Winstar Casinos 2,000,000 Guaranteed Blackjack Tournament WOW!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by wfagundes, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Every tournament I have ever entered that "guaranteed" the prize pool held up their end of the contract. I don't think this casino has reneged on promised prize pools in the past and since they are planning a TV show of some type, I see no reason to question their integrity at this time.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK folks, I wasn't going to post these thoughts, but decided to anyway.
    Feel free to agree or crucify me.

    When I saw the first two posts in this thread, my internal Bullsh** Detector light went into overdrive immediately. It was first triggered by the fact that both of those posts were the first ones from each of those folks, and it has flashed brighter and brighter as more information is revealed here. I sure hope I'm wrong, but this whole thing simply sounds too good.

    A casino is going to run an event, with a million dollar 1st prize, and they're putting up half of the $2M total themselves by comping in a whole boatload of their high rollers. Then they're going to open it up to all comers, including the biggest and baddest TBJ assassins on the planet - thereby turning their own best customers into cannon fodder. On top of that, every round but one offers multiple advancers from each table (a true TBJ player's nirvana), many of them 6 players with 3 advance. If that wasn't enough, the location just happens to be conveniently located virtually in the middle of the southern half of the country so it's not a 4 or 5 hour flight for anyone from Vegas, L.A., Florida, etc. Oh, yes - let's throw in some promised TV exposure, too. Nearly everything is perfectly designed to appeal to the typical member here. Something just doesn't smell right.

    "The Devil's voice is sweet to hear." - Stephen King

    Lord, I hope I'm wrong. TBJ needs something like this.
  3. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I truly hope it is.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Winstar $2mil

    I've been promoting these Oklahoma tournaments on here for awhile. Many of them are in the favor of the regulars or locals, but I still like all the chances I have here.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    I wish I lived close enough to attend those Oklahoma tournaments. They may have some unusual requirements but for the prize money involved, you can't find a better deal. Best of luck to you and the Mrs..
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Winstar entry chip...

    This is the entry chip you must win or purchase for $500.00 entry + $50.00 fee = $550.00.

    Note: Each chip is dated for each qualifying month, check out the bottom of the chip.
    I asked about the guarantee for both monthly and over all and was told both are 100% guaranteed. This event is basily a CBS reality show with both poker and blakjack winners from each qualifying monthly event as the contestants. This is why the finalist have to leave straight from the tournament for 3 day/nights for filming.

    Winstar has a VERY BAD reputation for not paying several large jackpots (due to malfuctions), but these are tournaments and will be held for table games and with the CBS tie in there should be not problems with the payouts.

    Any players wishing to come play these events PM me and I'll see if I can get you an entry chip for $500.00 (if I have any of them still avalible).
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Sometimes I love being wrong

    I would appear that my stated doubts were incorrect, and nothing makes me happier! :celebrate

    The very best of luck to all of our BJT friends who will be participating.
  9. wfagundes

    wfagundes New Member


    Then Fix It, Because It's Broke :p LoL... Hope To See You There LeftNut
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  10. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    Free entry?

    I notice that they give some entries away if you play on certain days. If anyone has played and got one, how does it work? Do they have drawings during the play times? How many?

  11. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Larry, they simply pick a seat, and hand the player the entry chip.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Random drawings

    To win a "Hot Seat" chip you just have to be at the right table playing in the right seat.

    They have three casinos and offer the free chips at all of them on Thursday and Sundays between 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., and 12:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m.

    The entry chips "CANNOT" be carried over to any of the other months, (so use them or lose them).

    And once again, be prepaired to leave from the casino for 3 days/nights to be filmed or you forfeit whatever place and money you won (including your seat in the August finals).
  13. wfagundes

    wfagundes New Member

    Boston Rob & Michele Merkin

    ATTENTION Everyone!

    Just Confirmed... The Hosts of The Split Blackjack Tournament Will Be Boston Rob (Survivor) And Michele Merkin (Model And Tv Host). This Info Was Leaked From A VERY Trusted Source... This Is Going To Be Amazing!

    I Was In The Casino Today And Saw The TV Set And Tables SETUP... It's Going To Be HUGE! You've Got To Check It Out.

    C Ya

    PS: They Also Confirmed Greg Raymer, Annie Duke & Norm Hitzges For The River Poker Tournament!
  14. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    WHAT KIND OF REALITY SHOW WILL IT BE?:confused: :confused:
  15. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    final payout

  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Lump sums

    All the prizes for the August finals will be paid in lump sums. After all every prize in on the final table will be $75,000 or higher.

    The 20 years payouts are normally for slot winners and are on slots owned by the actual slot companies, not the casinos.
  17. maxwell

    maxwell Member


  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Congratulations to Landlord for finishing in 2nd place yesterday ($15,000) and another friend of mine Carly Everett (a non-tournament player) for his 4th place finish ($5,000) at Winstar yesterday.

    Both S. Yama and myself were thrilled as we finished 2nd on our semifinal tables (only 1 advanced from the semifinals). At both our tables we were beat by all in blackjacks. Nothing like losing on the last hand to a 2 for 1 all in blackjack with no max bets, (you just want to throw-up...LOL).

    I did fine out that they do not have a contract with any network yet. It was suppose to be on CBS, then they offered it to ABC I was informed last night. They did have a production company filming yesterday and they are still working on finding a major network though.
  19. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    How would you rate the tournament skill-level of the players?
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I've seen better...

    They have a few VERY good players, several that have a clue whats going on, and even more that know you ALWAYS SPLIT twenty no matter what...LOL.

    It wasn't a bad tournament, however there was a few problems (like at most events). There was one table I was at that had a player who's friend standing behind
    him told him almost every bet and play to make and nothing was said to him, but I never complained because 3 advanced and I was in 1st or 2nd place the entire round. Afterwards I mentioned it to the TD.

    Four things I didn't like were:

    1. No max. bets.
    2. No Surrender
    3. Blackjacks pay 2 to 1
    4. No insurance

    I just think without these rules you make the tournament even more luck and take away several skill factors from tournament play. However as long as the rules are the same for everyone at least it is fair to all.

    All in all it was a nice tournament and I'll be up there to play again.

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