
Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by marichal, May 12, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    TBJPA River Palms Sunday – May 13, 2007

    Well it’s not often that this recreational TBJ junkie gets to play in BJT – period. So imagine how I felt when I planned this latest weekend. I played in the UBT event on Saturday and the TBJPA event on Sunday.

    Now I didn’t have a chance to experience MOST of the TBJPA events, including the SNGs that were held. I wish that things could have happened differently but that fact is that I woke up late Sunday morning and didn’t even make it for the 1st round of Sunday morning’s event. Luck for me that I was able to participate in the first re-buy round.

    As this was my first trip to the River Palms I was expecting to have to search for the BJT. Nope. I found the tourney being held in a “pit” away from the main floor. Six tables, all full of players having a fun time.

    The organizer, our very own Rick Jensen, was very pleasant and professional. Registration was simple, straight forward and accomplished in less than 5 minutes. I had the opportunity to meet Henry Tamburin and was offered a free 3-month subscription to BJInsider. Go figure I just signed up 2 weeks ago!

    As I waited for my round to begin I had the opportunity to meet fellow players that I had met in Tunica. In addition there were several other members who I had only know from online and now was able to put faces to names. I WAS going to try and fly under the radar but someone blew my cover when they announced FGK42 just showed up!

    For my first table I did absolutely nothing to promote the notion that skill is more valuable than luck. In fact I turned on the luck magnet switch, plopped my bets into the circle and proceeded to have the dealer just give me pat hand after pat hand, mostly to the dismay of my fellow players. As this was my first experience with this format I learned several valuable lessons. More on that later.

    I advanced to the 2nd round and was seated right next to Barney Stone! It was a very friendly table and I just couldn’t convince him to DD on those 19’s against the dealer. But I have to thank him for daring me into betting those black chips as I once again turned on the luck magnet and accumulated a formidable lead which allowed me to advance to the semi-finals.

    At this point my luck ran out as well as my fuel cells. Since flying to Vegas I had been up way too long and the lack of sleep was taking its toll. I ran into a brick wall – namely another Fred and the St. Louis mafia who proceeded to “gun me down”. You would’ve thought I was playing in an EBJ tourney as early as I went down. Before I left there was a drawing and I won a 3 day 2 night stay at the River Palms. The list of prizes seemed to go on forever as most people got something.

    The dealers at the River Palms were very nice, professional and courteous. The pit manager/management (I believe his name was Dave) was very nice and went out of his way to make me feel welcomed.

    As I had bombed out and I was flying out of Vegas later that day I left before the final table was played. In retrospect I wish I had scheduled my flight for Monday and stayed at the River Palms as I heard there were additional SNG’s to be played.

    My overall impression was very favorable. While this has been the smallest BJT I have played in to date the level of competition was much more difficult that the other BJT’s that I have played. The TBJPA executive officer (Rick) did a very good job of organizing and keeping things running on schedule. The River Palms personnel were very accommodating and friendly.

    On a side note this was my 3rd BJT in 2 weeks. The first was over 300 people with a 299.00 buy-in. The 2nd was 36 people with a 540.00 buy in and this event was 33 people with a 205 buy-in. I managed to hit the semi-finals in all 3 events yet this was the only one in which I managed to take home something.

    The word is that the River Palms will be repeating this event sometime in August with a larger player pool, rumor has it around 80-100 players. My only concern is with that many players and the numerous rebuy opportunities a BJT may take the better part of the day. In addition with that many people Rick will have to have some administrative help. As it currently exists Rick was able to handle everything in a timely manner and keep things running very smoothly.

    As a first time BJT at this venue I have to give the TBJPA and River Palms a thumbs up. This was a well run, fun event that I can recommend to players in the future. While there are certain areas that can use some improvement this was a fun event and something I would like to see succeed. I’d give it a B+ 85 out of 100.
  2. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    This was the first time I ever played in a non-casino tournament, and the difference was like night and day. Casino events are like playing in a morgue,whereas this was really fun.

    Congratulations to Rick and everyone else who made this an awesome experience.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm after Laughlin. It really was one of the most fun tournament weekends I've experienced. Rick and Dan worked incredibly hard to make the events run smoothly. Like the others in this thread, I'll give them both a huge thumbs-up! Well done!

    Swog mentioned the dealers as well, but in case you missed his point, the dealers were there all day dealing our tournament, and then, they had a regular dealing shift after that. Still, they were all friendly and smiling, despite our fun coming at the expense of their sleep all weekend. Just amazing.
  4. rebuybob

    rebuybob New Member

    A couple of fun stories from Laughlin

    THE FUN NEVER ENDED...Let's start off with a scream story about an experience "Motormouth" (Skip) and I had at the slots. Don't get me wrong, I love this guy but on rare occasions, he can be abit abrupt you might say. This story begins with the incredibly accurate hints given to us by The River Palms people about a specific paying slot area of the casino. Prior to the big event on Saturday, Skip and I decided to try our luck. We ventured up to a change gal. Skip asked her where the hot machines are that paid lots of money and as she began to point to her favorite machine, he interrupted her and repeated his question saying he wasn't interested in HER favorite machine, just the winners... after he wandered off, I returned to her and asked her about her favorite machine. I took her advice and headed there with $3.75 in quarters I wanted to get rid of, which I proceeded to dump into her favorite double bonus poker machine. From this $3.75, ten minutes later, I cashed out 3 buckets of quarters ($230.50) shortly after a 4-of-a-kind Aces and a straight flush. Motormouth, in the meantime, wasn't doing quite as good and wanted my machine after I was done. I took his cashout to the cage as well ($27.50) when he took over my machine. Both of his machines coughed but never spit up a win. Later, I returned and gave the gal a $20. I truly believe in Karma and that it kicked in right then and there before I went to play my first round.
    THE MAIN EVENT. Something stricking occurred during my Semi-final round that's worth noting. One of the nicest guys I met this trip as well as being highly skilled, Keith (St Louis newest Mafia memeber), and I counted 6 straight 10-2-10 busts in our round before a 5 came out on a 10-2. The NEXT 2 10-2's ALSO caught 10's for another bust. 8 out of 9 BUSYS IN A ROW.
    The above fact begins important in the final. With 5 or so hands left to go, as I remeber it, I was down to around $80 facing 1st to bet on the last hand position. My game plan was simple. Somehow, I had to get to $400 FOR THE LAST HAND! I will have to read Ken's recount to learn how it happened but it did. As I vaguely recall, I had $420 or so going into hand 23 and decided to hold the $400 in tact and bet the rest (All other players were well above $400 at that point as I remember it). Again, I think I lost the hand, leaving me with the $400 for the final hand. Being at least $300 behind the whole table, I went for the $200 max bet and held my breath. DAMN! Here we go again! I drew the dreaded 10-2 and watched the dealer flip up a killer 2. "What the hell," thought I. 6th was gone by then so if I doubled and lost, I have already won some money and made great friends- had a wonderful time-ate great food- hustled a chick and lost again but had fun trying- etc. etc. On the other hand, if I surrendered and this guy did also or if this one hit and lost it or if... THE HELL WITH IT!- Double it and smile when the 10 hits the deck. As my five-day-deorerant failed, I wiated with baited breath. Opps! Just as bad- a 2 comes out. Now, in hindsight, I believe everyone in position to double and go for it DIDN'T because they KNEW a 14 against the powerful 2 wasn't possibly going to win (please review semi story) so they mostly stood on their bets. Lordie! Lordie! The dealer flipped a 10 AND.......... DROPPED A 10 on it to BUST! As we all know, tis better to be lucky than skilled sometimes. So now you know the truth- I was blessed with that rare moment in the sun we all dream about. It was just my turn and that's about it. Highly skilled? Deserving of a high ranking? Not really- just incredibly lucky.
    I want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I'm back in the circuit and have finally buried the Hilton experience. Hope to meet many of you soon. Keep plugging and believing in yourself- your moment in the sun is coming too! I PROMISE!
  5. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    I knew I forgot something, but I hadn't adjusted to Central time when I wrote that last post. My public praise needs to go out to our very own Ken Smith and Henry Tamburin from, ( not a paid political announcement BTW ), for attaching their names to the events in Laughlin.

    One more thing. For those of you who have had the privilege of sitting at Skip's table, he has been out done. Without naming names, when Skip's voice started giving out on the final two days, this person picked up with an even better "Skip", than Skip himself. The bad news is, they tend to be at the same events, so even if Skip's not at your table, Skip may still be at your table.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  6. tgun

    tgun Member

    ditto, ditto, ditto, etc.

    Great job Rick,

    We all had a great time. Looking forward to many more future events.
    Friendliest group I've ever played with. Unfortuately they were as skillful as they were friendly. Congrats to all the winners. And special congrats to our new stl member Keith for making 2 out of 3 final tables. We showed "Skip" we got our own "Badboy".

    Rick along with Dan and his staff did a great job. Glad to have seen old friends and to have met many new ones.

    See you all in Tulsa.

  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Congrats to everyone who went - winners, losers, everyone! But especially to Rick, for pulling off what sounds like a virtually seamless event on the first try. I know how tough that is to do in a tournament management situation. ATTABOY!!! :cheers:
  8. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Bad News from the REAL Bad Boy...

    Guys and Gals: Friends All!

    Bad news from the Terminator...

    MY VOICE IS BACK!!!! :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip:

    Bring it on in Tulsa ROOKIES, because I'm ready to defend my Title there.

    Bringing some throat lozenges just in case though. LOL


    P.S. It's great to have ANOTHER ME just in case he's needed!
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Pictures of the three winners in Laughlin

    Here is Eric L. winner of the Blackjack event.

    Here is Re-Buy Bob, winner of the Tournament Blackjack Tour event:

    Here is Fredguy, winner of the event.

    Congratulations to all three winners. Hope to see you back in August.
  10. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    This was a great tourney - definitely the best run and most fun I have played in - you did a great job - a lot of very skilled players, and even better, a lot of very nice people -

    I'll be at any tourneys you put on in the southwest for sure
  11. rebuybob

    rebuybob New Member

    The future of last weekend

    Hi all! Approached my boss before running tonight's tournament about positioning our casino for a future TBJPA event. The positives: A brand new Clarion Motel just finished directly next door with my idea of tieing in into the weekend event as a promotional "comp." The potential of CLOSING the entire casino to outsiders and opening THE ENTIRE FACILITY exclusively for entrants during the 2/3 day event. Arranging an excursion midway through the weekend to explore Seattle by sightseeing bus with invites to all. As our casino hours at Treasure Casino are 11:00AM to 5:00AM, an early morning adventure like this might be a cool way to get a neat overview of our lovely city. A second day potential excursion to our famous Farmer's market, Space Needle, and/or underground tour- same hours, same situation, returning in time for a 12:00 start time each day. With 3 open poker tables that could be used as a part of the tournament and up to 3 more standard tables, if needed, to accomodate sit-and-goes as well as each day's main events, at least 9 tables would be manned (and womened) by dealers to satisfy the main reason my boss would consider ANY thought of sponsoring such an event- the live action offerings of Pai Gow, Bj, 3 card, Spanish 21, 4 card, etc. (By the way, by comparison to Laughlin's 8 deck, no double after split, etc. program, you will be DELIGHTED with our liberal table game rules...) Additional thoughts on the subject are just beginning to emerge from my mini-brain but for starters, I ask 2 things of you. Would you travel to Seattle for another TBJPA event this fall? Since my boss will be closely scrutinizing your response, would you respond with comments that might reassure him that this event will be a win-win for all concerned... The seed has been planted. Bring on the water and hold the fertilizer. Thanks
  12. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    Hey Bob..

    I just checked Southwest Airlines...
    If one books early enough I can get a $99.00 per one way fare from Baltimore to Seattle, so count me in.
    But, try to schedule ASAP cuz the fares rise steeply as time goes on.
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Hey Bob

    I hope "Fall" means early like in October. If so I can likely make it.

    One of my favorite funny memories from Laughlin was when I was sitting next to Bob at a qualifying table. My eyes were burning from smoke and I unbuttoned my top shirt button and stuck my face in my shirt and rubbed my eyes with my shirt. Bob reached into his pocket and plopped a stick of antiperspirant on the table and said have some. I said why? He thought I might be smelling myself and needed it. Here is an image of the brand he offered. :D

    Attached Files:

  14. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Laughlin Tournament Congrats!

    Great Tournament Fun at Laughlin! I missed Saturday, and the few players I asked could not tell me who won on the first two days. Now that I know the winners, I want to express my congratulations to Eric, and Rebuy Bob, and Fred too. As the player who came in absolute last on Friday, I can also express my sincere jealously! Please enjoy my humble donation!

  15. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Seattle Tournaments!

    Hey Rebuy,

    You gave me your card in Laughlin, and I will certainly commit to any tournament you get organized in Seattle. Hope to see you there.

  16. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Count me in too

    Hi Rebuy,

    Great to meet you in Laughlin. Count me in for your fall tournament.

  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'd love to host some events in Washington..

    My bud (Thrasht) has been trying to get me to come up there for a while and checkout all the tournaments they have (at least 1 - 2 every day) and they are all about $20 - $25 entry and $1,000.00 prize pool and in most cases a $1,000.00 or more for first prize....WOW!

    I do have to correct you on one thing Re-Buy, the TBJPA did allow DD after splits (except aces).

    Also, if the TBJPA is asked to host events up there, why close the doors on other players? Lets try and make the events as big and fun as possible.
  18. rebuybob

    rebuybob New Member


    Thank you for your comments. I may have not made myself clear but I was referring to River Palms "Live" table rules which did not allow dd after splits. As to opening up the casino to all, of course everything must be considered but here's the governing fact; our fire code permits up to 195 people maximum (this may be shocking but it's true) Needless to say, as many women will tell you, size is everything. With enough commitments from our group plus local entrants, I am convince this number will be challanged WITHOUT outside players. What's your feeling?
  19. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Sleepless in Seattle

    A TBJPA event in Seattle, it's on my tentative schedule as of now. Just furnish the dates and directions from Sea-Tec.
  20. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    you have to have a green card to come to seattle. i can get one made, for a price!!!!!!!

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