On-line entry fees

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Is there any Stardust nostalgia?

    Tournament players such as Joep, Hollywood Dave and Ken Einiger hate it and that’s just to mention a few.

    I have never been to Las Vegas but would recognise the Stardust Casino sign immediately from television shows and films etc.

    When they eventually do blow it up and it disappears from the Las Vegas skyline, will you not miss it a little bit?

    I am sure that it can’t have been all that bad in there over the years. The poor casino will go down in a heap of rubble and be judged for it’s recent management and attitude towards “pro tournament players” in its later years.

    It’s not the Stardust’s fault, and the casino should be remembered for it’s own place in gaming history.

    What do you think? (don’t you dare Joep/Hollywood when I’m being sentimental…lol).

  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Misc ramblings


    You can get a more complete idea of the Stardust, aka Starburst, controversy at the following thread:
    Announcements & Suggestions​
    Stardust not long for this world?​
    (last post was July 4, 2006)​

    Anyway, since this thread is shot to hell anyway, let me just say that I just tuned in to the Game Show Network to watch Week 6 of the WSOB. It's about 2 1/2 hours before show time but I can watch that fantastic show called "LINGO" :D (where's the blonde? :mad: )until the WSOB airs. Can't wish Ken Smith luck because the results are already known (I'd love to watch a live play but can't). Just hope the show is better than the past 5.

    OK guys and girls. Let's hear your gripes and opinions on any subject you want. This thread is made for that purpose.:laugh:

    PS: I'm really getting good. My spelling checker only highlighted "Starburst" as incorrect spelling.:celebrate

    PS2: Just saw ANDY 956 post. Nice, very nice.

    PS3: OK, let's get back to the miscellaneous grips and opinions.

    PS4: swog: battle on.

    PS5: I just can't stop.

    PS6: WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE is now on GSN (2 hours before WSOB). Damn, Regis is really good, no?
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Really? I was unaware that the results were common knowledge!
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Didn't mean "common"

    I didn't mean "commonly" known. I meant known as in "history has already been written", although the results are only known to a few and as Duke (the Bush Bean commercial dog) says, he's not talking (unless you pay him:D ).

    Like I said before, I just can't stop. What a great thread!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Back to my last question: Is Regis good or what?
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fond Memories

    While Andy wants us all to be sentimental with our fond memories of the StarBust .Let me just point out that this is really a sentimental moment in the Joep/Hollywood saga. It is rare that Hollywood and I ever agree on anything but on this and this ALONE I can say that Hollywood speaks for me. He has hit the nail right on the head. Any player that supports the current actions of the Starbust is just supporting the enemy of all tournament players.

    I personally have 100,000 reasons to love the Starbust but they are self serving and greedy reasons.

    But my fondest memory will always be Linda G. (aka) Storm Trooper having to take a picture with me while handing me a check for 100,000 you could feel her PAIN.That picture now hangs in my bathroom, it's always a cure all for those days when things are just not coming out right.:laugh: It will always be my fondest Starbust moment.

    For the new players who don't know this fact, she personally took a tournament that had over 400 players for every tournament to having trouble getting 200.Talk about somebody on a power trip the trouble with her power trip is that hers was taken on the end of a broom stick

    Now lets just get it over with and :bomb: the place up

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep's new nickname....

    I think I'll start calling Joep "DUCK"! Because he doesn't let a bad situation keep him down, anything negative he lets it just roll off of him like water off a duck's back.

    It's nice to see Joep letting things go and not letting them bother him....LOL

    If you want to mess with Joep, just tell him how good either Stardust or Las Vegas Hilton are and stand back...LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2006
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Sell Short

    Tex & Swog why don't the two of you guys just call your stock broker up and buy some shares of Boyd Corp if you think they are so good.You both come on here all the time telling us what a great job the Star Bust does.

    Niether one of you address the fact that a portion of the rebuy money is not put back into the players prize pool.

    But complain about an 8% expenses fee for the UBT Tournament

    Maybe you are already share holders and that why you have taken this position

    They are the tournament players enemy and you guys got your noses so far up their BUTTS that you cant see the light.If you keep this up the next flash of light you will see will be followed by a rather large :bomb: and Ducking will not help you .

    Swog you only chance of survival when the explosion goes off is being behind Tex and his LONG list of players he still cant get back into the BUST. He might finally serve some sort of purpose. A human shield

    If you are still allowed to play at the StarBust you better check your game out.Because you either have the best camo act going on or they see you as a SUCKER .

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Joep you only mentioned the Stardust, does this mean you made up with the Las Vegas Hilton?...LOL :D
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Getting back on track....

    Getting back to the what this thread is really about, On-line entry fees. It may not matter what fees there are if the new internet gambling bill is passed. :eek:

    If this bill is passed it looks like no more poker or blackjack tournaments on-line for any of us. :eek:
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No Worries

    Rick stick to defending the StarBust .Even if this law were to pass it would only apply to Internet sites that were based in the US. If their servers are in another country our US laws would not be enforceable there.The though of someone coming into private homes to check if you are playing on line will never happen in our life time.

    Trust me this is just a scare tactic by our government to get these Internet sites to agree to pay some sort of taxes on their profits.Its almost always about the money.

  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    After see what happened to AC last week I won't discount anything.
  13. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Starbust moment

    If Joep is hanging a picture of Linda G in his bathroom, I dread to think where he keeps any pictures of Beverly Griffin. :laugh:

    As always Joe, great post.

  14. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I have a picture of N'sync in my bathroom over my toilet.

    Most people find it quite distracting when they're standing up to do their business because they stare right at them.

    It's quite enjoyable the first time someone goes to use the bathroom in my place because the reaction is priceless.
  15. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    My three cents! Lol.

    I for one have been utilizing Hollywood's new book in my bathroom. I am down to the last few pages.....:joker: :joker: :joker:
  16. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    That's a relief...

    Boy, am i glad to see some things just never change around here... Joep & i both agree that the StarBUST needs to be blown up, Ken Smith continues to be a master of tourney strategy, and BJFan 4 & JoeyG 703 are still complete douchebags who spend half their time here thinking up creative ways to diss me. Nice, guys...

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2006
  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Back to the subject?

    Have you given up on trying to get this thread back to it's original purpose?;)
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What the Hell....

    As long as everybody is having fun....LOL :D
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hurry 1 Seat Left

    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    In this movie Slim Pickens rode the bomb out of the plane waving his cowboy hat.

    The bomb that will blow up the Starbust has room for 3 people to sit on it as it leaves the plane. 2 seats are already reserved for Hollywood and myself we are looking for 1 more volunteer to ride the bomb all the way in to the Starbust

    Of course we will be wearing suits to prevent our demise so who would like to take the ride with us and send the Starbust to where it belongs.

    Since there might be more than one person wanting this last seat the poster with the best story as why they should be chosen will be given the last and most sought after seat in Las Vegas history

    BOMBS AWAY :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I just started with a question about on-line fees and now we're looking for players to ride an atom bomb? :confused:

    This has got to be the biggest twist on a post ever. :D

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