This bothers me..

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Fredguy, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    That was exactly my point Ken, Barney rarely makes posts of any value to the community simply attacks on others or what others have written or worthless links, I was simply trying to make him see that instead of fighting each other spreading love and uniting is the only way forward not just for BJT but the whole world, A simple look back at his posts on LVA and here for the last 3 years would clarify my point.
    As for This forum is much better off without members who insist on making nasty stabs at any person or any policy with which they disagree, Well how comes People Like Barney keep getting away with it time and time again mostly on people who are not even able to defend themselves that is called bullying.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    The title of this thread is "What Bothers Me" - so this is what bothers me:

    This thread was started by someone asking very good questions & making comments about "team" play in BJT's with possible collusion effects. After a post by S. Yama, whom we hear from too rarely already, the thread is severely hijacked into yet another round of unrelated and somewhat nasty finger pointing and personal insults that should have been put in another thread altogether. C'mon, people - geez...................
  3. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Sorry my friend, I was just reading Sissy's other post on thecruise thread saw it said banned under her name and was shocked so i clicked on her very last post(which was in this thread) to see if she had said anything that would upset or be classed as banable and so made a statement below it, of course instead of getting any reasonable responce as to why she had been banned i get a usual childish dumb reply from Barney guess i should have just ignored him like everyone else does!

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