More online problems

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I would never buy a

    300 dollar puter. I was seriously buyng a mid range Dell and would have been getting it by tomorrow. But, is it possible to deposit at bet21? If so how?

  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You Said It Not Me

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2006
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Joep , answer this question: Is on-line gambling against Nevada state law?
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    So you think I have a problem with a 10% fee? I love to play at the bjt21 site and it has a 10% fee! Maybe you need to research better. Or, better yet why dont you play at What is your reason for passing the best standard bjt competition site? Ill see you there at 12 pm pst tomorrow. ;)

    add on...., this is my post I think Joe is referring to. My point was a 10% fee at blacjack21 was fine, playing at Global was a disaster because it is a casino. In the long run the casino will take more than the 10%. Paying the 10% is a good thing. Im not sure if the recent legislation will interrupt the bj21 plans to lower the take by a couple % for good customers.......
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2006
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Wierd Question

  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    [fequote=Barney Stone;17284]So you think I have a problem with a 10% Fee?

    Barney I'm not sure what your position is or was in regards to a 10% House Vig . I was just correcting you when you said that I had come out and publicly trashed it as being to much

    I have no problem paying for a service thats made available to me in the comforts of my home ie.playing blackjack tournaments and poker tournaments and live poker from my computer anywhere in the world. This is a service that I was paying for until my government decided it wasn't good for me.

    I have a strange feeling it will be OK for me in the near future once they allow blood sucking casino mega corporations like MGM and Harrahs who have paid enough money to have our lawmakers in their back pockets.Then then will reappear as the new INTERNET on line casino owners .This of course will happen over dinner and many bottles of wine that the tax payers are footing the bill for.

    What a SHAME
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2006
  7. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    correct me if I am wrong - but the new law says you can't send money to an INTERNET CASINO - doesn't stop money transfers to BRICKS AND MORTAR CASINOS - so the Nevada/megacasino corporations can accept money transfers for their customer's accounts - then allow their customers to use the money online? - if the customer is playing "at a table" in the B&M casino? - am I making too fine a point here? misreading what might be allowed? - is there a loophole for the Nevada casinos to do internet gambling through a subterfuge? -

    I think you have seen the future Joep - either through some loophole for the megacasino corps - or a little revision of the law down the road
  8. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Poker NUT

    Now you are accusing me of breaking a state law

    The last person that accused me of being a criminal paid through the nose for a similar statement

    If you promise to continue to copy and paste stuff into your post that you have found from legitimate sources I may actually start to read them all the way through without :vomit:

  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    Im glad you had such an easy time getting a refund on a misdealt game.

    Your experience is completely different from mine...

    I would like to think that it has nothing to do at all with knowing the owner..owners of this site..;)

    Here is a copy of my latest reply after no less than 7 requests and explainations by me...I explain...they dodge...I reply...they dodge again...finally I have them boxed into the corner where there is absolutly nothing they can say ...they are wrong, they know it.....and this is what they came up ...............

    "Dear Rando21,

    I just checked our database and according to our records, you don't have an account in The ST Kitt's promotion is only valid for bet21 members.

    Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

    Have a nice day,

    Customer Service Department"


    I dont have an account there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont know how the hell I have been playing....someone took my money...although they lied about a deposit bonus...I can assure you when I log on ...I have an account, username, password, account balance...etc..

    How do you deal with customer service like this???

    I think Mr Pane has received good customer servive....I wonder if he got his deposit bonus as promised? In any case... he got the service everyone should get...

    IM NOT GETTING IT!!!!So its good that someone is...

    Im not starting any contest here....I love this game and want to play! I havent had the best experiences Bet 21. I understand this is startup...but at some point you have to catch have to show your true colors.

    They owe me over $200 is refunds....I know now I'll never see it...after all I dont even have an read

    The game is working somewhat better...less drops ...but I wrote about that already....there are still issues with clock speeds and I still say it is their server with the problem....

    Very little problem at UBT's site....why do you think that is???? Whats the difference.....if my customers were bitchin ...Id sure as hell try to find out.

    Geesh...wont it be funny when I win the St Kitts trip....I'll really have to eat crow....hahaha...I hope so anyway!!!

    Goodluck everyone both Free rolls.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2006
  11. Venture

    Venture Member

    Back to online problems

    I was an early critic of both Bet21 and Play UBT.

    PlayUBT seems to be doing much better for me now.
    I haven't played Bet21 much lately.

    Just to be fair and state that some earlier problems seem to be better for me now. Hope that is true for everyone else too.

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