Orleans tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    True, but...

    The original thread was a reported and congratulations to those BJT.com members who made the finals at the Orleans tournament.

    It was on my reply back to the thread I started discussing the low turnout for this event and that lead into other land based events low turnouts.

    I ask several questions on what everyone thinks the problems or causes for the lower turnouts maybe.

    Once the thread moved into the low turnout, I didn't mean for it to be just about the Orleans and we started discussing other the land based events and what causes and corrections we maybe able to do to correct these low turnouts.

    This post was in no means ment to be a slam against the Orleans.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Biggest reason for the low turnout at the Orleans is that they didn't "sell" the tournament! After 38 years and 9 months in the retail business I feel qualified to make that statement. About 38 years and 8 months ago I discovered that if I didn't TRY to SELL something, I would be a failure FAST!!
    RKuczek is exactly correct in his post about the lack of business acumen in casino management. If they had to run a REAL business they wouldn't last long.
    As I think he/she suggests, they get away with it because 95% of the people that come through their doors are stupid (can I be candid). While there I noticed a bank of ACES spell ACE$ form of VP. As I'm checking the pay tables I'm amazed to see that about 4 of the machines in the bank are paying 40 credits per coin for full house and the rest of the 6 or so machines are paying 30 per coin. Payouts for other hands were all the same. You guessed it. There were either 3 or 4 people playing the latter version and none playing the former! Sad thing is, some might have known the difference but still went with the stupid choice because it's their lucky machine that they hit a royal on 94 years ago.
    Now, if you're in marketing for this place you naturally target the dummy and
    ignore members of this forum for obvious reasons. Hate to give them any credit but they are smart enough to see the "path of least resistance" here.

    Billy C
  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Forgot to mention that the Orleans added 5K plus of their own money to the purse and that needs to be appreciated by all of us!
    Also, must say that I like the place for a lot of reasons and hope this was not the end of the road but only a bump in the road.

    Billy C
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Hold On there TEX

    Can't let this one pass, TXtourplayer. You named this thread and also made the second post. Right at the beginning of this tread (both title and post #2) you steered this thread specifically toward the Orleans low turnout. Recently you said this thread was to discuss low tournaments in general and kind of "scolded" me for being specific about the Orleans. Well, you started asking the question about the Orleans low turnout. This is your post #2 on this thread - the red color is made by me for emphasis:
    You'll also notice that the word "it" in your final question implies the Orleans tournament since you repeated the Orleans several times in your 5 points.

    PS: If getting picky is the way to go, keep in mind that there was already a thread named "Orleans 12/17/07" (started by Yours Truly) where you should have posted the winners of the tournament. Then you should have named this thread something like "Why Low Attendance For BJTs?" instead of naming the Orleans specifically in this thread title.

    So let's forget petty differences and continue discussions be it the Orleans or general opinions. :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2007
  5. marichal

    marichal Member

    invite, invite, invite !!!! one must have had rated play, to be invited to play in the tourney. geez, i do not think that takes rocket science to figure out why a lot of tourney players were not there.
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Si Senor

    Even tho our calendar is a great service it isnt perfect. I can remember JoeP once played an event and announced it was open the day after. At least this one was announced open a couple days before:D
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    If so, that was inaccurate. I spoke to a player who was at the Orleans the day of the event, who was turned away because he wasn't invited.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Toolman as I pointed out, the original thread was to post congratulations to the Orleans winners from BJT.com.

    Yes, the second post in this thread was also from me after I learned about the low turnout they had. I ask questions to why it was so low, not because I was slamming the Orleans, but to try and find out why as a tournament promoter. Then Billy C. pointed out that this event wasn’t the FREE VIP event, which I thought it was.

    I stood corrected on that point and posted so, then the thread started into why and what needs to be done to try and improve player’s turnout for land based events. I should have just started another thread I guess.

    My intent was mistaken on questions why the Orleans turnout was so low. I was only trying to find out why to help improve future events. The Orleans just happened to be the current venue and was why they were mentioned. However the thread ended up talking about other events, both with low turnouts and successful events.

    Sorry for any confusion, this thread (as several) took off in different directions then first strated. I hope this straighten outs my intent and any misunderstanding on this thread

    And Ken I believe Barney was talking about a past Golden Nugget event on his post and not last weeks Orleans tournament. Although both are not open events and have turned away players.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2007
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    OK TEX, we're cool. :cool: I think we see and understand each other's views.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Although the calendar does, and will continue to, contain a few inaccuracies, it remains the best source of BJ tournament information available anywhere. The members updating the calendar may not be privileged to all the exact information but I believe they do their best to record the best information available. And guess what - we are human and humans err. So it's always best to check with the casino before making any trip to a tournament. I hope the thought of making an error when posting to the calendar does not deter members from posting. We tournament junkies need those postings to keep abreast of whats going on. :)

    As for the above quote from KenSmith, I posted an update to the calendar on 10/29/07 that changed the listing to an invitational. Also in that posting I posted the fact that the dates were moved back 7 days from the original planned date. This calendar update was made a full 7 weeks before the event which I think is enough time for a person to make adjustments in his/her schedule. The person Ken referred to went to the Orleans on the correct date but overlooked the "invitational" part. So who is a fault? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2007
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    My post wasn't intended as anything other than a clarification. As you note, the updating process will always be subject to errors and misinformation here and there. Anyone with experience trying to ferret out details from the casinos themselves knows that if you call and ask the same question of the casino three different times, you'll likely end up with three different answers.

    The calendar continues to be an exceptional resource, thanks to the efforts of everyone here.

    And, yes, I think the player I mentioned was aware that the event was likely to be at least semi-invitational.
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    The Orleans---April 7,8,9

    This event was well attended (200+) and well ran, in my opinion. It was a free entry invitational ($150 re-entry) that included 3 nights room. Unlike some of their early events, the dealers knew what they were doing and were pleasant, etc.
    Saw 20-30 familiar faces from old Stardust tourneys and enjoyed talking with those folks.
    I'm a sucker for good "oyster bars" and Big Al's at The Orleans is GREAT. Would recommend it to one and all! Even saw Chips McCoy in there one night.

    Billy C
  13. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Big Al's

    Yes indeed - one of the few places you can get the "red" clam chowder - on of my favorites!


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