Question about strategy table...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by rounder21, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    I wasn't hoping for more accurate results, but instant and more flexible ones. (Although, how long does it take to run 10M hands these days? Probably not that long.)

    I was thinking that you could then apply the formula using different values for the single-player figures (based on deck composition and/or differing rules) and see what effect this has.

    If I'm understanding Wong correctly, his table assumes no doubling/splitting and so his figures will be slightly different to those for basic strategy.

    I was thinking also about incorporating a strategy of 'DD on any 2 cards (unless it's a pair for which splitting is better)' to put a figure on the chances of successfully doubling past an opponent who only (at most) wins a single bet.

    Having given a little more thought to all this, I think the only way a formula could work would be to separately calculate the probability of an outcome(e.g. prob. A wins and B loses) for each possible dealer total, and produce a weighted sum incorporating the dealer probabilities.

    These are all just my poorly-informed musings really. I'm looking for ways to combine my day job (software development) with blackjack. :)
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I had asked this before

    It's funny but a couple of months ago I asked whether someone had expanded on Table 4 to include DD, split and surrender options. Frankly it would amaze me if someone hasn't. Come on Ken, spill the beans, are we going to be refering to "Smith, Table 4" in the future?


  3. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    Double on anything...

  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Thanks Rounder. I'd seen that, but forgot it was there.

    Indeed. It's a tricky business to work out how to combine the probabilities of a group of players who may or may not decide to DD, surrender, etc. You may need to account for who is going first and strategy modifications that might take place.

    I guess we are then getting into the realms of Artificial Intelligence, rather than just arithmetic.

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