Open letter to Golden Nugget Las Vegas

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by askdick, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Whoops - my bad. I just glanced at the listing for February, saw the $100K, didn't look closer since I can't go anyway.
    Thanks for the clarification, Chips.............. :D
  2. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Nice Heartfelt Gesture....

    I too received a call from the Director of Player Development, asking for my humble input as to how the Nugget can make their BJ Tournaments even better. We talked yesterday for just a few minutes and I assured him that I would contact him later today with my thoughts after having the opportunity to think about any "Constructive Criticism" I might have.

    I have made my notes and will be talking with him shortly. It was Dale Carnegie, Writer and Speaker (1888-1955) who said that "Any fool can cricicize, condemn and complain; and most fools do", so I want to give this gentleman something to celebrate regarding their past success, in addition to providing suggestions about things that need to be changed in orfer to make their Events even better....

    It was Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics who said that one must "Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise." This is the mindset that I want to have when I talk with the Nugget Management today.

    Finally, the "details" are so important, so I remember what the Founder of Marriott (1900-19850 said in the past. "It's the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation First Class....

    I look forward to seeing many of you at the Tournament in February, as I also received an Invite. It's good to know that there are still those within Management in the Gaming Industry who seem to care about the Customer and not just the overall "Bottom Line".

    Make it a "Great Day" everyone!

    Skipper :cheers::cheers:
  3. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    Blackjack Friends:

    After talking with a member of Golden Nugget Management yesterday, I'm highly optimistic that the upcoming Event next weekend will be awesome. In addition, all future Events should offer good value in a fair environment for ALL tournament players. Look forward to seeing many of you. Great cards to all!

    Skipper :cheers:
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Two comments

    first, the one tournament I polayed at GN-Las VEgas was well run and fair, the ones I have played at GN-Laugh, run by the same crew, have also been good. Looks as if they went overboard on catering to their high rollers one time and have made it right for the other players who were there. I'll be there this coming weekend, hopefully another good GN tournament.

    Second, LeftNut, as any skilled player knows, it is less how many hands you bj than it is if you win or lose the critical hands where all the players have money out. You can win 10 out of 10 hands, and then get swung on the 11th by the whole table with everyone all-in, and get done in by the variance.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    As usual, what starts off as a joke turns into a flame war because some people just can't help themselves and must escalate the personal attacks until they become offensive.

    I've removed the offenses, both minor and not-so-minor. You may notice that a few non-troublesome posts were removed as well, because they no longer made sense once the problem posts were blasted.

    C'mon guys. Let's try to get along.
    So, nothing more to see here.. Move along now.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    So how did it go? Did anyone from here do well?

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