Ultimate Bet offers $100k guaranteed tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by ProfGlitch, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, I may finally be losing it. When I saw this thread I KNOW they had an Elimination BJ tourney being offered. Now that link has been changed. When I asked CS about it this is the response that I got.

    PS London I didn't know about HORSE either - here's the answer.

    Prof Glich or anyone else who saw the original EBJ offer, please let me know so that I don't think I'm going crazy. :eek:
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You're not going crazy. I remember seeing it on the list of 10 events as well, and it is now replaced with a poker event.
  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Yeah. The horsey is new. It used to say EBJ for Dec 9th. :mad:
  4. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I sent this question and received this reply last week sometime...

    Actually this fits right in with UB/Bet21 attitude and treatment of the Blackjack players...

    This follows the Bonus lie...the free book lie, the poorly handled CS.

    This could have easily been a paying propposition but you would have to actually HAVE the spoken of feeders,the advertizing...I do have an ad sent by Phil Helmuth that mentions the BJ tournament somewhere...( I wonder if these celebs get tired of being used as promoters and then it turning out to be a lie???

    Im not surprized that they have lied to us again....its becoming a normal thing with them..

    Anyone get their bonus money yet?

    Dear Rando21,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Information on the Dec 9th 100K guarantee Elimination BJ game is not available yet. It will soon, so please keep checking your main lobby regularly. Also, you can write back to us in a few days.

    Thank you for keeping up to date with information on our great events.

    Best regards,

    Customer Service Department

    --Original Message--
    Date: 11/27/06
    To: memberservices@ultimatebet.com
    Subject: Customer Support Form Submission[#5022878]

    Customer Information
    Account Name : Rando21
    Real Name : Randall
    Comments : I am trying to find information on the December 9th 100 thousand guarentee Elimination Blackjack game.

    The ad speaks of feeders etc...are these scheduled yet?
    How can I sign up for this event? and or the feeders?


  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Appreciate you all letting me know that I'm not going crazy.

    It is a shame to treat your customers like this. If you don't want to have a tourney then don't post it - period.

    Don't say you're going to have something, then change it and act like it was never that way in the first place.

    BTW - I'm still waiting for my bonus money too - or was THAT another bait and switch?
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Just another internet site showing its true colors....

    If they wont police themselves then perhaps banning play is the correct answer.

    Sad really because acting honorably would increase business....this behavor will only hurt business....unless we have to hush hush it or get strong armed for pointing it out....

    if you are not going to do it then dont promise it....or if there is an explainable reason ..then explain....Im open minded and fair and I like the game....

    But its getting slimed...and they are doing it to themselves. I hope they fix it.
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    If they don't mind telling the USA government to get screwed, what makes you think they care about you, a single person. I think that the only thing worse than a self regulated American Indian Casino is an on-line casino who answers to no one.
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I fired off a letter to UB about canceling the Blackjack event....I received the reply below...I was glad that they took the time to reply at least...and hopefully they will start a promotion that really gives this game a shot in the arm it needs..

    Frankly....the free rolls are a bust ...Ive played enough of them to realize that its too much of a long shot to even be fun after a while...Its great....but I love the game....its not showing the true potential of this game though..and often its just frustrating folks ...

    A BIG money game with lots of feeders and free rolls into that event would work best I think....they need to promote it though....

    I played with Phil the other night so they still have him working on EBJ....(I kicked his butt BTW..:))

    I answered this letter with thanks and the hope that they could throw something together b4 Christmas ...so someone (me maybe) could win a great Christmas gift...;-)

    Dear Mr. XOXO,

    Thank you for your recent mail regarding the proposed EBJ event that was scheduled as part of the UBOC series.

    As noted, we have taken the proposed event out of the series. This has been done for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, we were receiving a number of queries from our existing players who were unaware of what this event was. Although, it is on the UB platform it was causing confusion.

    Secondly, following on from the launch of our new HORSE game, we were being asked why it wasn't included in the UBOC series, especially since Phil played in the HORSE event at the WSOP this record breaking year.

    After consultation, it was decided that we would replace the EBJ event with a HORSE event and therefore keep the series all Poker events, in celebration of Phil's Poker achievements.

    I appreciate that this has inconvenienced you and would like to apologize for that. Please be aware we are already working on a special EBJ tournament that will run over Christmas or early in the New Year.

    Once again, thank you for bringing your concerns to us, and I trust you find the above to be to your satisfaction.

    Kind Regards

    The UltimateBet Team
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    What do you think?


    I would like to thank you for your posting. I thought I was the only one writing to CS about possible tourney’s/ideas. Rather than each of us doing things independently, I have an idea, can we, as a group, put some collective ideas here about possible EBJ tourney events? With enough ideas, maybe we can fabricate the ideal tourney for both the company and players.

    I’ll start by saying that I would like to see a 50,000 or 100,000 online tourney. In order for this to be done, without the “company” losing money you would need a minimum of 100 people/players paying either 500 or 1,000 entry fees (respectfully for the 50 vs 100)

    Now I know of lot of you are saying, “I’m not putting up 500 or 1,000 for a tourney!” So how about multiple feeders? Lets say a $20 single table that pays the winner an entry to the $100 feeder and second place paying $40. The $100 feeders would pay an entry to the $500 tourney and second place paying $200.

    My idea would be to have the 50,000 tourney on a Sunday afternoon around 6-9 pm EST to allow for EVERYONE, including our British Buddies access to the tourney. The satellite feeders could take place 1-2 weeks prior with the $20 feeders every hour and the $100 feeders every 4 hours.

    So what do you think?
  10. eastexaspro

    eastexaspro Member

    love playing tournaments

    i have been playing tournaments for about five years.i would like to make this comment and get some responses.i dont think i am the only one that sees how totally unnatural the games are on ubt and bet 21.i do not feel comfortable playing for big money.your comments.eastexaspro.aka ZORRO
  11. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    I like your idea fgk.

    And, I want to highlight a key part of what you are saying, which is whatever plan they come up with will be considering the economics of the deal for UB/Bet21.

    Think about it: I'm sure they can handle some $1K-$2K losses on these $2.5K and $5K guarantee tourneys, such as they are now based on the low number of entries (hey, I like it--positive EV!). But multiply that by a ton to get what they might lose with a big tourney with low entries and you can see why they want to be cautious.

    Using a combination of freeroll entries to build poker player interest, a variety of feeders at maybe a couple price levels to draw the lesser and better-heeled player, and then they may be able to build a viable bigger money tourney.

    I, for one, hope they make it happen as well...
  12. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I certainly understand the way you feel ETP...

    I would like to be reassured that this game is being dealt randomly....Im sure Im imagining it but I think I see higher percentages of certain cards in the dealers first two... ...namely Ace and ten up ....I havent tracked it though...

    I dont see many games go past 16 hands....

    Could it be possible that there is a "HIGH RAKE SETTING" in this program.?

    Ive played alot of rounds and I seem to see an unnatural number of dealer ace....I feel more than I would see in a hand dealt game anyway....also dealer ten up.....this has nothing to do with my outcome other than ending the game way before hand 30 most times.

    Lately though I seem to be seeing two or three random seats getting all the cards...while the rest are struggling with 6, 7 stiffs in a row....Ive had the 4 Blackjacks in one game and Ive also faced the one player who is getting 4 or 5 Bj in one game....

    In other words (and I am probably totally nuts) It feels like in each game 2 players are getting walk away hands each time....BJ,20, 11, A9...etc...while the rest of the table is struggling with 15, 16, 14...dd11 and hit ace...

    Ive been in the easy seats and in the hard seats....just seems like the games are set to end fast....

    Could it be possible that there is a less than randon deal to increase rake rates? I know its probably crazy but I see enough dealer ace to be notable...how often should the dealer catch an ace up in a normal game...??? Im seeing >6 each game.. and that is in the short 16 - 22 hand games....can I prove it??Nope....Am I dreaming it because I lose so often ???Probably...
    Am I pissed right now because I cant win a game today ...yep...
    Did I lose the last game to guy who had 6 BJ before the 16 th hand??? Yep..

    But I also saw a player do exactly the same last night...6 or 7 BJ in 16 hands is notable....as is 6 or 7 dealer ace...

    I like it when Im getting the "do no wrong cards"....but Id sure rather just have a true randon deal....

    Fred....great idea.....Im not sure these sites were interested or have even considered much past introduction and free rolls...now that that is past and some bugs have been or are being worked out they may be willing to start considering a money making game ...

    They sure get the poker players involved in big money games...and I see the site always has big numbers as far as body count goes...but thats for poker...

    Also it seems that they had 750 to 1,000 for the freerolls....I think these guys will be happy to take 5 to 10 dollar shots at the pie...

    I would really like to see a successful game get off the ground...if not one biggie then several medium...say 25,000 dollar games make it to a schedule...maybe daily, weekly, monthly...whatever.

    They have it for poker ....they should be able to fire up something....its their business ....to win or lose.

    They have advertizing experts, gaming experts, and they have web forums if they choose to take advantage of them...so far they havent...but that may change...

    Open a thread....theres alot of smart organized and highly qualified folks here that understand what a really big game needs to include. Feeders...certainly...free rolls yep....cheapo rolls...$1 sats etc,,,yep, yep...7 seat table games ???maybe...

    Its really time for these guys to load up the ship and see how it cruises...
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Just finished my first game today..I was offered insurance 6 times in 18 hands....I had one ace in those same 18....hummmmmmmm
  14. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    God forbid, Don't confuse the poker players:confused:


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