Super-Mini's for Feb.?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I agree

    I agree with you Rookie, the fee is to high for the amount of the entries. When I host a $500 entry the $40 fee is fine, but $40 on a $100 tournament isn't.

    I think just keeping this trip as a socal get together is the best way to go, but if enough players still want a tournament let me know ASAP.

    The casino management told me the cost would be more because they would be using all their dealers over the Superbowl weekend.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Feb. get together


    Work that host at fitz. Get tx's help and shmooz and promise him anything. I'd be willing to bring a l,000 people out to fitz's if they'd hold up on their promise to you. The way may favorite haunt's, mid strip are set to disappear, I'm ready to resort to back downtown and have some good ol time fun and gamblin, rather than stylin.
  3. ladygambler711

    ladygambler711 New Member



    I do not have to work the host ....he gives me anything I ask for..........within reason......
    At Lady Luck they even had a program that basicaly paid airfare .........
    I will be at Lady luck for New Years and see how it is going.
    My host now at Fitzgeralds (formerly Lady Luck Host till last week) said they gave all employees notice no one would be retained. So if the ship is sinking
    I maybe able to info then.
    For the non-refundable airfare people if the Hotel is closed early then your travel agent would need to step in. And because things were secured on a credit card you can have it reversed back to you, you do not have to pay for service you did not receive.
    The Lady Luck has always treated me well. Limo to & from airport and anywhere else I want to go. They were very liberal on comps as long as you ask to be rated. The only thing I have to pay for generally is tips

  4. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Super Minis

    For those of us arriving on the 6th , as i am, that will not work very well. Also, be reminded that the 5th is Super Bowl Sunday & the city will be packed with reservations difficult to come by.
    Rick, please clarify if the $40 is a one time event or is to be charged for each tournament day?
  5. ladygambler711

    ladygambler711 New Member

    leaving Las Vegas

    I think it will be slow on the 6th everyone for superbowl will be gone.

    SOOZZIEC New Member

    Vegas In Feb

    Hi all,
    Looking forward to feb vegas trip. Can't wait to put faces on each,:eek:

    Not sure about LadyLuck? :cool: Could be really good or realy bad. Waiting to here how it is from Lady....

  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Vegas in February


    This trip will be fun for me no matter Lady Luck, I've looked forward to meeting my half brothers and sisters since the day I was adopted by the STL Mafia (which was an honor). I'm sure if the Lady Luck fizzles for some reason LadyG or TXtourplayer have enough connections, if not put the pressure on me, I have a few connections in Vegas.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    $40 per tournament

    Springbac the fee to rent the casino and dealers would be $40 for each player per tournament plus the $100 to $200 entry fee.

    When I host my $500 entry fee events $40 isn't bad, but for these smaller tournaments I am not sure it would be worth it for the players.

    I am willing to host a couple of tournaments if we have enough players willing to pay the fees to cover the cost.
  9. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Vegas in Feb

    :) I have my air arranged for Feb, so I am not worried about what happens to Lady Luck. There are plenty of other places. So we just need to all work together to determine where to headquarters. If it is Fitzgeralds that is OK with me.

    SOOZZIEC New Member

    Vegas In Feb

    That works for Lou & I :) and I'm sure for jaybird and tgunn as well, We also have another couple coming with the STL Mafia.....We all just need a place to rest sometime! LOL:laugh: We are all so looking forward to it!


    SOOZZIEC New Member

    We can't wait Rookie!!!!:D :D
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Wed. mini

    It doesn't look like enough players want to pay the $40 fee (I don't blame them) so we can hold off on the Super-Mini tournaments this trip.

    The Silverton will be hosting their weekly mini tournament on Wed. night at 6:00 PM. Anyone interested should be there to sign up by 5:15 or forget about playing in the first round. They have a $1,000 guaranteed prize for $20-$25 entry.

    LHENRYC New Member

    Vegas In Feb.

    rick, the trip i plan is to meet and greet all the fine people i have met on global and have a great party. i could play some s&g with others, not any real plans to do tourneys.

  14. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Feb Tourneys

    Sorry to hear that Rick - I was looking forward to playing in them. Let us know if things change/materialize. Are you still coming out then? What about some informal Sit and Goes as posted above? I have already committed to being out there then with airfare.

  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No change

    I don't see any changing Chips, the $40 fee on a $100 entry is pretty steep. I can see the casino point of veiw, they use the same number of tables, dealers, and time if I host a $100 entry or $500 entry tournament.

    It just isn't worth it for this small of a tournament. Anyway the Silverton has their weekly Wed. tournament back up and running I was told.
  16. shipman

    shipman Member

    The Silverton

    I Played In That Mini Tournament And Came In Second And Won $540! First Place Was $1135... I Almost Was First Place But I Didn't Bet Enough On The Last Hand...Darn!:( The Tournament Lasted About 3 Hours.
  17. noman

    noman Top Member

    Super minis-Feb.

    As stands now, I won't be there. But....if I may. With all going, surely, someone could garner a suite and stage, "informal" sit and gos. No different than holding your own poker game. It seems everyone trusts everyone and the comradarie is there. Designate a dealer per round, not playing. Dealer plays next round.

    Aw heck, yall work it out.
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Only way, (without paying)

    To play Sit & Go tournaments (BJ) out in Vegas:

    1. Everybody will have to draw for sitting at a open table.
    2. The deal won't be rotated.
    3. You will have to play with "LIVE" chips.
    4. Everyone will have to buy-in for the same amount.
    5. The players will have to hold the prize money.
    6. You will have to play all the seats to avoid someone else sitting in, and even then someone could get in once one of you bust out.

    We have done it before, but for a lot higher stakes.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2005
  19. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think Noman is talking about having these at a casino table. He's thinking more along the lines of playing in someone's room.
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Sorry, thought they were talking at the casino.

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