UB futility

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by RKuczek, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. tomlw

    tomlw Member

    Bet 21 withdrawls

    For what it is worth, I have made numberous withdrawls from Bet21 with no problems. When I withdraw, I order a check by mail on Sun And it is in my mail box by Fri or Sat without fail. Never a hitch.
  2. tomlw

    tomlw Member


    Excuse the spelling.. Should have read it before posting.
  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Poor Solution

    I avoided the whole issue, by losing all the money I deposited! :D
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    To tell you the truth, I've pretty much given up on ever seeing the funds that Bet21/UB won't disburse, it's just the cost of a lesson regarding online BJT's for cash. There was also that ripoff Blackjack.com site which had those freerolls but refused to pay off, too. That's two out of two. Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me. :p
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Since you seem to have exhausted your options to get your money, try playing to get their computer to recognize your additional play - that may be what they are looking for. I would guess that if you make total bets greater than 5 times your balance then maybe that will make you eligible for a withdrawal. Who knows, maybe you'll win more!
  6. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    tomlw, No need to apoligize, I think numberous is a great word applicable to your post and requires no thought to understand the message.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks, Toolman, but I'm certain that I have "churned" the original deposit quite a bit more than that. Did pretty darn OK, too. They're just being obstinate about wanting access to some form of my financial data, which is the one thing they cannot have.

    Rookie789, I agree with you that Tomlw's numberous was a great word in that situation! :laugh:
  8. toonces

    toonces Member

    If we are talking "serious" money at all, why not open up a seperate e-bank account just for the purpose of this transation. Fund it with a couple dollars, that you transfer to them. Then ask for your withdrawal and close the account after you recieve the money. You get their money and they get no access to your accounts. (for the record, they have the numbers for most of our accounts and we haven't been stolen from, but I understand your concern).

    FWIW, I've done more work than that for less money before.
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    I Second That Emotion

    It's also a great word to describe a TBJ situation that overwhelms a player with mind-numbing numbers, lots of calculations, big stacks, and choices.


    Tomlw gets the credit for coining a new term in the TBJ lexicon. :cool:

    I love it! :laugh:
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Post of the month goes to Tomlw - without question.


    How about this for a first place finish:
    Numberous Unous
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I think that's the name for the hand signal I flashed today to the Moronous Supremeous (in the Lexus)
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I see from their website that you can mail them a check, bank draft or cashiers check. Just go get a cashiers check and send it to them. I'm sure the website will tell you who to get the check made out to.

    While I can understand your frustration, this doesn't look like anything more than a pretty typical hoop to jump through. Just play along and you'll get your money.
  13. tomlw

    tomlw Member


    I think you guys are making fun of my stupidditty.
  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh, wow, Tomlw - you've got it dead wrong! If this group is gonna take cheapshots at anyone, the target will know it.
  15. Mick

    Mick New Member

    First of all, I know nothing about how UB may or may not operate. However, I do know that I've withdrawn well into five figures from Bet21 in the past month with no problem. I've received the money via Money Gram within 24 hrs of my request. Granted there is a fee involved but I've always withdrawn the maximum amount allowed with this method and consider it a small price to pay.
  16. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    It looks to me after reading through this thread that everyone has been able to request and receive a check or other form of payment with no problems. When just one individual is having a alleged problem obtaining the same service that many have and continue to receive from UB one has to wonder if they the player here in question who has had these issues, has or is attempting to circumvent the rules that are in place to not only protect UB but the customer’s themselves from fraudulent withdrawals. I myself have made numerous withdrawals without one problem. I haven’t had the luxury as Mick to withdraw figures that would make me GULP but playing blackjack tournaments on UB has been a blast and I have made a ton of friends doing so. I’m sorry that it seems that all the scheduled multi table tournaments are gone and we have only the sit n go’s to play. It was great while it was available. I hope that some other site or UB returns to us what we all enjoy playing in our free time.
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Let me be very clear about something. I only posted about my difficulties with Bet21/UB as a warning to anyone else who may be considering that site. And I'm not the only one. For those of you who have obviously been having no problems, great! My posts weren't about whining, or crybabying (is that a word?), or bitching. Warning is the sole intent.

    Best of luck to those who continue to play there, and I am truly sorry that they have eliminated your BJT's.
  18. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    I wouldn't label your posts as whining - think they were factual, and, as you said, were a warning to others.

    I see no legitimate reason, from what you have stated in your posts, why you have not been allowed to withdraw funds from your account - but - that is my perspective on what is fair and right and should be allowable -

    I would guess you have run into some unstated rule that no one can withdraw funds unless they have made a deposit, and that UB/Bet21 doesn't consider a transfer of funds as a deposit

    I think this is pure bs, and have never seen any statement that would inform someone of such a rule - I would think that it does not matter how you get funds into an account - as long as you put them there or win them - this is not a bonus situation - or anything untoward at all - UB is just being a******s - but - that is what they can get away with - strange undocumented rules that make no logical sense but they want to impose for whatever reason they want to have them -

    a good example of why players would benefit from governmental regulation of online gambling sites -

    my suggestion - ask UB/Bet21 specifically, how much you would have to deposit, and what form the deposit would have to be in - to have complete access to your mopney from that point on - meaning all your money - including the current account and any additional deposit - and if any limitations, play demands, etc. would be aplied to your money or any portion of it - then find a method UB allows and has said would work that you can live with to deposit the minimum required amount - maybe a friend can do a direct credit card or bank wire or check deposit to your account? or you can set up a bank account solely for this purpose, then close it immediately after you withdraw your funds? remember that if the withdrawals are under $3,000 - you do not need to go through the provide ID thing.

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