You know...the funny part is that for the life of me, I can't remember seeing where the cameras that were pointing at me were. I'm kind of glad too.
I had the same sensation - or lack of it. When the April ALL-IN came out and there were two photos of me in there, it was the first knowledge I had that there were "still" photographers in the area at all. Hope that didn't break the lenses! :vomit:
Yep can't wait to see the hand by hand analysis by Joe in All In Mag and the photo's hope they got my good side
As BJMace posted, the final table players are not allowed to reveal the results...but I did notice that Anthony Curtis posted some of the results on his forums...if anyone is curious.
Congrats all! anthony says: Got a little distracted, but the reference was to BJmace (5th), fgk42 (3rd), and Toonces (2nd). These guys made it all the way to the finals and played excellently. Congratulations also to the winner, Monica Reeves.
I was trying to figure the payout schedule, maybe Im close.. 1) 74k + 10K seat TOC 2) 37k 3)18.5k 4)9.3k 5)4.6k 6)2.3k
Actually my figures are likely and I mean very likely wrong. LOL I had a nap and saw this 1st 49K +10K entry to TOC 2nd 29K 3rd 22K 4th 15K an so forth LOL
I believe the actual breakdown was: 1st: $59,280 + $10K entry into the ToC 2nd: $29,640 3rd: $22,230 4th: $14,820 5th: $10,375 6th: $7,410 7th: $4,445 There were 113 entries at $1400+100 and the breakdown was 40-20-15-10-7-5-3 after the $10K entry was removed from the prize pool.
fasttrack have also heard that our episode is one of the best and thus instead of being season 3 as orig. planned is being fast tracked to season 2, will wait to get confirmation on this, then again maybe they just want us out the way
Season 2 ought to be interesting. It'll have: 1. That amazing table at the Venetian with so many of our friends here, 2. HD smack-talking at me and finding out that he'd gotten more than he bargained for, 3. Deb confusing the crap outta HD, Robert B., Joep, and Annie Duke, 4. And I'm sure a lot more that I can't think of right now. Should be an interesting season!!! :celebrate
hell no mace won't show Jus't can't believe that i've still never seen an episode no website to view full episodes. no dvd's if i'm lucky maybe someone will keep my episode I HATE LIVING IN UK MACE WANT TO LIVE IN AMERICA Feel a song coming on LIVING IN AMERICA AAW:joker:
Not a problem, Mace Mace, if you can use a VHS videotape of your show, I'd be glad to help. It'd be no big deal to tape it "live" and ship it off to you. But you'd owe me a beer if we ever ran into each other at a TBJ event!
It has been said The CBS contract was for 2 years and rumor was millions were put forth to produce the UBT format for TV and live game and playubt and bet21 were main sponsors. This tends to tell me season 3 might not happen. Because the events have had many of the same players over and over again my guess is they need to show this Venetian event as an advertisement to draw players to ClubUBT. Having unknown "little guys" like those that made the final table at Venetian is good for UBT. Im thinking this years UBT will be sponsored by ClubUBT and the survival of ClubUBT depends on this years UBT TV. That is as long as ClubUBT is legal! If UBT EBJ isnt picked up by "real" sponsorship its 2 and out for the TV show on CBS. UBT EBJ has burned the bridges at GSN so Im not sure where they would find a TV spot that they dont have to pay for as an infomercial. Im only speculating of course
I am also worried that the upcoming Season 2 broadcasts will be "it" for UBT on CBS. A number of factors are involved in that thought pattern, any one of which isn't terrible crucial - but when you add them together with Barney's facts, it doesn't bode well....... 1. The recent Venetian show is being "fast tracked" to Season 2 from the originally planned Season 3. Uh huh. 2. CBS has bounced the Season 2 broadcast schedule all over the calendar. First it was going to be in May, then it was something else that I can't remember, now it's September / October on Saturday afternoons. 3, UBT has only 2 live events remaining on the schedule, period. A Barona circuit event and the TOC. Despite some rumors of other casinos signing on, right now there's simply no evidence of anything else other than the online games.
VHS system LeftNut, Your VHS system is different to that used in the UK so the tape would need converting before it would play in Bjmace’s machine. The USA uses NTSC and the UK PAL. You can easily get it transferred to PAL or have put on to a DVD (again a different system, so have it recorded to region 2 or region free) if he does not have a multi-region player. Sorry if I am stating something that you are already aware about. Just wanted you to save money on a tape and package and posting. Andy
Thank you very much, Andy - I was not aware of that. If Mace needs help getting copies of his UBT show, his TBJ friends here in the U.S. will figure something out.
NTSC fine Leftnut a tape would be great, Thankfully all modern videos in UK are multisystem and play NTSC and PAL Beer on me for sure:cheers:
Done! That's excellent! I would be happy to do that for you - consider it done. I was kidding about the beer. But I won't turn it down, either. :laugh: