What to bet?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by London Colin, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I chose to hit in my case too, but I'm not totally sure that splitting wouldn't have been the better play.

    An overall push must be a very likely outcome of a split, which might not be so terrible, so long as the dealer doesn't make 17 to give BR1 a win.

    Losing both bets would indeed be Game Over, but it must be reasonably unlikely, and the flip-side is obviously the possibility of winning both bets.
  2. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    conservative bets

    This is very, very interesting thread, illustrating complications of plays when there are three hands to play.
    Considering that there are seven main outcomes for each player hand, from losing double bet to winning double bet, just for two players there are 49 combinations of their results in just one round (hand).
    Since we trying to see what will happen after playing last three rounds (hands), that creates 117,649 possibilities. Of course, a few of them lock in, or bust out, one player, thus eliminate the need to play the following rounds – so we are left with only 101,325 cases.
    Let’s do them one by one.

    Just kidding!
    I will get to this with more details, time allowing next week, but shortly a few comments.
    The bigger the bet by BR2 the bigger the reward if won, but more severe punishment if lost.
    BR2 betting and playing last on the last hand favors being conservative, but we need to balance rewards of winning high enough bets that a particular outcome, like full swing, win/push, etc., will get us ahead (or ahead by a specific amount of brl /max bet) of our opponent, with risk of not dropping below specific ratio of our bankroll to our opponent bankroll if lost.
    We would not like to drop below max bet, but it is more important to have more than half of our opponents’ bankrolls.

    My first choice would be to bet 221 – this gets us ahead of BR1 when he loses and we win. I think with this bet there will be a nice chunk of end results advancement coming from being BR2 with less than 1/3 of max bet behind BR1, going to the last hand but betting/playing last.
    My next choice (511) would be to cover situation of single win for both players and getting ahead of the current leader by a minimum. I suspect that value of covering BR1 winning doubled bet doesn’t outweighs cost of losing bigger bet.
    Will try to have more specific numbers later.

    Good luck, lots of tournaments this week,

    S. Yama

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