I will do this in a couple of different post as there seems that they are a lot of questions about whats happening here in St. Kitts . First order of business is the current leaderboard for the Sit & Go contest 1st place Vera 22 points 2nd place John Ressman 16 points 3rd place Previn 14 points 4th place Ken Smith 13 points 5th place Marvin Ornstien 13 points I have 7 points but havent played much the last 2 days as I have played deep into both 540 tournaments as all know by now Remember the top 5 players win a 2700 seat in the main event in Aruba in March. Now you only earn points in the 1 table tournaments and the top 2 players in the 540 events earn 3 points for first and 2 points for second . Now to the volley ball match that took place right before the main event started Here were the teams Team A Freddy Deeb Ken Einiger Monica Robert Williamson Joe Pane Team B Hollywood " Rooster" Dave Anthony Curtis Crazy Kanuck Joe Reitman Robert Blechman Team A made them look sick as team B was really distracted by Monica's UBT tank top Joep
Not interested! What sort of water volley ball match was that? Just one girl!!!! Cheers Reachy Ps. Any pictures of the tank top? :gaga:
To answer some questions about what we are reporting and what we are not We are all trying to the best of ability to report as much as we can and be accurate in doing so, I'm not sure why some members think that we are not reporting all Key players that were eliminated in round # 1 Blair Rodman Russ Hamilton Vera Anthony Curtis Hollywood " Rooster" Dave Freddy Deeb Kris Judkins Monica Reeves Joe Pane (My streak is over ) Richard Munchkin Robert Williamson Annie Duke James " Ace" Donovan Robert Blechman Darrly Purpose David Matthews Joep
Here are the tables for round 2 in the main event Table 1 John Blount Mila Collete James Grosjean Guilio Dimofetha Neil Vaccaro Sal Leggio Table 2 David Page Bill Gallaher Pat Batta Previn Mankodi John Ressman Kami Lis Table 3 Anthony Zumbo Frank Betti Mark Yin James "Krazy Kanuck" Worth Christian Leinhos Marvin Ornstein Table 4 Michael Castellano Sal Vivona Ken Smith Bonnie McHugh Mike Redidivo Kenny Einiger 3 Players will advance from each table to the semi finals 53 Players total for the main event creating a prize pool of 132,500 less 3% for dealer tokes 1st place 64,200 includes a 10,000 seat into the UBT Championship Event 2nd place 25,700 3rd place 15,400 4th place 10,200 5th place 6,400 6th place 3,800 7th place 2825 Joep
Reachy I ran the Monica picture by Ken Smith and he said he would blast it as it was not a picture that should be posted on his sight.......SORRY but it would be something you should have seen Joep
You mean you've got one???!!! Wow ! I didn't really expect anybody to take pictures of that event. Thanks for asking though Cheers reachy
Semi-Finalist Here are tonights Semi Finalist Guilio Dimofetha Neil Vaccaro Sal Leggio David Page John Ressman Kami Lis Anthony Zumbo Frank Betti Christian Leinhos Michael Castellano Sal Vivona Kenny Einiger 3 from each semi final table will play for the UBT St Kitts Championship Joep
St Kitts Update There was also a calcutta for the main event and here is how the teams were made up of Team 1 Blair Rodman Marvin Ornstein James Grosjean Russ Hamilton Sold for 750 to Russ Hamilton Team 2 Anthony Curtis Hollywood Dave Kami Lis Freddy Deeb Sold for 1,000 to Hollywood Dave Team 3 Annie Duke Kenny Smith James "Ace" Donovan Robert Blechman Sold for 650 to Robert Williamson Team 4 Joe Reitman Kenny Einiger Vera Mike Castellano Sold for 700 to Robert Williamson Team 5 Joe Pane Previn Markodi Richard Munchkin Robert Williamson Sold for 600 to Robert Blechman Team 6 John Blount Darryl Purpose David Matthews John Ressman Sold for 800 to Chris Compton Team 7 Monte David Page Kris Judkins Christian Frank Betti Monica Reeves 1 unknown name at this time cant read my notes sorry Sold to Monte for 600 Team 8 Field any players not listed are the field Sold to Hollywood for 1000 Once teams are bought you as the player can buy back 50 % of your self and team. Total Money in the contest 6,100 Joep
Free -Roll Rumor Laid to Rest The much anticipated 50,000 free-roll will take place tonight at 8 PM. So the RUMOR was TRUE First Place 20 K + a 10,000 UBT Championship Seat 2nd place 6 K 3rd place 4,500 4th place 3,500 5th place 3K 6th place 2 K 7th place 1 K It will be filmed for TV Joep
Who gets to play in the free roll? How about Ace? How many players total? I hope its not just team UBT!
Barney all the non members of Team UBT thank you for looking out for us. But if you had listened to the radio show when Russ Hamilton was on he said any one who has supported UBT by coming to Aruba and St Kitts will be rewared with the free-roll. There will be close to 50 players in this tournament so that works out to a 1,000 gift per player from UBT Originally UBT was going to comp every ones room here in St Kitts but they decided to hold the tournament and film it for TV a great choice for the players. As UBT was able to work out a room rate of only 75 per night for the players and some of us are sharing rooms ,so the free-roll is a score for the players that have supported the tour so far . Joep
Best news I heard all day! Now I can sleep tonight! I guess this answers the question too on how many were playing there, 50?
Why Is that number important ? No Barney the players that were invited to the free roll were players who came to St Kitts and or Aruba, but there were other players that were Marriott customers that were playing also so thats why an exact number could not be given as to how many played in St Kitts. There are about 60 players on the Sit & Go point list but keep in mind you have to have earned points to be on the list. Some St Kitts players may have not earned any points so that is what caused the exact number of players to become a problem . But trust me that there are more tournaments being held here than in Aruba. But if UBT can get this kind of support thousands of miles away from the grand old USA .When the UBT hits the mainland there will be tournaments with million dollar prizes .You can bet your last dollar on that...... Joep
Its important to me, the number, because I look at your list of tables and see the same players on them most of the time, altho the big game had some new names. I will be very interested to see if there is a big variation once we get the games up here. If you had a total of 100 players there we can expect 4 fold up here. Like I said, Van Nuys Davids win of 13 grand should be about 60 grand here. But, when it gets up here we will see just how a mix of players with non standard styles mixes in. We will have a few wildcats. It wont unfold as easily as Aruba or St Kitts. Dont you agree Uncle Joe? BTW, did you catch my feature film staring you and Tex?
Hollywood on a roll... Wow, if I added the calcutta up right Hollywood is in great shape to cash for the final event. Going by the list, it looks like he has 7 of the remaining 12 players in the semifinals. Five of his players are from the field, nice call on taking the field HD! Hollywood with 7 players Robert Williamson with 2 Monte with 2 Chris Compton with 1 Good luck to all.
Tour Projections Barney UBT has projections of over 400 players at all UBT events in the states in the first few stops with the number reaching a point where first prize will be in excess of 1 Million Dollars Joep
Point Leaders Here are the points as of close of business today 13 sit and go were run today a little lower than most days as two tournaments were run Vera 26 points Previn 26 Points Hollywood 18 points Mike Castellano 16 Points John Ressman 16 Points Joep
Here are the Final tables for the 2 events The Main Event Kenny Einiger John Ressman Christian Leinhos Anthony Zumbo Sal Vivona Guilio Dimofetha---- is the casino manager here at the UBT Location Internet Winner Free-Roll Final Table Kenny Smith Jan Smith John Ressman 2 Final tables this trip Christian Leinhos 2 Final tables this trip Robert Williamson Suzie Fielding Internet Winner Joep
Hollywood - calcutta king...LOL Hollywood has 4, maybe 5 players in the main event finals. Not sure about the internet qualifier is one of his or not (I would assume they are as part of the field). I like HD's chance to win the Calcutta with 4/5 of of 7 players belonging to him. Good luck to all the finalist in both events.