's stupid on the Tucker Carlson show on MSNBC and he sucked on the King of Vegas too. I couldn't believe I sat thru the whole thing. I just kept thinking, this has got to get better. I could have been SLEEPING. lol But, to be honest, you know I'll be sitting there next episode thinking.......this has got to get better!
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    It don't get no better than this


    Don't kid yourself. The stage has been set. The players are in place. The commentators, well those guys, will not change. It won't get any better and wishing won't make it so. Get those ZZZs. You can then do something more productive with the extra sleep. After all, you're not learning anything and it's certainly not entertaining.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2006
  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    As much as I hate to admit it is the truth, at this point in time blackjack and premier BJ players (Pros) are basically unknown to the general populace, which is the audience shows like the "King of Vegas" is produced for. I agree a knowledgeable or even a casual player can poke many holes in the show aired this week but remember we that understand gaming and know players to any extent are a very small percentage of the viewing audience. I know the arguement is the show was confusing to knowledgeable players which it was but I believe any exposure is better than none to the casual viewing audience. I would bet less than 5% of the viewing audience know who KennyE or Hollywood are but hopefully in a years time with the exposure of what we consider bad shows that % will increase to include many others.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2006
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    A little clearification

    I don't remember the exact words the commentator made at the opening of the show but it was something like "to find the best gambler in Las Vegas". With the contestants they have, they precluded themselves from fulfilling that goal before the contest began - no offense to Ken and Dave.

    I personally tuned in to be entertained. I did not expect to learn anything new. Instead, I end up watching a group of people, who on the whole, know as much about gambling as I know about fishing. Fishing, you hold the fishing pole with the reel toward the water, right?:laugh:

    The program was just dumb, that's the long and short of it. The segment on BJ in particular does not portray our game in any flattering manner. Gambling in general and BJ in particular will do much better without mockeries like this show. In the words from the old TV program LAUGH IN - "AND THAT'S THE TRUTH"
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    TV BlackJack

    If it's any consolation to all who have been hoping for an explosive 2006 in the Black Jack of the sports shows, pre-playoff games, last weekend had interview with one of the super stars from a team that was eliminated. He held a big party and over in one section of his mansion he was running black jack games for the guests.

    His explanation to the host talkers was that Black Jack was the new thing. Gonna over take poker.

    Now I know this is short on specifics, and only a gist of what was presented and I heard during my in an out slumber. But if now a sports guy starts talkin BJ, with all the other ground work, by the inside community, then as Rookie said about exposure, it's on a roll.

    Those prepared for the opportunity when it presents itself won't have to worry about how long or when they finally make tv they should have the advantage.
  7. toonces

    toonces Member

    Look, I know to are trying to get a show that seems to cater to the masses (or more appropriately, the Spike TV audience), but the mistake that this show seems to have made is that noone has a tournament expert background. Wayne Allen Root is a Sports tout, and doesn't have any insight as to what the players are doing. Since I remember watching TV, a competition needs to have a play-by-play guy (I don't see Max as any worse than most), but needs a color commentator as well to give perspective and insight. The only modern show I can think that didn't follow this model was Battlebots, but that's excusible since watching the bots beat each other up was pretty entertaining on its own.
  8. Ebony Princess

    Ebony Princess New Member

    Who is this guy?

    by Richard "Quiet Lion" Brodie (comments on King of Vegas)

    Now this is a real gambling show. They've taken Survivor and transplanted it to the floor of Bally's Las Vegas.

    They selected a nice variety of players: the telegenic (professional poker players Evelyn Ng and David Williams), the boisterous (Mike "The Mouth" Matusow and the equally mouthy "Hollywood" Dave Stann), the accomplished (Sports bettor Wayne Allyn Root and World Series of Blackjack champion Ken Einiger, and the hopeful (most of the rest of the field).

    I liked the format and the banter, with Mike the Mouth rightly confident of his Hold 'Em advantage and Hollywood Dave verbalizing his calculations and watching as his supposedly optimal strategy got no love from Lady Luck's cold embrace.

    All the players used different strategies, most of them sub-optimal, but I liked Mike's theory. He didn't mind gambling it up in the table games because if he lost, he was confident of his big advantage in short-handed Texas Hold 'Em. I didn't quite understand the rules of the poker round. For some reason, after one player got eliminated from the table, the player who did the eliminating seemed to get a free pass and left the table. That could lead to some odd situations in multi-way pots if that is indeed the rule.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2006
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Wayne Allen Root

    Toonces, Wayne Root owns the show! So he can pretty much do whatever he wants....LOL.

    If I can get on the show next season I wouldn't mined him doing play by play at all and if I won the million I wouldn't want any changes....LOL
  10. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    If I remember right, they had to double up to 20,000 chips. Then they got the pass.
  11. toonces

    toonces Member

    I think that that was a pretty fair way to run a 4-person poker tournament where 2 advance. Without this rule, you get a situation that is unrealistic poker where BR2 refuses to get into a confrontation since BR1 can bust him. If the chip count is 25000, 12000, 3000 it seems that making the 12000 and 3000 fight it out is both more fair and makes for better TV then seeing who the 25000 stack can eliminate first.
  12. Ebony Princess

    Ebony Princess New Member

    Badboy got game

    Thanks Meatwad and Toonces for the clarifications on the poker round.

    Wow! Props to Hollywood on that wickedly, intense blackjack round last night. As a tv viewer and learner of blackjack, it was a string of well thought-out plays, especially with all the distractions. By the way, that Chainsaw guy is wacked. Hollywood is way cuter and a much better actor than the original Pee Wee Herman:D

    To get into the top three, the calculated bet served its purpose, until Chainsaw went all in and got a blackjack, then the size of the bet wasn’t quite enough. Holly D was dealt two 10’s, then split with an Ace on one and 5 on the other -- but probably knowing that 15 was unlikely to win, doubled on the 21 (treating it as an 11), correct? ... and got another face card for 21. Priceless!

    Congrats again boys (Kenny and Hollywood) for advancing. Smooches!
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Last night was more fun to watch, though the production still had lots of mistakes. Did anyone else notice when Jerry was drawing dead and the screen showed a 9% chance of him still winning the pot?

    And whoa, was that craps commentary worthless or what?

    At least the greasy casino exec is outta there. Continued good luck to KE and HD!
  14. Shelly

    Shelly New Member

    It got better! lol

    Just watched King of Vegas on my DVR...yes I slept Tues. night :) I thought it got a little better. I absolutely LOVED watching Jerry beat Todd at Hold em' ! How cute was that? I agree about the production quality...I think someone with Parkinsons was holding the cameras. Congrats Hollywood and Ken! Till next episode.........
  15. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Dealer Tells

    Thanks for the love, y'all... next week gets even crazier, especially between Chainsaw & i. I have a big meltdown in the episode and basically go off on him for belittling the math and the strategy behind the game, then turn on the audience & give them encouragement to go out, read some books, get educated & learn how to break the casinos, too. We'll see if Harrah's lets them keep THAT footage in!

    Also, i'm glad they created the 'dealer tells' segment during the show last night. Since i've been fortunate enough to work on a lot of televised tournaments now, one of the big advantages you can get is learning to read your dealer when he/she looks for blackjack under a face card to determine if she has a made hand or not. Since the dealers they use for these shows are generally younger (for TV purposes) and pulled directly out of a casino, most have never worked a blackjack table without the electronic 'peeker' device that eliminates the need for them to ever look at their actual hole card. Certain dealers, like at the 2nd WSoB, were still pretty tough to accurately read -- but during KoV, i had the blessing of playing blackjack against somebody who could not hide a single hole card from me. Although they won't show many of these hands, it got pretty ridiculous -- i was reading her with an incredible 90% accuracy. Eventually the producers instructed her to not talk to or make eye contact with me after she had peeked until after i waved off. Just like a casino -- trying to eliminate the edge the smarter players have by bringing them down to the level of others who do not share the same knowledge! ;)

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2006
  16. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    I really enjoyed the blackjack hand where Todd was dealt AA, hit with a 9. The commentator said "Todd hits to 11." Todd takes another hit. Gets a face card and the commentator says... "...and makes 21!"


    The poker hand analysis % numbers were completely off about 75% of the time, including having 3 times where the river card was dealt out, and one player (somehow) still had a chance to make a better hand.
  17. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    ...or when they called his hand a "soft 12" ...!

    he didn't have enough money left to split, but definately made the bonehead play of the year hitting his A-A-9! Ah well, the casino executive got what was comin' to him...

  18. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Post Production

    Calling it a soft 12 was the only thing that they got right !! Who is in charge of the post production there :joker:
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I missed the first 45 minutes last night. All I really saw was the casino executive getting knocked off the show.

    I am confused with the last few posts?

    Your telling me a expert gambler hit a A-A-9 = 21?

    And is this the hand you are saying was a soft 12 Joep or another one?

    If it was this one it was a soft 11 or 21, not soft 12.

    If this is the hand, Joep must have looked at it wrong because he wouldn't miss call that hand.
  20. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    The dealer announced "soft 12" when he was dealt his AA. Then said "11" when he got his 9, and then said "21" when he got the face card.

    I think announcing soft 12 on AA is a little unusual, but not incorrect. The play of the hand and announcements after that were an abomination. Having said that, they probably said it was an "11" because they knew he was going to hit and didn't want to say how incredibly bad the guy played his hand.

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