New One-On-One Sit and Go's at Global

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    I agree with the others!!

    "X" the secret bet. I would be happy if it was gone from 1 on 1's.
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Secret bet

    I am not so sure about dropping the secret bet so quickly. If UBT is going to have a secret bet on their site, it might be beneficial to have more practice sizing up your opponent and trying to make the optimal bet based on what you think their optimal bet should be.

    I have only played a few one on ones with the secret bet feature and in those cases it really didn't make much difference in my play or bet. In most cases it appears the person behind is going to make a max bet, so you can try to adjust your bet accordingly and give yourself more options. It is almost the same as having all double downs dealt face down. That just adds another element to the equation on how you play your hand.
  3. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Double for Less & Insurance for less

    Looks like this feature is now available on 1 on 1's.
  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Micha's Poll Results

    After reading the posts in this thread I reviewed the posts following Micha's original "Secret Bet" comment (poll question?), there was one by a fairly new member of this forum stating "a secret bet would be fun" and one by an Executive Member saying they were against it. Micha, the nay's equaled the yea's.

    I have not played a single 1 on 1 duel since the secret bet was implemented and refuse to do so in the future, the final hand strategy/bet should require skill, grey matter use and techniques learned from prior play (taking the low, surrender etc.) not just blindly making max bets.

    As far as a secret bet in the UBT comparing to this secret bet, in the UBT it is played in a hand of each player's discretion/timing not mandatory in the final hand for all players.

    I recall someone from Global stating when the prize money was reduced from 3 players to 2 it was done to help players gain strategy experience for land based tournaments where 2 players advance to the next round. This final hand secret bet can only help players learn to make max bets.

    My vote is SMASH the secret bet.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Blindly making max secret bets

    I think it is poor strategy to just make a max bet on the last hand. The opponents I have played who did that were usually beaten because I figured they would do that and I made a more optimum bet taking the low and allowing for surrender as a possible option too. It still comes down to what cards you are dealt on the final hand, but I think it takes more effort to try to figure the optimum bet rather than just going max. Besides, if one is smart and behind, it is fun to wind up with the low because the other player thought you would just max bet and double too.

    I am not advocating keeping the secret bet, but I don't agree that it reduces your strategy to just going max bet on the last hand.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    OK, it was me

    Thanks Rookie, I wondered when that would be spotted :eek:
    I'm sure I recall someone from Global saying in that thread that other people had been asking for secret bets which is why they asked the question on the forum.


  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Why not...

    Just a thought, but what if?

    Seems like that the secert bet could be a selected option that players could pick, this way players who want it can have it and those who don't can take it off.

    I see options for options for other things why not this?
  8. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    They fixed it

    They not only got rid of the secret bet they put in DD and ins for less
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Thanks to Micha and the rest of the staff over at for removing the secret bet within hours of its request from the players here . A great organization that listens to it customer base .

  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Here, here!!!!

    Respect is due!!!!




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