
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by maxwell, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    the real America


    legal holidays are determined by state law over here - and in most states - there are actually none that are required - it is usually entirely up to the employer to decide what holidays to grant the workers - that usually comes out to about 10 - and we schedule most of our holiday observances to provide three day weekends

    Americans get fewer vacation days than almost anyone else in the world - usually one week per year to start - then working up to maybe three or four after 5 to 10 years with the same employer -

    Californmia bans smoking in many public places, including restaurants - worse - NEVADA just adopted the toughest anti-smoking law in the USA - bans smoking in bars, restaurants, any public place (except casinos) -

    most/all states have laws requiring bars to cut off drinkers after they become intoxicated - and the bar owners can be sued if they don't - but they don't actually hand you the AA addresses and such - they just annoy you with endless posters telling you that you're a drunk and need help

    and yes - all southern women are morally loose :D

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