Las Vegas Hilton get-together

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by esposo, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. tahoewolf

    tahoewolf New Member

    I'll be there too

    An infrequent visit from tahoewolf. I'll be there.

    Will be catching both Sam's Town and the Hilton tournaments this week. Looking forward to renewing some "old" acquaintances.

  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

  3. esposo

    esposo New Member

    LV Hilton Meet-Up, etc.

    Darryl, Tx, Chips, Maria, Joe, Thrasht, Rookie, et. al.:

    It was a blast meeting everyone, even though I lost my streak of 5 or 6 straight tournaments in which I cashed a prize. I'm particularly impressed that Chips was able to squeeze the "meet and greet" into his hectic schedule!:laugh:

    I'm looking forward to seeing the crew again at the next event that I'm in.

    Steve ("esposo")

    P.S.: Of course, that depends upon the availability of my designated driver and 25 cent BJ machine player, Mr. Garfield.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    If the vino is flowing :cheers: Chips hectic schedule becomes secondary .It was a pleasure meeting you also .I do have one question .How do I get a driver at my side 24 hours a day like you have ?
  5. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Get togethers

    It was indeed a pleasure to add to the already sterling circle of "tournament buddies" that I have had the honor to meet and network with over the past years. It is only because of my "anal/compulsive" project scheduling that I can indeed work in the extrinsic social aspects that are a most enjoyable part of this. Looking forward to seeing some of you again at the IP and meeting some new ones. I will always make time for events such as last Thursday night and what is "scheduled" for Friday week - with or without the red wine!


    This btw, was my 100th post on the site that has brought us all together - thanks again Ken
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Another Drink excuse for Chips

    Do you think that chips was pointing out his 100th post to us so that we may all have a drink over it on Friday night :cheers: .You know how much he likes to get juiced up before he hits the tables .He play better that way :laugh:
  7. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Say whatever you want to...

    Say whatever you want to....and I'll listen - as long as you are buying the drinks! BTW Joep, as an "Emperor's Card" holder at the IP, my drinks are free.

  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    A Toast for Explosions

    As a valued "Emperor's Card " member, since your drinks are free I vote that the drinks are on you .After all in 1 year your "Emperor's Card" will have the same value as your Starbust card :bomb: :laugh:
  9. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Why toast to explosions?

    First of all Joep, this may need to be posted over on the IP tourney get-together thread. And that is a most appropriate suggestion - as this site's most recent "senior member" - the drinks should be on me for all my tournament buds - and, I will glady include you too! I am confused a bit though - aren't you still welcome at the IP? Why toast to its demise? Let's hope that the card is good for a while! No published or inferred date for the end of the IP to my knowledge - 1 to 2 years though is what I am hearing. Their similar December tourney is still on the schedule.

  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Mr Chips and I do say that with the utmost respect as you are a newly crowned "Senior Member" to go along with your Emperor's title that you so proudly boast about.Are there any other titles that you have that you may want to share with us common folks.How you wear so many crowns without tipping over is a feat among itself.

    You have always had my respect in the past and this will continue in the future.If you ever need any help in carrying all your crowns around let me know there is a cowboy I know from Texas that has nothing to do except cause trouble.This new job may keep him occupied and out of causing all sorts of trouble for the members here.

    I look forward to toasting your recent accomplishments on Friday evening.As far as wanting to see the demise of the IP you could not be any more incorrect.You see the IP is one of the last havens still standing for me.My comment was to let you know that if all goes as planned the IP Emperor's card will have the same value as the Starbust card. :bomb:

    The IP implosion will be a sad day for me as well as for you Mr.Emperor
  11. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Let's just toast to the fraternity!

    Joe - The title of your post that I replied to was "A Toast for Explosions" - plural and the tone of my post took your/those words at that face value. And it was confusing to me as I said. Below you said I "could not have been more incorrect" and went on to say what I did conclude in that post - from your numerous posts and radio show broadcasts (where you have not been the least bit bashful in naming the establishments that you have encountered "difficulties" with). I believe your post title was what was incorrect - not my reply to it. I am glad that you will be sad to see the end of the IP, as will I and many others, and that your post below infers that you agree and will not "toast" to its explosion (implosion).

    Speaking of which, just a technical conclusion in that as the IP strides the "Flamingo Wash", I don't think that an explosion/implosion is "in the cards" - likely if it is to be taken down, it will be "a stick at a time".

    I will be most happy to share other titles I have been given over the years with any who have an interest – perhaps at the IP reception. Regarding my ability of “not tipping over” I have publicly described my aspect ratio to those who don’t know me and for those that do, it is quite apparent that I have a “low center of gravity!

    I tell you what – although it will not otherwise occupy the time of cowboy from Texas to whom you refer, a much better idea would be for you to provide transportation for me (and the crowns of which you speak) on 07 APR from McCarran International Airport to the aforementioned venue as I will be arriving shortly before the appointed meeting hour. That would maximize the chance that I will be there in time to perform what I have indicated I would. If you Sir, as an “Executive Member” are amenable to providing such a service to such a young “Senior Member”, I would be most grateful and will convey to you by Private Message, the specifics of my arrival details.

    On the topic of the ultimate value of my Emperor’s Card, I feel quite confident that the new owners of the IP will just fold it into my Seven Stars card/status with them, so that in effect, it will have value. It has also been indicated to me that similarly, my Chairman’s Club card/status will be transferred to another Boyd property. If the above indeed comes to pass, you will be correct in a qualitative sense – they will both have the same relative value – just not the one that you imply!

    As I said initially, the drinks are on me and I will be proud to buy yours that evening – no vote is necessary. Still most anxiously looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.


    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Long Live The King

    Wow !! I would think that a man with as many titles and crowns as you have would not have the time to respond to my response .But you seem to be a man of principle or did you not have anyone to toast with tonight or no scheduled induction into another one of high society clubs that you so proudly mention in many of your recent post. I to have membership in very selected clubs and organizations but these very select clubs have no membership cards that require you to have on your person at all times. The gained entry to these meetings and social gatherings is just a very short list and its membership is for life with no cards needed.

    Your King Of Las Vegas clubs seem to be for 1 year at a time .I personally like organizations that selects its members on their overall performance and loyalty not on just what they did last trip. You see I have seen some of your so called "Kings" clubs where at times there are" broken down" cowboys that somehow have met the requirements for the last gaming quarter and now have brought the price of real estate down. You deserve better than this as you have always been a "Class Act" .You make mention of my "difficulties" with certain casino's I remind you the "difficulties" are all on the casinos side of the ledger I have no problem with them they seem to have a problem with me.

    As a Senior Member a title that you have just achieved to go along with your other titles actually requires you to pick up an Executive Member at the airport not be picked up. But to show that you that titles mean nothing to me and its what's inside a mans heart that counts I will be more than happy to pick you and all your crowns and robes up at Mc Carran airport and bring you to the IP so that you may call to order your meeting of all your knights and gladiators .

    Keep in mind that once the tournament starts all you crowns and titles and velvet robes will be of no help to you .You see there are no Christians that you can order fed to the lions for you enjoyment as you drink your wine with your queen by your side. Your knights and gladiators will need to stand behind the velvet ropes while a force higher than you decides your fate at the blackjack tournament table.

    If you are lucky enough to traverse you way through the many lion dens that are part of most blackjack tournaments and find yourself wearing yet another bright shinning pointed crown I will be the first to raise my glass for a toast to you .That is as long as you are buying :laugh:
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  13. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    To Toasts, Principles, Titles and Tourneys - long live the comradary!

    Ah Joe – you are indeed the “Master of Deflection” if you would allow me to take a page from your book and bestow a title upon your goodself. I must conclude that you have no further rhetoric on the original topics and points of contention on which I replied to you, as your most recent post below does not address them at all, but brings up other topics. I can only conclude that your “silence” on the aforementioned is indeed your “form of agreement” (but no doubt you will correct my perception if it is in error!).

    And for the record, I will always make time to respond to another who has principles – albeit they may differ from those of my own – I have been taught to judge a man by just that – adherence to a standard, and within reason, not the standard itself – similar to ISO or akin to the line “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. I did indeed have someone to toast with last night – I spent a most enjoyable evening celebrating at William B’s with one who was at the finals table at the Dust’s most recent tournament – immediately after which, I took the time to craft my previous post to which you have also taken the time and thought to reply to.

    I did mention but only two (not so “many” really) of the “high society” clubs (another of your choice of words) only in response as a counter to, and to shed perhaps a different interpretation on, your proposed ultimate value of the IP and Stardust cards – the specific detail was required to refute your original (and general) inferred premise as to their value – not unlike the detail that the prosecuting attorney, Kenneth Winston Starr deemed necessary to present in his (also successful) Bill Clinton/Lewinsky case!

    I am aware of the most select club that you are a member of – and of some I am genuinely and most jealous – others however are ones I hope I am never a member of(!), and some remind me of the classic Groucho Marks line!

    “King of Las Vegas” (again your title – and once again an attempt at “deflection” of the issues at hand) – be careful now – don’t want you to get involved in another trademark/patent issue(!) My tier status at the establishments I frequent come as a result of my play – they are not sought out or defined objectives. You say they “are good for a year at a time” but in your next sentence imply a much shorter (trip to trip) longevity. I agree with you whole heartedly that longevity/consistency/performance and loyalty is a much better measure and standard of a man’s (or woman’s) worth and respect. Again, when you say “your so called “Kings” clubs”, I am redundant in stating that was your phrase, not mine. But I do indeed thank you for your assessment that I am a “Class Act” and you feel that I deserve better than whatever tier level the gaming establishment has categorized me in.

    Your attitude towards the “difficulties” you have had with various casinos is indeed a noble one and I am glad that you don’t let it become “personal” and only view it as “business”. Your appropriate references to “The Godfather” in other posts are indeed warranted.

    I view my Senior Member status in a way similar to the tier status I have described above – it just came along with the posts that I have deemed warranted – analogous to the way tier status comes with play – neither were defined objectives. And again for the record, despite our relative differences in rank here, I would be proud and honored to pick you (or any of the brethren or “sisteren”) when ever you are on “my turf” – OKC or RNO.

    Your picking me up at McCarran International Friday week will indeed be an opportunity for me – not only for the logistical value I described previously but more so for the pleasure of your company – and, it should serve an example to all that even those that do have differences of opinion do indeed respect one another professionally. My arrival details will be conveyed to you forthwith.

    Regarding the IP tournament itself – I would have it no other way and completely agree. The kid gloves come off and past accomplishments or memberships mean nothing. While the comradery we all exhibit towards each other off the tables is second to none, it is all business at the table. In that “arena” I indeed view myself as “facing the lions” (and I think that is a most appropriate simile btw – well done old man! – an analogy worthy of myself) – as we all should, lest we become complacent and vulnerable. But, and not in anyway a contradiction to what he both believe and agree, a single, or limited number of tournaments is of very high variance and not indicative of the longevity/consistency/performance and loyalty by which we should measure any individual - including one's own self.

    Am looking forward to the battle! - and, a toast with you in any case no matter what the topic. The victory is always a bit sweeter when playing against skilled and worth opponents besides it improving one’s game – and I trust that you concur with me on this too. It always keeps my game sharp when “doing battle with you” – either on the green baize or trading posts!

    With both personal and professional regards from one with principles to another,

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  14. Faye

    Faye New Member

    IP Tournament

    Good luck to all you 'cubs'. Just to make it easier for you to win, this Lioness (former IP winner) won't be there.

  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Mystery Person

    Does anyone know who Faye is ?
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Of course, and you do as well Joe.
    Sorry we won't be seeing you Faye. Are you headed out of town?
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    M I A

    Ken that was my way of saying where have you been Faye :p
  18. Faye

    Faye New Member


    Yep, it's me and I love remaining a mystery to all.

    I'm playing in the blackjack invitational at the Golden Nugget (this being about the only blackjack tournament that I do anymore) and then over to Bellagio for the World Poker Challenges.
    I have found that poker tournaments are much more interesting, challenging, available and profitable than blackjack tournaments. All that and you don't have to give the casino any play.

    As always,
  19. Oh no!

    Senior Member Join Date: May 2004
    Location: OKC, OK
    Posts: 104

    Let's just toast to the fraternity!

    Not the fraternity issue again!

    Congratulations on your memberships.

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