River Palms - event schedule for May...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Payment Logistics

    So how will we be able to pay the entry fees for this four day set of tourneys? Is it cash only? Will we have to walk through the main cage to pay and get a reciept? How about re-buys?

    Frankly, River Palms only has two cages on separate floors. They still have alot of coin-clunking VP and Slots without any coin redemption machines on the floor for those buckets of silver. Lines can get long! River Palms does alot of things right...but fast cash transactions is not one of them.

    I would hope for some special windows opened periodically at the least, to expidite initial buy-ins and especially rebuys.

    The best example in Laughlin on how to do this right is at the Edgewater. They do a twice weekly BJT mini. They open a dedicated/well-signed window at the main cage on the far left, hours before the start of the tourney. It is one employee's primary responsability to cover this window. Things work pretty good even with the rebuys.

    Hey, I am just trying give Tex something more to think about...
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I am getting there early...

    I am hoping to run the registration and re-buys simular to the way the Stardust ran theirs. I want to set up some tables and have the players register and pay at that location, close to the pit where we are playing. Unless something has changed, players will be able to pay cash, chips, or credit cards for their entries and re-buys.

    I do know that I will have my laptop on hand so every player will know to the second how many entries and re-buys we have along with what the prize payouts will be for each place. I believe the players are intitled to this information.
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    River Palm Factoid

    some hotels put a coffee pot in your room, some put a hair dryer in your room, some provide both - at the River Palms you will get, in some rooms, a hair dryer; and, in some rooms, a coffee pot - no rooms have both - so if you feel you need either an in-room coffee pot or a hair dryer - better bring both to be safe:laugh:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Cash or chips

    I found out we will have a table set up by the tournament pit for registration and re-buys. However all entries and re-buys must be made in either cash or chips from the River Palms.

    For the satellite events, I will have sign up sheets for 1, 2, and 3 table satellites on Thursday 10th, from 10:00 am till 9:00 pm (prices will vary, from $15 to $80) and then again on Friday 11th, from 10:00 am till 1:00 pm.

    We will start each tournament as soon as the tables fill up. Prizes to which events (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) will be posted on each sign-up sheet. First place will win entry + fee into said event and second will win leftover cash from entries less the $10 for each table dealt (for the house fee) reguardless of entry fees charged, far less then 10%.

    * For these satellite events, I believe ten dollars per table is fair for the casino to host these events (less then an hour per table), and just because some events have an higher entry fee I feel the players shouldn't have to pay more for the same table, dealer, and amount of time it was used.

    I am also planning some bonuses for play on the regular tables for all the TBJPA members as well.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2007

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