Oh...I don't know. Fred, fgk, pot stirrer, other responses disected and analyzed Don's rebuke, well enough. I'd guess what we could really do, instead of all the silliness, with occassional insight and info hidden is to turn the site into a "Statistics Doctoral Program" with a minor in "Probabilities." Quizes at noon everyday. Tests 9am sharp on Saturday. Only an excuse from your part time employer exempts you from the tests.
That "dead horse" still owes a lot of players for unused entry fees, plus for cancelled and nonrefundable travel arrangements. And it still owes everyone a freakin' explanation of why Barona was really sh**canned, as well as why it's taken so long for the CEO to cough up the previously promised explanation of why it went so wrong so that people who trusted them got screwed. We've been berated and cajoled into keeping silent as we waited for first-hand details or announcements. None have been forthcoming. All they're trying to do is shut everyone up and hope the noise goes away. Those of you who've followed the UBT saga for the past year know that most of what I've posted has been well-intended help, feedback, and/or opinions for them. Those days are over and the gloves are coming off. Even though Deb and I weren't personally screwed by the last-minute Barona cancellation, we've been dinged by enough broken promises to feel the pain of our TBJ friends who did. Don't stand on the tracks when the train's coming through. :flame:
Ah, Leftnut: Over the years, you've been to enough bowling banquets where the treasurer didn't show up and not only did you not get your prize money, you had to dip into your pocket to pay for that night's meal. But you joined another league the next year and the next and.....
Ah, noman..... Nope, that never happened to me nor to anyone I bowled with or coached, and every league or tournament that saw me lace up the shoes had the prize fund insured against theft, either internal or external. Of course, most of those leagues had relatively large prize funds, as much as $50K or more. We weren't about to let that kind of loot just sit there without some assurance. Oh, wait, how much was the UBT supposed to pay off at Barona again???
San Diego You guys are so self centered... How about the folks that showed up at Barona yesterday because they don't post on eithier ( BJT or LVA) site only to find out there is no tourney. You guys Bitch and Bitch but have no right. Were you entered in the tourney? (NO) Did you book your travel?( SOME ) No you didnt.... So shut the **** up and stop talking to each other about stupid bullshit instead of resovling a situation. Yes UBT should have contacted "people" that were entered. If I did not check these borards I WOULD BE PISSED RIGHT NOW CAUSE I WOULD BE IN SAN DIEGO WITH NO, I MEAN NO, IDEA OF WHATS GOING ON. As for Left Nut and Fred you both have made more money (and I really dont care about your wife Left so dont try to add her in your response cause UBT took care of her ) than you guys have ever put in to the site and so have I. How dare you discredit or "Run Down" Russ Hamilton, UBT, or there the investors for what has happened. Yes I think they should have contacted "us" everyone , or submited a responce right away. But they did not... Ok.... It obviously happened for a reason... Do I think the way it happened was right? No I dont.... Someone should have been on the wire right away saying " HEY dont book or try to cancel your travel because all tourneys in Diego were cancelled due to unresolved circumstances. That would of been correct. You and I both know there is someone there right now with no idea whats going on. Because Barona said its an invitation only, and UBT backed out and you cant play:flame: . If you you all think about it ( and my name is not BJ..Should Go Mace) UBT for some reason did this in the best intrest of them and the site. Yes you guys can be angry BUT if YOU think about IT , iF YOUR MONEY was invested and YOU saw the lining, YOU would have raised your hand too when the vote was called to cancel. Do i like it..... **** no.:flame: :flame: :flame: You guys are not in there spot. Yes like Ive said prior there was other ways to go about it( without a doubt) BUT I AGREE WITH JOE PANE , YOU GUYS BITCH AND BITCH, AND IN MY OPINION... DO YOU PIECES OF **** DESERVE THE RIGHT, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO JUDGE THESE PEOPLE. I HAVE A MEDALLION , I WAS LUCKY. AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED ALL I CAN DO IS PRAISE RUSS HAMILTON FOR THE CREATION HE HAS INVISIONED. MOST OF YOU HAVE MADE MONEY OFF HIS INVENTION, AND ALL YOU DO IS RUN, HIM, HIS SITE, AND HIS EMPLOYESS in to the ground when all you do is benefit off of them. You guys are exactley whats wrong with our society or so called nation of " Can I have some money for FREE and then trash talk you for not given enough". I would feel better if I was payin for your wellfare instead of listening to you bitch and complain about a site that has put you YA YOU in the Black. Grow up and stop saying things Online YOU would not say in person.:flame: You Know Who You Are_____! Trust me on the cruise.......... Well Im keepin a list :laugh:
San Diego Sorry Stubbs, you are wrong. UBT bailed, Barona did not. In fact, UBT is a bad word around Barona right now. Yes, I am in San Diego, I played in the tournament. It was professionally done as usual. It is my understanding that anyone who had pre-registered for the tournament, who showed up to sign in (BJ Mace was here), was welcomed warmly by Max Rubin and the rest of the Barona staff. There were four of us from Seattle at a great, traditional BJ tournament. I am sorry that mis-communication caused some of our friends from this site to stay home. If anybody is angry, it should be at UBT, not Barona, who did a great job of making the best of a bad situation. BTW, BJ Mace--I was watching your round 1 table. Why didn't you take insurance on the last hand when that was your only hope of advancing?
Ok How come self centered Mace, or Max never posted it was ok for anyone to play. NO IM SORRY LEIHAY OR WHATEVER..... **** **** **** **** BARONA cause I spent countless minutes on the phone with numerous individuals who all said I could not play AT ALL. So dont come here and tell me im in the wrong.Just cause your there and made the trip... gives you no right. Enjoy the forturne you have but stay far ****in away from me.All I got was the run around and lost out on travel expenses. Your praising an Indian Casino LMAO...been there done that, of course there going to run UBT down. You know why your playin... Not Enough Players.... GOT IT. GOOD:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Barona!!!! Well Stubbs, you posted exactly same on LVA as here. And I'm not sure what side your taking or if you're stradling. But you should't be angry with folks for raising concerns and issues. And now reading leaila's comment just above, if I were Left Nut and his better half, I'd be even more angry. Someone, somewhere, somehow COULD have said, "If you earned or paid an entry into this event, come on down." This just muddies the waters more. Yeah, there was a lot of investment in UBT, a lot of free rolls, a lot of in the black money, but for a potential huge return. It didn't work. But, I don't think for lack of interest or effort by many on this site. Many here invested time and money playing on line to help fund the future, without the ability to go tip toeing to the Caribean. And Fgk went tip toeing. He has every right to express his thoughts. He paid for it. Left Nut and his bride put forth their effort and were given a promised return which they didn't realize. All of that is not a complaint as much as it is a criticism. Defend a friend. Defend an innovation. But don't rail against legitimate complaints Others have exposed flaws in Casino tourneys or other tournament promoters, but you shouldn't have to be a NAME to raise a glaring issue. And as much as I benefitted from UBT, from the beginning there was a lot said that didn't pan out as said. I always figured, adjustments and growing pains. But did take them at their word. Well it's over and done. Now onto the next adventure.
Noman Im not stradling. Just saying yes there was other ways the could have gone in regards to notifacation. Altough if YOU really think about NOMAN, something went wrong, wouldnt you think. If your money was invested you would be in there boat. Thats all. Name calling I am not. Just tired of hearing or reading I should say, the same people Bitch about this or that. Start your own and run with it. Otherwise try to give insight and hope someone listens. This is wrose than chideren picking on each other. The only reason I name Fred and Left is bacause For 1 Fred should obviously RUN HIS OWN TOUR, cause no one else can do it right.... And Left and his Bride have quallified Online to a final table each.... But somehow UBT shoved it right up there ASS. Wish I could of beeen there to see it:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I see more positive than negative. Yes they went wrong. So have we.
stubbs; it looks like you need a lesson in geography and or reading. lei said she was from seattle. last time i looked, seattle is in wa., not so-cal. in fact stubbs, i made the 1254 mile journey to play at barona. i can verify that seattle is in wa. max and his crew ran a great tourney, as usual. they made the four of us who traveled from seattle (remember stubbs that is in wa.), very welcome. sure did not see any ubt tee shirts this time at barona. so stubby, get your facts straight before you mouth off. go back and enjoy what is left of ubt. as for bjmace. you need to ask him why he did not share info about being at barona. he has always been a spokesperson and supporter for ubt.
Mari I went back to my post and saw nothing in the way of saying leilhay not from Washington As in knowing where that is, I know damm well cause my father lives on Whidbey Island and my grandfather just passed away up there. So how you feel:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I dont feel that good about nor should you Ass. Hole
stubbs; nice edit job on your original post about what lei stated about your misunderstaning concerning the barona situation. looks like you corrected your statement 10 minutes or so after our posts. then, you reposted. good choice of words and threats on a public forum. have a nice evening.
HUH??????????????? Hold on just a minute there, cowboy. In all the postings about the whole sordid Barona affair, I never once said that either Deb or I were personally affected by the late TOC cancellation. In fact, it's all been indignant commentary about how the whole thing went down - and the effects that had on others in our small TBJ community who had been trusting enough to pony up their $$$ for entry fees and travel. Including you!!! How on earth does that make me (or anyone else) self-centered? If the UBT had to cancel the TOC due to financial considerations, so be it. Certainly they must have had a damn good reason to take such an extreme action. However, news of that development was handled very poorly right from the start. Nobody outside of Barona or the UBT offices knew until someone who posts here called Barona and was surprised to learn of it. If there were folks showing up at Barona expecting to play in the UBT TOC because they weren't informed, then they've got a pretty serious axe to grind. IMHO, it was UBT's responsibility to take every reasonable measure for insuring that those folks had prior knowledge of the TOC cancellation. Their legacy has been a repeated failure to communicate vital information to those affected, in this instance and in the past. How about those previous tournaments that were also canceled so late that folks lost out on previously scheduled (and paid) travel arrangements? And you, Stubbs, were absolutely furious when both of your TV episodes were left out of the Season 2 lineup. Didn't find that out until the schedule was released, did you? Pissed you off, didn't it? It did the same to Deb, and to BuckeyeTodd's Dad, and others who were blindsided by that episode scheduling when they were either promised or simply led to believe otherwise. Everyone who was expecting to see "their" TV show on CBS had gone home & told family and friends about it, only to be embarrassed later. The prize money earned paled in comparison to that disappointment. Communication - all UBT had to do was let folks know that their episode might not be included in Season 2. Communication - all UBT had to do prior to the Club's launch was let folks know that not everyone will be able to join. Communication - all UBT had to do when Deb's awarded Aruba trip was canceled was to let her know that it was a UIGEA related sponsor bailout. Communication - all UBT had to do was immediately let all affected players know that the TOC had to be canceled. By the way, I've said nothing about this in either forum that I wouldn't say in person.
The unused entry fees is an issue UBT will deal with those individuals - since you and I aren't affected it's not our business. With regards to non-refundable travel arrangements - no dice. That could and does happen with events all the time whether it's sporting events or concerts where an artist gets sick - that's why they have travel insurance. As for waiting for a response - when a private company goes belly up do they owe an explaination to anyone? Not really - except their investors. Lefty - why bother? You can't get blood from a turnip. It's OVER, the fat lady's sung. They've folded their tent, packed their bags and said adios. All that can/should be done is to learn from the mistakes that UBT made. It's a textbook case of taking a good idea and ruining it.
I have played in bricks-and-mortar blackjack tournaments for well over 20 years; does anyione else remember IGP? But my experience with UBT has been limited to a single Friday evening at the Venetian weekly tournament; it did not go well. So I am a neutral observer of the entire UBT affair. But sometimes reading these fora it seems that I've entered the Twilight Zone. Leftnut writes in post #56: "If there were folks showing up at Barona expecting to play in the UBT TOC because they weren't informed, then they've got a pretty serious axe to grind. IMHO, it was UBT's responsibility to take every reasonable measure for insuring that those folks had prior knowledge of the TOC cancellation." But in post#47 of this thread leilahay stated: "It is my understanding that anyone who had pre-registered for the tournament, who showed up to sign in . . . was welcomed warmly by Max Rubin and the rest of the Barona staff. There were four of us from Seattle at a great, traditional BJ tournament. I am sorry that mis-communication caused some of our friends from this site to stay home." Unless I am misreading something it appears that if someone registered for the tournament and showed up at Barona they played. Am I missing something? Does it matter whether UBT was there? Can someone explain exactly what happened, . . . preferably in a few simple declarative sentences?
Deep Breath time people Sit Happens and when its done its done. Over the months Pot Stir said some things and people argued against him but he was right. Now UBT is changing. They have said entry fees will be lowered. We know they have the Club- which I actually enjoy and think is a good product- with the Club now being the bolt that holds the bridge called UBT together. Now UBT may become a true game for "every player" no matter what our BR is. Be mad real ma about Barona but dont blame them. Be mad real mad at UBT, but fact is Club UBT is UBT now. Milk is spilt, but it landed right in a bowl of cereal. If Club UBT fails it will show a failure of business leadership. If the leadership succeeds, so will UBT. If that be true at some point the TOC will happen. My Benadryl is wearing off. See you in the morning.:sleep: