New UBT Circuit Event May 11-12

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    As I have always attempted to do in the past here is to keep everyone updated on any UBT Tour stops and Circuit Events as soon as I find out about their schedule.

    Always my pleasure.Looking forward to seeing you in May at the Venetian if not sooner at a tournament.

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    If I mentioned the Palms April event I would have been wrong, but since all the other UBT event up to date didn't included re-buys, I would guess that you are wrong on my comparisons. But since you brought it up will all future UBT events include a free re-buy? In which case my comparison could indeed be wrong from here on out.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2007
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    In the first two UBT Tour stops there was food included.

    In Aruba there was a welcome party and a farewell banquet poolside with a lavish spread and open bar which was covered in my Aruba updates back in Sept.I would venture to say the the party cost was well over 35,000 if not more for each party.

    In St Kitts there was also a welcome party poolside with an open bar and finger foods.Russ/UBT bought lunch during the day on at least 2 different occasions, that I can remember it may have been everyday but that I'm not 100% sure of,but 2 days at least and then there was a sit down dinner with an open bar on the final night in St Kitts with cash prizes and free seats to future UBT Tour stops given away.This does not include the 50,000 free roll that also took place in St Kitts.

    So there was food included on the UBT Tour.Even if its reported that there was none.Go back and re-read my Updates from Aruba and St Kitts from Sept and Nov and you will see what the truth is.

    If the inaccuracies would cease then so would my responses to correct them.Its not easy putting out all the intentional brush fires that one keeps on fueling in their attempt to make the UBT seem like the ENEMY.The UBT Tour is one of the most positive thing that has come down the pike in a long time for the player.If one spent more time securing location for tournaments then there would be less time spent on this stuff.

  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    The UBT Circuit Event at the Venetian on May 12 will be a $ 500 entry fee with a optional $ 250 re-buy. There is also a welcome party the night before and a seminar for players who are not familiar with the elimination style format. This should be a nice payday for a $500 entry fee as the Venetian has promoted this event to their players and a nice turn out of players who are not skilled in tournaments play should comprise the majority of the field.This alone makes it a tournament that should not be missed.

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2007
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Gotta chime in here

    Isnt it that they will compromise the experienced players? Im still waiting for Barona updates! :laugh:
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You were suppose to be there what happened ? :joker: You could have done the update through your anti UBT eyes.That would have proven to be just another post of mis truths and mis leading information. Sorry we wont be able to chuckle over your Barona report.
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Really? Like you touting a double elimination and then reversing your tout? Do some research before screwing up very VERY important information:laugh:

  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Just The Messenger

    Barnet :joker: take your "BITCH" up with Max Rubin if you feel the need to. He is the person that supplied me with that info to go public with.

  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Are yours Joe dont pass them off. If another casino had turned on a dime over a very important issue like double elim you would have come down on them like a load of lead bricks. There is no uniformity in your positions you are all over the map. Maybe you should tape your beak shut. That would be the best thing for EBJ.

    JMO, you have last word.:) Im done.
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    With that being said let me just say there is no information worthwhile in any of your 994 worthless post. One day you will shock us all and actually post something worthwhile and informative.

    When you post numerous informative post,like I do sometimes there might be something that was changed after I reported it,and it was totally out of my control.

  11. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    I applaud your honesty in using the word sometimes, however those times are becoming less and less frequent. The problem is you've proven to be disreputable and refuse to stand up and admit your mistakes. Combine that with your refusal to admit the truth and you no longer have any credibility here. By your own admission.
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I just checked my email and found three different users complaining about GHermanski's posts today (and none of them from the target of his posts, by the way).

    I don't see any reason to allow him to remain here. See ya GH.
    Banned permanently.
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    Good job, Ken!!! Just yesterday the thought had occurred to me that his posts always seemed to be cheapshots at Joep. Doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with Joep's posts or opinions, but GHermanski's constant one-track berating was adding nothing to this forum.
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I concur! :D
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  15. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Yee Haa!

    WTG Ken!
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here is the schedule and payouts for the Venetian UBT Circuit Event on May 12, 2007

    Entry fee $ 500 +40
    Re -entry $ 250

    Registration is scheduled for 4PM to 7 PM on Friday May 11,2007 in Pit 2 which is closest to Valentino's Resturant and also the same Pit that is used for the Friday night Venetian sit & go's

    Round 1 9 AM
    Round 1 11 AM
    Round 1 1 PM
    Round 2 3 PM
    Semi Finals 5 PM
    Finals 7 PM

    Payout Structure

    1st Place 35 % of the Prize Pool

    The winner also receives a $2,700 seat into the Venetian Main EVent UBT Tour Stop on July 12-15,2007

    2nd Place 20 % of the prize pool

    3rd 15 % of the prize pool

    4th 12 % of the prize pool

    5th 10 % of the prize pool

    6th 8 % of the prize pool

    So it looks like the 2,700 seat will be thrown along with 100% of the entry fees returned.Sounds like a nice deal for $ 540

    Hope to see many of you there on May 11th

  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The Venetian has commited to inviting at least 100 of their players to this event, which with just the Venetian players that creates a prize pool of at least 50,000. Since this is an open event to all players the prize pool will be in excess of 50,000 not including re-buys and on top of that the Venetian is throwing in an extra 2,700 into the prize pool.

    The 2,700 will be a seat into the UBT Tour stop on July 12-15,2007.A nice overlay for those who have more than one tournament to chose from that weekend. Tournament players should always look where they entry fees are getting the most value at,and i believe the Venetian is offering a good value to the players as 100 % of the 500 entry fee is being returned. When you figure in the $40 adminstration fee that works out to a 9% player fee.Very small compared to other events in this same time period.

    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  18. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    What we hope for

    as a players association, TBJPA, is for numerous OPEN events around the USA. We need events at places where the rooms arent 300 a night. Where the BJ tables will offer us a good game even at a 5$ table. Video poker games at the .25¢ level that offer a chance. Promos and comps that dont require a 100$ hand or coin in per shot. You get the picture? What we the players need are bargains. Not to hang out with an elite bunch of head hunters. The best thing to do is support River Palms Laughlin as a success there will open doors for many, not just a few. JMO, but it was a huge mistake to devise this Venetian game during the first TBJPA event. The very action will harm participation in both events. This isnt a time to use an action of spite. There is plenty of room for both events. Having them at the same time is bad. I would hope many see the scenario and support TBJPA at River Palms Laughlin Nevada May 10-13. Three tournaments. Satellite events. Success will open the door to a flood of fun.

  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Barney good to see that you are abiding by the new rules :joker:. You continue to accuse me of having control of the Venetian Marketing Dept in their decision to hold this tournament on May 12,2007 with no proof or evidence of your accusations. Seems that this is a direct violation of the new rules that Kenny Smith clearly stated just 48 hours ago.Unless you are exempt from these as you yet have taken another unwarranted shot at me. When will it end?

    But if you are really looking for a bargain and not just stirring the POT once again. The Venetian Tournament is by far a better bargain for the player. Unless of course you math says 30 % is less than 9%

  20. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Not at all

    joep, by devise I mean nothing but plan. It doesnt matter anyway the outcome is still the same. We will lose players in Laughlin. Venetian will lose players in Vegas. Its a lose lose situation.

    BTW, joep, what are rooms running per night at the Venetian? Is it easy to get food and things comped there? The invited 100 players, what is the rate of play required to get a free entry? TIA
    Last edited: May 4, 2007

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