OK Barney Stone, I don’t normally respond to your posts but I’m going to make an exception here. This thread has evolved to a criticism of you so I’m not going to get into a discussion of any of the questions you raised on this thread although you did "put words in my mouth". I made the mistake of commenting on the “weeklies” when I really have no interest in discussing that matter. That being said, let me start off this post on the positive side. You are obviously an educated, intelligent, and motivated person. From your posts, you don’t let anyone push you around and defend yourself vigorously. You speak well and write well. You have a commendable knowledge of math combined with a good analytical mind. But there is something that seems to irritate most everyone on this site. You complain, complain, and complain some more. When we think you are done complaining, you pop up at another thread complaining some more. When you are done complaining for a while you are telling jokes. Now don’t get wrong, everyone complains. It’s part of human nature. As does everyone tell jokes. Again, it’s part of being human. What I’m trying to say is you carry it to extremes. Most every active member here makes contributions to blackjack tournament discussions. Some are more on the technical side, some related to casino conditions, some related to the humane side of tournaments, etc., etc., etc. Interwoven with those discussions are jokes, sarcasm, political ideas, questions of freedom and of course complaints in general. But they are all here primarily to discuss blackjack tournaments. How best to play tournaments, where are the best tournaments, creating better tournaments, etc. You, on the other hand don’t do that. You complain without contributing. Let me illustrate how I think members are feeling about you with a story. Several years ago I had a good friend who felt he was “robbed” out of his inheritance by his step father. He would complain about this every time I talked to him without exception. Got to the point where he only wanted to complain about this 24/7. So I slowly went to see him less and less. When his problem first started, we saw each other about once a week. That changed into once every 2 weeks. Then once a month. Then a couple of times a year. Then finally nothing. I lost a good friend and miss the way he was to this day. I had to leave him because all he was doing was complain, complain, and complain some more. I simply couldn’t take it any more. His constant complains were making me depressed. My point in telling this story is to emphasize that people don’t want to listen to constant complaints. They log onto this site to see and learn about blackjack tournaments. But you are useless to them. You don’t contribute. You just complain and tell jokes. Well, that gets old, and I mean real old real fast. In your last post to this thread you answered my question about why you are here. You said “Im here to keep track of events and industry trends!" A good honest response and that conforms to your profile which you wrote about yourself. But I found something lacking in your response. You expressed no interest in learning about blackjack tournaments. Curious, isn’t it? So, what happens now? You need to resolve the problem you are having with the members. As I see it you have 2 choices: 1) Keep the level of criticism and jokes down to a reasonable level. At the same time, try to make genuine contributions on the FORUM and CALENDER. They don’t have to be brilliant contributions - we only have a few Einsteins here – just good contributions that lead to good discussions. OR 2) Stop posting. You can learn just as much by being a lurker if you don’t contribute anyway. This way you stay out of everyone’s sight and you still get the information you desire. I’m done. I’ve done all I can. It’s up to you to make the right decision. Now it’s you call.
Bravo Beautifully said, Toolman. Once again, you've posted what has become the general concensus among most serious members.
Toolman Thanks for taking the time to write a long well thought out opinion concerning me. I would have like an honest response to the on topic question I asked you but it looks as tho peer pressure prevents you from doing that and peer pressure opens a path to a critical rant on me. I would challenge you to read this thread where the only complaint I made was that Dave acts like a fool on TV tournaments. I got in trouble for analyzing the Palms event and saying it needed about 45 players to survive as a profitable event. I got in trouble for saying I would want the 2700$ in cash if I won. I got in trouble for saying mini events, after fgk said something about cheapos, were the heart of this game. I got in trouble for saying I dont like big events which I never said. I got in trouble for saying mini events were the only things BJT'ers look for which I never did say. I got in trouble for saying the 5.50 bet21 events were bad which I did say weeks ago and I stick with that because the event should pay buy in to a all players at final table. That wasnt a complaint it was an opinion and a critical opinion at that. Most if not all of my complaints have been concerning UBT. I read thru my postings for January and find the only real complaint was concerning the hush hush attitude of UBT about the Barona event. It remained that way there was hardly a word of info put forth besides me calling Barona an posting the info. I joke too much I admit that as I do it in real life. I am a very happy up front guy, anyone who has met me at a live game will tell you that. I make it a point to talk with many players when I go to events. I watch people at live events. I have a feeling for what they do and what they demand. The reason I am critical of UBT is they dont represent most of us. Do I hope there is a chance my critical rants could help UBT? yes. It is my personal opinion the UBT network has taken on a good'ol boy nature. Is that another critical opinion? yes. But it is nothing but one mans opinion. It matters little really. The best thing I can do is not read nor post concerning UBT. That would get the good ol'boyz off my back. I ask you, toolman, to read this thread. If you do it with an open mind you will see the chain of events were not really in line with what I said. Possibly they were parallel to my well known opinions, but they are separate. The lines are not joined. Sometimes on message boards people read into remarks and get something else. As I said, I will make a pledge to not comment on UBT. One thing I know, never call someones sister ugly. The brother just cant see it.:angel:
My sentiments exactly. I am very glad you didn't take my post the wrong way. I read, in detail, your response and it was good. Brought out some things that I, and maybe others, had forgotten or passed over. In any event, friends - OK? I noticed you also got into the "anomaly" discussion so I know you understand what I was talking about. Keep up the discussion postings. Personally, I like to see more people post - the more the merrier. Also adds the element of diverse opinions. Like I said, I see nothing wrong with well placed and thought out criticism with a little joke thrown in here and there. Back many years ago, a Chicagoan by the name of Irv Kupsenet (spelling?) had a syndicated newspaper column and then in the 60s a TV discussion show. His opening line was that his program was about "THE LIVELY ART OF CONVERSATION". I think that's appropriate here. So lets get on with the LIVELY ART OF CONVERSATION with minimum bickering by all. I'm done. Time for lunch.