What's happening at UBT?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Reachy, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    Philly Phlash and others:

    Two separate tournaments are at issue here. The tournament that just concluded: We had pre-registered, read all the info here, but since we had non-refundable reservations and are playing Viejas tomorrow, showed up anyway. We signed in and played the tournament. We are not Barona rollers, in fact, one of our party had never been to Barona. IMHO, they honored their obligation to the players who showed up. I saw other familiar names when they flipped through the sheets to find mine but most of them were not here. I do not believe that Barona is in any way responsible for this fiasco.

    As for the TOC, Barona did not collect the entry fees of 10K and I am sure that those who paid that to UBT were informed that there was no tournament. If not, then shame on UBT. I understand that Barona is having a high roller tournament this weekend for their patrons who had 1) won a seat in the TOC at a previous Barona tournament, or 2) been invited by Barona to play in the TOC. I beleive this is their right. Since I am in neither of these categories, I do not know any details. I am playing Viejas.

    Hope this answers anyone's questions.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2007
  2. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    Thanks to leilahay for a prompt, lucid response.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    you mean like this? :joker:

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  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Stubbs the way you defend the UBT gang - well a picture is worth a thousand words...:cool:

    Maybe that's why you don't think this Barona deal smells :p

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  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Jeez, I go away for a week (Gran Canaria, sunburn, too much sangria and cervesa) and see that I create a monster. I'm amazed by the ferocity of some of these posts.


    Last edited: Dec 3, 2007
  6. Don119

    Don119 Banned User

    Abusive and Creepy?

    Can anyone here explain something/someone for me, someone who from what I gather use to post regularly here at blackjacktournaments.com? He posts continuously over at LVA under the username of joep326. This guy swings from hot to cold… one post seems respectful, like a real gentleman…the next, he’s going off *************, real disrespectful of womanhood. He refers to anyone he’s got a beef with as a “woman,” like the word “woman” is a dirty word, or something. I don’t get it…you’d think folks would get sick and tired of it, especially the ladies, and/or any man associated with one of them. Does he have a mood disorder or something, something wrong with him that everyone takes pity on him for? I noticed also that he’s always taking the credit for just about every win most of the ladies have had…like he’s their personal trainer or something, is he? If so, he doesn’t play for them, covertly or otherwise, does he? Sad, really sad…not at all a good example for UBT, I mean the blackjack community isn’t sexist or gorean, or anything abusive and creepy like that, is it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2007
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Joe may have communications issues, but he's as good as they get when it comes to tournament play. Read more about him here:
    Interview with Joe Pane
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Re Joe Pane, my two cents.

    I agree with Kenneth. JP is a very skilled bjter but tends to easily get bent out of shape when publicly dealing with issues. He is really a good guy and a strong advocate of BJTs.
  9. tgun

    tgun Member


    I agree BJFAN4, in person Joe is a real gentleman. Will help anyone that ask for advice.

  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Joe is two people.

    In person, he's a truly great guy. Fun to hang with, a helluva TBJ player, ranked #1 in the (sadly) soon to be defunct All-In rankings. Willing to offer his sage advice just for asking. An author of numerous articles on the game, written very professionally as he never seems to rip anyone a new one for a dumb play, even if they deserve it. A wonderful person and a credit to the world of blackjack tournaments.


    Online, he does an incredible Jekyll-&-Hyde transformation, changing from the nice guy to Cujo with a keyboard. He does not post any more here because the Administrator has un-invited his presence. A few known and who knows how many unknown folks have stopped posting at the LVA UBT forum because of his previous verbal onslaughts. Do not, under any circumstances, post anything there that even smells slightly anti-UBT or you'll be the next target.
  11. Don119

    Don119 Banned User

    Nothing like an ongoing, episodic work of fiction...

    Thanks to all for insightful responses to both of my posts. I appreciate the time and attention you’ve put forth. One can learn a great deal about others by broaching views, asking questions, and then quietly and without bias, simply allowing for views and answers in return. I would suppose for many, joep326 and his posts, present a form of entertainment, a much needed distraction, etc…..however, to what disadvantage or drawback, if notably any -- perhaps, only time will tell.
    Just curious though, how many of those miscellaneous posters, spin-meisters, or whatever one wishes to refer to them as, do you suppose in actuality just might be personal creations of joep326 (and fellow associates, of course) himself/themselves? Wouldn’t that be something…drama, distraction, and business, all in one! There is nothing like an ongoing, episodic work of fiction for keeping people’s minds occupied, off the particulars, and their eyes off the fine print, (or the ball, so to speak). Guess when it all comes down to it, it’s just gaming psychology… chances, coincidences, losses, sudden conversions, last-minute rescues and revelations.
    Regardless, enjoyed the view… thanks for giving a stranger a little space at your table.
    Leviticus 19:33-35
    When an alien resides with you in your land, do not molest him.
    You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; have the same love for him as for yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. I, the LORD, am your God.
    Do not act dishonestly in using measures of length or weight or capacity.

    (For those who are not of Jewish or Christian views, thank you for your gracious insights and remarks, nonetheless.)
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It appears that I missed a whole section of this thread, until someone emailed me complaining about the usual crap going on. Stubbs, you get a three day vacation. Go re-read the posting guidelines if you're wondering why.

    There may be other posters who are guilty of the same in this thread, but frankly I'm tired of reading it, so that's that.

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