LV Hilton One on One BJ Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. kris21

    kris21 Member

    2500 inscription fee clarification

    The $2500 is not an entry fee it is called an inscription fee. It only
    relieves a player of the $15000 front money requirement. A player
    still has to earn a 3500 theoretical or lose $8000. On video poker
    it takes about $290000 coin in to get a 3500 theoretical.
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    2% Of the Action

    Average players lose about 2% of their action on average. Maybe that's what they mean by theoretical. Who knows? They didn't proofread their website, so it's hard to tell exactly what they mean. But, assuming a "theoretical" loss of 2%, $3,500 is 2% of $175,000. We don't know how many hands per hour they're using to calculate "theoretical" so let's assume 200 hands per hour dealt head up. 175,000/200 = $875 per hand for one hour. That comes out to a little over $200 per hand for four hours. That sounds about right if another way to gain entry is to lose $8,000.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I think we're playing with semantics here. "inscription fee" - "entry fee" - what's the difference? Unless I'm wrong, it looks to me that the LV Hilton wants you to pay them $2,500 if you don't meet the $15,000 front money requirement. I've never seen the phrase "inscription fee" used the way the Hilton is using it. But then, they use the term "theoretical" without defining it. Maybe they like confusion.

    Bradley Peterson, where are you when we need you?
  4. Believe me, that will never happen again. Very few things are further from my desires.
  5. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    LVH One-0n-One tourney

    I certainly appreciate everyone's "speculating" as to what "theoretical" means and have done a fair amount myself prior to my initial post. However, it is a defined term (perhaps not a public one) and there must be a specific defination or formula as I originally asked if anybody knew - Kris21, thankyou for your specific response. It is my understanding however, that the LVH has different "theorecticals" for FP vs Not FP VP machines now. I presume that what you stated if for FPVP. I am still very much interested in any known specifics for table games and if there are different amounts for various VP machines (as well as some advance info about the format of their 1-on-1.

  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Queen/Queen of Hearts/Queen of BJ


    My Foiling Friend:

    I must come to the defense of MY Queen, for I serve at her pleasure.

    The UBT was not a hand picked Final table.

    Anyone: serf; slave; knight; page; foreign heathen; or Royalty, who made it to that final half round table and then won, deserved the money, the acclaim, the recognition and the jewled Crown, if indeed, that went with it.

    And her majesty was not questioning the loyalty of one of her Musketeers, only the intent of his words. That should be respected from her highness as long as she Rules, benevolently.

    Parry on my "Friendly?" adversary.

    P.S. If The Queen deigns share Quacamole with me, who am I, at my station, to refuse.
  7. Noman,

    You are a loyal knight and you have proven yourself worthy.

    However, for factual purposes, I must again set the record straight. The specific event for which you are defending your Queen was a woman's only event (Fraternity?). It was a hand picked, seven player, one table event. So yes, it was a final table but it was also the ONLY table of that particular tournament event.

    Had I known that if I were to have played in that (sexist) event and was the winner that I would be honored with praises and accolades from Royalty such as yourself, I certainly would have shaved my legs, arms, chest and armpits, worn a dress, wig and makeup and would have gone out to be your, in this case I gather.
  8. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Dress code

    Oh God, please no dress, but at least you don't need a wig.
    A simple joke got way out of thread please.



    I appreciate your last posting Mr. Peterson and have always enjoyed our association – even the guacamole incident! While I admit I am an “up and comer” and still have much to learn from those such as yourself, I would like to remind you that everyone in "The Lady’s World Champion of Blackjack" as well as the "Legends of Blackjack" (and the entire UBT Tournament for that matter) was handpicked and hope that you are not implying that the other ladies' skills were not challenging. Please don't forget that Kami and Erica were on that table as well and are very skilled players as well as those in the "Legends of Blackjack." Hopefully we can put this matter to rest without any further damage to anyone's looks, character, or skill ability.:p

    Noman and Toolman1: thank you both for coming to my defense. I appreciate it; it is nice to know that chivalry isn't dead. :joker: :)

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2006
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thats Not A WIG

    Bradley you mean that not a wig that you have on.Thats your real "HAIR " :D
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Queens/Queens?/ and Kings:

    Sorry swog:

    can't just let it go yet.

    The court historian set the record straight on the event. Once again, BP is correct and I am corrected.

    Yet again, I serve at the pleasure of my king or queen. But not as a knight, though I have played at one.

    I am the Jester who sang for the King and Queen,
    in a coat, borrowed from James Dean,
    in a voice that came from you and me.
    And while the King and Queen were looking down,
    THE JESTER stole their thorny crowns.
  12. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Is it me

    Tell me this thread has gone completely crazy or am I going nuts.
    Andy :confused:
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What have I done?

    I may never post about another up coming tournament.

    Funny thing is I bet no more than 10 members from this site play in this tournament, and I won't be one of them...LOL
  14. The last words? The facts are still the facts.

    Member Join Date: May 2004
    Posts: 89

    Dress code


    Oh God, please no dress, but at least you don't need a wig.
    A simple joke got way out of thread please.

    I initially entered this thread, as I have stated before, because of my friend Swog. When he wrote, as I have copied and pasted above, "next thread please." I was fine with the threads demise. However, I was again addressed personally, ergo, a response.

    My words have nothing to do with a personal attack or a judgement of any particular players abilities, or lack thereof. My facts about the ladies event that you refer to apply to the "Legends Event" as well. Another hand picked one table seven player event that was primarily comprised of players that couldn't qualify for any of the full field UBT Tournament Final tables. I, and several others that I know, OFTEN bust a couple of my/our good friends b*lls who were on that table about how they had to create a show for them to be on television. This includes two very, very close personal friends of mine.

    All of that being said, it isn't easy to get through any tournament to a final table to begin with. Which is why it is not unusual or so terrible that any particular individual didn't make a UBT final table.

    Yes, everyone that participated in the UBT events was selected or "handpicked" but in the events other than the two mention previously, the selected participants actually participated in a tournament! With multiple rounds and multiple table advancement. Not a one table seven player event.

    I remain,

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