Photos from St Kitts

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by KenSmith, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member


    Hollywood is about 4'3 with spiked pink hair :laugh:
  2. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member


    There is something seriously wrong with that picture of Hollywood...:eek:
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Pocket Hollywood!

    Damn, 4'3", you could carry him around in one of those baby backpack carrier thingies ;) ! It's funny, a lot of these actor types are small aren't they?

    What an amazing resource the internet is. Where would we be without it? Changed my life. Anyway, guess what, there is a website called...

    ... and it's got information about all your favourite personalities height. Also this article is quite interesting -


  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I was on the Dumbo ride at Disneyland and Arnold is not 6 ft as your link says. So, more than likely most of those on your site are shorter than what they claim! Also, breaking news of There was a detective there trying to find his family. Wham UK Bingo Man, I solved the mystery!

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  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Tell The Truth B STONED

    Barney STONED is it true that Disneyland originally named the ride the BIG Elephant ride but once you kept riding it over and over again leaving your family alone in the park to fend for themselves they changed the name of the ride in your honor to DUMBO :joker:

  6. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    Reachy, funny thing is that shirt actually only lasted about 20 more minutes. After the party we went to the bar in the sportsbook and Williamson bought some drinks. There were some serious beer fouls and that shirt ended up even worse off being covered in Carib. (No fouling by me, of course) :eek:

    Joe has this trick that he uses on unsuspecting ladies of being able to tell them what day they were born on. The girl called her mom to verify and she sadi Joe was wrong. Long story short the mom turned out to be wrong and Joe was right. It is true that she googled Joe, causing much trepidation from her mother...but what was even worse was that one of our group, who will remain nameless, grabbed the phone from her and said "We're gonna play strip poker with your friend." This unnamed party believed he was just talking to her friend and had no idea it was her MOTHER! :laugh:
    I guess some of the poker players there taught me how to bluff with my expressions, because I'm definitely the furthest thing from that. :joker:
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2006
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    Good For You!
  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    ACE, you sexist bastard

    Ace, my post title is in jest but your statement that Joe can determine the birthdate of a woman is sexist, he can determine the birth date of either sex (non sexist). Joe's ability to determine the date of birth has nothing to do with sex, except if the exercise is performed within 6 hours of sex. then his memory is soft.
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Watch out posters!

    The Goat Monger is back in THE HOUSE!
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hard vs. Soft

    My memory is a hard as it needs to be........


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