Show #1 - EBJ

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    First place paid $50,000, and a seat in the championship event which will appear later in the series. The championship table of 7 has $500K in prize money.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Does winner get the $50,000?

    As an employee of UBT do the winners actually get paid the $50 grand or is it just for show? Im wondering if the contacts the players signed limit their win payouts. Maybe they sign you to play the tour and they pay your travel expenses etc and then give you a chance to win the money?

  3. Rogue

    Rogue New Member

    BS on BS

    I'd have to disagree with that statement. I think you need a certain amount of BS (or interaction between players) to keep the average viewer interested. I (being primarily a fan of BJ and Poker) watch the shows out of interest in the games, sure, but I also like to watch the players. I like to see how they think (if I can), how they bet, and how they interact with the other players.

    I think this episode was the perfect one to start off the UBT on TV. In order for this show to be successful, it has to establish a fan base. Of course we (people frequenting this site) are going to watch, we're already interested in the game. But the average TV viewer is probably not yet interested in watching BJ on TV...or at least wasn't before this show. I found the show to be very entertaining and the use of a secret booth was great for it gave us insight into a player's strategy. I also thought the commercials for the show were great, too. Establishing a rivalry between the Poker players and BJ players will help bring in Poker fans as well.

    To take my point further...over the weekend I also watched an episode of WSOBJ. Even though, it was an episode I've seen a couple times before, I watched because I liked the interaction Ken E displayed with his fellow players and the audience.

    I also watched some episodes of WSOP...the on air time seemed to be manipulated quite a bit by this 21 year old kid that spouted a lot of BS. These are the things that will keep the viewer coming back for more.

    I'll end with saying congratulations to Ken on your win and great job to you and Dave and everyone who made the show such a success!
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not affiliated with UBT, so I don't know how they handle Team UBT. My $50K check was in my hand the day I won it.

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