New UBT Info

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Catchphrase for JOEP

    Hollywood is right Joe. It's a great catchphrase. You have got to put it in.

    Andy :)
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You asked for it

    OK how does it "LOOK"

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So now we know that "Team UBT" is 3 BJ pro's:

    Hollywood Dave
    Kenny E

    and 7 Poker Pros - I only heard Phil Helmuth mentioned.

    Suddenly Team UBT doesn't look too impenetrable!

    So what was the big secret?
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Congratulations to Kennye, Anthony C. and Hollywood for making the UBT team. :)

    Honestly I am more than a little surprised that Michael C. and Joep didn't make the team. I know that both are VERY GOOD players and busted their butts off working to get UBT ready. :eek:

    I hope that if they are not still playing that maybe both of them along with Max Rubin will be in the booth for commentary and play by play. :D
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2006
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So THAT's the scoop - Joep is gunning for the commentary job :rolleyes:

    I guess the Thursday night gig isn't big enough is it?

    Come on Joep let the cat out of the bag - are you or aren't you playing in Aruba?

    Inquiring minds want to know! [actually just wondering if I should bring the garlic with me! :laugh:]
  6. Rogue

    Rogue New Member

    Icing On The Cake

    I haven't been frequenting this site much lately...feel a bit out of place not being a BJ player. But as a fan of some of the players, this site, and BJ--I couldn't stay away. I just finished reading this whole string and first, I want to say...WOW! I love everyone's passion for the game. It makes for a great read.

    Secondly, I want to congratulate those on team UBT and wish them along with anyone else who will be playing good luck (not that you need it...I know).:rolleyes:

    And lastly, I just want to say that if Joep does commentary for this show it would be the icing on the cake! I am already excited about watching the show but that would be great! :)

  7. pro4u

    pro4u New Member

    Foxwood Dates

    I just read that the November stop will be at Foxwood. Does anyone know the dates? Thanks
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006
  8. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    It is time for me to throw my 5c worth of thoughts

    To Joep:
    On behalf of myself, TXTourPlayer and others who are confused and have inquiries. (BTW-I already have paid my flight and have a room in Aruba) but I have many of the same questions as TXTour.

    Also, I think the BJ players should understand that UBT is run by poker players. When they have a multi-table satellite instead of a 1-table satellite, they accumulate all the prize money, divide it by the amount of each seat to be awarded and then as players bust out the tables are combined until there are the number of players remaining equal to the number of seats they are awarding. I am not sure UBT has fully thought out how they will run multi-table satellites for elimination BJ. It will have to be in an elimination format, similar to double (triple, quadruple) shootouts.

    Joep, you and I each know how to run these. My question is when will UBT explain to the BJ players how they intend to run both the 1-table and multi-table satellites? What TXTour as well as others, including me are hoping for is some definitive answers BEFORE we arrive in Aruba.

    Joep it is not you who has to dot all the "i"s and cross all the "t"s; IT IS UBT, AND THEY MUST DO IT NOW, rather than later.

    TXTour's point about signing waivers is very well taken. Poker Players are suing the WPT over just that problem and I can visualize many problems for BJ players who play on the GSN or any other taped tournaments.

    I don't think anybody is accusing you of not being forthright; but it is UBT who has to step forward and officially answer all queries. If you just take TXTour's entire email to them, maybe they can issue some kind of reply on Ultimate Bet site or the UBT site. We all luv ya, BUT stop being the middle man.


  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Now I'm really confused...

    I have had most of my questions answered and understand most of what and when things will happen in Aruba, my main concern now is getting a corpartate sponsor for the UBT events.

    But now after reading Tinkers post about the satellites I'm lost?

    I guess I don't understand how the satellites will work down in Aruba. I just thought we get 7 players to throw $500 entry and $40 fee in a pot and the winner would get like $2,800 and 2nd would get $700 or something like that, very simple.

    If this is correct I am on the right page, if not HELP?...LOL

    It may not matter anyhow, right now unless my sponsorship comes through it looks like I'll be state side come September 23rd - 30th.

    If I don't get to make it down to Aruba good luck to all those that do go.
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here We Go Again


    First off you know me for a long time and have my email address and all my phone numbers if you wanted to keep your concerns out of the general public . But by posting this here for all to see makes no sense if you didn't want certain people to see this. Unless you are grandstanding.

    Second UBT is not run by poker people but in fact they have many blackjack tournament people on their advisory committee. The founder of UBT was a blackjack tournament player long before he took up poker.So no worries there

    So rest your fears they know how to run 1 or 2 tables or any amount of satellites to win seats in any event of the players choosing

    Let me explain it for you on a public board as opposed to a private email or phone call

    If you wanted to run a 1 table event and award 1 seat into the 540 event all you would need to do is have 6 players pay an entry fee of 100 which would create a 600 purse which would award one 540 seat with a little cash left over just like they do in poker satellites

    The same formula can be used in 2 or 3 table satellites which would award more than 1 seat

    This formula can be use for any entry fee and this helps player who do not want to pay the actual entry fee to enter the tournament a less expensive way to play the event .This is done and has been done for years with poker.It has never been done with blackjack.We now have UBT to thank for this.

    So you can see that the poker influence of UBT has created new ways for blackjack players to play major events for a fraction of the cost.


    So please don't infer that my friendship with Jimmy Wike had anything to do with your demise at the Million Dollar Tournament.You know better than that.You always seem to put yourself in bad positions with your writings or public outcry's.YOU NEED TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH BEFORE YOU JUMP ON YOUR KEYBOARD.LEARN FROM THE PAST

  11. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Here we go again, continued

    I, for one am sick and tired of JP and others telling the BJ community to shut up and embrace blindly UBT. The request for information should not be met with arrogance and hubris but with openness and clarity.
    The confusion around UBT has been caused by UBT. Promises of 10K free-rolls, online qualifications, 200 have signed up etc. and lack of formal info FROM UBT leads to valid questions on this site.
    Who is the official UBT spokeperson? Why is the information not on their site?
    The cheerleading for UBT is amazing. At this point it's mostly a lot of hype directed at poker players. That's fine. That is truly the market.
    JP, Petie has done more to advance BJ players' cause at his own personal expense than any other BJ player (remember the Riviera) and if you have crossed over to the dark side and prefer to align with casino executives, that's fine too.
    So stop berating players who are asking valid questions.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Canadian Over Load

    There was no berating anyone here, the only crossing of the line was on Petties part when he suggested that I might inform Jimmy Wike of his harsh words.He is the one that posted it on a public board I was just setting the record straight as I'm doing to you right now.

    Sit back have another glass of wine and think of all the millions of dollars that we will all be playing for on the UBT Tour.Be there or you will be the :joker: :joker: :joker:

  13. catch 27

    catch 27 New Member


  14. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    Joep: What happened to your sense of humor

    Everybody but you understood my "tongue in cheek" line about Jimmy Wike. We all loved you for your sense of humor. This spokesperson job has now cost you that and probably some friendships along the way. Just remember the line about stepping on people on your way to the top. You might meet them again on your way down.

    PS Get your facts straight- I was never, ever barred from the Stardust and nobody ever spoke up for me there.
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Climb The Ladder Just Dont Use Me

    Peteie Boy I'm not sure what your agenda here is but do me one favor don't use my back to step up higher.I step on no one, what ever I have, I have earned with hard work and honesty.

    From the 3 phone calls I received yesterday and Catch 27 post don't be so sure that EVERYONE understood your "tongue in cheek" comment. I didn't, I personally have a great sense of humor always had and always will, but there is a time and place for everything, your Jimmy Wike comment was inappropriate look how BJFAN 4 respond to it.He believed in its false facts as I'm sure others who really don't now you or why you were barred from the Las Vegas Hilton or the Riviera. I leave that up to you to explain it to them thats not my call.

    I don't claim to be the UBT spokesperson, just someone who whenever I have information that members here are asking for I try to be as informative as possible.

    Isn't it wonderful that when people are asked to stand behind their comments they always say it was just a "Tongue in Cheek" no harm was intended.As far as I'm concerned thats getting real old.

    I always stand behind my words never look to run for cover when confronted by them. But that why I'm always in trouble I never sugar coat any think I say or do.

  16. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Thanks Joe


    For myself, if it wasn't for Joe, my involvement in the Blackjack Tourney community would be nill. Thanks Joe.

    The info on these forums is better than any book you could read on Blackjack Tourneys.

  17. Rogue

    Rogue New Member

    Give An Inch...take A Mile

    I Can't Believe Y'all Are Still Complaining! I've Had Enough Of This Kill The Messenger Mentality...this Whole Thread Was Started Because Joep Wanted To Give Some Information That He Thought You Might Need.

    First Everyone Thought He Didn't Give Enough Info. Now Your Accusing Him Of Being The Middle Man. Can't You See, Y'all Put Him There, Yourself. Just Pay Close Attention To The Ubt Website, I'm Sure They'll Give You Info When They Can. And If Someone Wants To Post Some Additional Info Here In The Future, Just Say "Thank You"!
  18. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It looks like Joep

    Whenever I go to the UBT website I just stare at the jumping man in the bottom right; it's sort of hypnotic (and after all there isn't much else there :D ). But this AM I realised that it's got to be Joep!! Why are you jumping like that? What or who are you jumping on? Is it joy or rage? How long can you keep it up?


  19. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Good friends?

    Looking at the heated exchanges between some of the players on this site you would think that they hate each other.

    But hang on! Did I just read that Txtourplayer is picking up Joep from the airport in order for him to deal at his tournament tables and give a seminar for the cruise player’s?

    BJFAN4 and Hollywood Dave have crossed swords a few times on here, but if you look back to previous posts, it wasn’t that long ago that they were enjoying drinks together at the Hilton.

    Just a couple of examples on why we should not take it too seriously.

    It appears to me that they are all good mates really with strong opinions about the game. However, if that’s what friends are like I wouldn’t like to be their enemy :laugh:


    Ps. having said all that I am not too sure about the Joep/Rando situation…lol
  20. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Last Words

    First off let me publicly thank Catch 27, Sidekick, and Rogue two of whom I have never met before. I just want to make sure that no one thinks that they are some Italian cousins from Brooklyn NY who have come to my rescue. They happen to be some of the members here who realize what my reason for posting UBT info is all about and as Rogue quite elegantly put it “Stop Killing the Messenger”

    Frankly I have recently become very frustrated by the negative feedback that has been directed back at me in regards to UBT info. My only reason for starting this thread was to try to help many of our fellow members who for some reason feel that the UBT should be at their beaconing call.

    The top staff at the UBT is in the middle of trying to get all the shows ready in time for the premier on CBS on Sept. 16 and in addition to that getting all the details and contracts of the UBT Tour signed sealed and delivered. And let’s not forget about developing a never before seen software that will blow you away and getting the on-line site up and running that will be giving away 1 seat directly to every Major UBT Tour Final table. This is not a seat like thousands of other Internet sites give away where you just win a seat into the tournament and then have to win your way on to the final table beating hundreds of players, no this seat will be non stop right to the CBS Final TV Table and in the money. Rome was not built in a day

    We have all seen what could happen to a TV show if its post production work is sloppy and rushed to the screen .ex. King of Vegas. That show had potential if its post production work had not been rushed. So can anyone blame UBT for making sure that their product is given the best chance possible? So between all 3 major tasks at hand and this all being done as the UBT is just starting out is not something that should be taken lightly.

    So to expect that anyone with UBT had the time to come on here to answer all your questions is a bit presumptuous and selfish of those who expect it. Even though one day Russ Hamilton spent over 1 hour on the phone with Rick Jensen trying to answer any and all questions Rick had of him. That somehow didn’t seem to fill the void for Rick and others here.

    Trust me, if they had concrete information to be released it would have been done already. But it would not be in their best interest to release some information that later on they would have to rescind or adjust.

    What ever small drips and drapes of UBT info that I have knowledge of and permission to release I do so here or Kenny and I release it on our radio show.

    But when some of the members here who I have known for a very long time and know how to contact me by phone, home and cell or email or just plain knock on my door use this board to further their agenda whatever it may be and in the process hang me out to dry by suggesting that I’m a UBT spokesperson and then request that I should not divulge any of this UBT bashing to any member of UBT, it sponsors, players and Jimmy Wike is just plain and simple idiotic. People who don’t know me may think that this is something I do on a regular occurrence. BJFAN 4 thought I had aligned myself with casino executives so you can see why I took offense to Tinker's uncalled for statement.

    If you don’t want it to be seen and need an answer why not just use any of the means of communication that is available to you and ask me. If I know the answer I will tell you or at least try to find out if there is one at the present time.

    Petie /Tinker did the same early bashing of the Hilton’s Million Dollar Tournament and it turned into one of the best tournaments ever held in the USA because of its overlay. His bashing had nothing to do with the EV of this tournament. They only thing he accomplished was getting himself shown the door.

    If he wants to take up the cause for all blackjack players let him start at the StarBUST, now there is a place that could keep him occupied for a year or two? Talk about the Taliban.

    The UBT will be the best thing that has come along since the beginning of time for tournament players

    2 Final tables from all major UBT tournaments shown on national TV

    4-8 TV tournaments just in the first two UBT stops

    Tournaments all week long at the host casino. Some players will be able to play more tournaments in one week than they have played in the last year. I for one fall into that category as will many others who have been discovered by the ever peering eyes of the casinos

    Blackjack players appearing on national TV over and over again and if you haven’t seen what it has done for the poker players, they are “Rock Stars” where ever they go. They are doing movies, TV commercials, and print ads and have corporate sponsors paying their entire tournament entry fee just for wearing their logo. Casino may be boxed into a corner now trying to explain to their customers why they can’t play against the best players in the world like they saw on TV. So the overall effect from UBT may in fact force the casinos to have to open their doors to all players for their tournaments or lose their regular customers to UBT exclusively. Everyone wants to play against Phil Hellmuth and play with Annie Duke and all the other big name poker players that Russ Hamilton has signed on to Team UBT

    All entry fees returned

    Satellites, so players can enter major tournaments at a fraction of the cost. This has always been done with poker and now UBT has developed it for use with blackjack tournaments. And they know how to do it, NO WORRIES

    The UBT has this and more to offer us, there are more and bigger developments down the road that will even make this bigger than life, you just wait and see I’m not steering you wrong

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2006

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