Tulsa tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, May 24, 2007.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Way to go

    Lou and Ken. Lou takes down over 10 grand!

    BTW that last pic Joep finally got his UBT plug in with a twist and bend of the right arm. What a beautiful orange shirt:yikes:

    LHENRYC New Member

    Tulsa Main Event

    Thanks to all who supported me at the final table, and everyone who played, and a special Thanks to Eric Woods and his staff!:celebrate

    Thanks to the ST LOUIS group for all the wonderful support:D

    Having a great time, especially when the final table is included....

    Lou (LHENRYC):cheers:
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Congrats to all the winners at Tulsa!

    Nice win. Glad you will not be competing against me in LV this week.
  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    Excellent job Lou and Ken making the final table. I was pulling for you guys to win it all. Another great outing by bjt.com members.

    Thanks again to Eric, Stephen, Ronnie, Montie, Rhonda, Robin and the rest of the Cherokee staff for making this a memorable week.
  5. roandmo9300

    roandmo9300 New Member


    Good job to all who played! And thanks for the nice words! We have a good team here!
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'm curious. Would anyone care to venture a guess as to what percent of the total tournament entries were BJT members?
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Last Chance Event

    Well this is the final, final table of the Tulsa events and here are the finalist.
    1st - Dick Kreuger = $6.423
    2nd - Frank Bellize = $2,854
    3rd - Sondra Baker = $1,713
    4th - Lawrance Long = $1.427
    5th - Ron Andrew = $1,142 -
    6th - Rick Swogger = $714 - Swog

    Note: with this win, Dick also won "Player of the Week" and another $5,000 bonus.

    All the tournament dealers at Tulsa

    This was a cool thing they did in Tulsa, all the players received pictures and we signed and exchanged them with other players.

    Richard "Dick" Kruger - "Player of the Week"
    Last edited: May 28, 2007
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    in the heck can Y'all handle a week of tournaments?!? My goodness you must be dead tired! Glad to see Swog on a final table pic- way to go swog. Also Rons smiling face on another. Congrats to Mr Kruger on his overall player award.
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    After an early flight this morning, I'm back at home after a whirlwind week. Congrats to Richard Kruger for pulling down the Player of the Week award, and last night's first place win!
    Thanks again Eric Woods, Steve, and the whole friendly staff of dealers and pit staff. Nice job guys and girls.

    I'm looking forward to a return this fall.
  10. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Dates for the Fall?

    Have any dates been set for the Fall yet?

  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I asked Eric yesterday. No dates are set yet, but he'll let us know soon.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    If I was a betting man...LOL

    I am thinking late October to early November for the next Tulsa events.
  13. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    Congrats to Swog and Ronnie on their final table. Also congrats to Richard on his win on the final table and player of the week. Great job guys.

    LHENRYC New Member


    Congrat's to all at the final table.......

    Way to go Ronnie & Swog........

    Again, it was a great time,but longggggggg........:confused:

    Thanks to Eric and all the dealers and Steve & Francis, who all managed to organize everything well!

    My only complaint is they started to late and lasted til almost 3 am each day....Otherwise they were teriffic!

    It was great seeing all the new friends we have made and hope to see all again soon.

    Lou & Sue
  15. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Thanks to Eric and staff

    Just adding my thanks to you Eric, and all your staff for hosting a great series of tournaments last week. Like Lou, I'm a bit tired, but everything on your end went great and the dealers were outstanding.

    Looking forward to next time.

  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I was thinking the same thing, until I realized that a 7 PM start time allows locals to arrive after work to play. On the other hand, it's gotta be tough to go back to work the next day if you played a final table at 3 AM! All in all, it's probably still the best plan for the weekday tournaments. I'd like to see the Sunday event kick off at noon though.
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Yea the 7:00 pm start time does take it's toll by the end of the week. Perhaps we could start them at 6:00 pm and save an extra hour and still give the locals time to get there and have a chance to re-buy if needed.

    I also suggested to Eric to host a possible two day event on Thursday and Friday starting at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm each day (this is besides the night time tourament on Thursday). This way we could get in an extra tournament and have something on Friday and be through before the party Friday night. Just a thought!
    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  18. tgun

    tgun Member


    Wtg winners and players, I believe we all had a great time again at the Cherokee thanks to Eric, Steve and the rest of the team. We could feel and see the team effect in action during the week. And are looking forward to the next tournament series.

    I agree with wishing that we could start sooner or maybe have less days of tournaments. It's rough on the "old guys".

    We really enjoyed being with all our old friends and making many new ones.

    Nice going Lou that $10k will pay for a lot of Florida golf. Ronnie and I will have to spend ours at Ameristar.

    Last edited: May 29, 2007
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Go Team!

    Talking about "Team" what about Team Mafia! At least it sounds you left Kieth at home so the rest of the field had a chance! :D
  20. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Skip Jr. or Skip II ?

    Keith was there on Saturday for the big tournament but I believe he didn't make it past the quarters. He did do a few more great Skip "Dreamer" impersonations.

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