World champion is M.I.A.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by fgk42, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Thanks for the congrats

    Just wanted to thank those of you who watched the Joep special tournament this evening - and congratulated me on the chat. For some reason, I couldn't get the chat to function on my computer - but appreciated the support and good words. Thanks also to Fred for setting up this event.

    Dr B
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    The Dr. prescribed a perfect ending - snapper to cap the first GRUDGE MATCH.

    thanks to all who showed up. Great game!
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Way to go Dr. Bass, winning a little extra cash to go with the Las Vegas Trip Honeybee won a couple of weeks ago.

    Honeybee is Dr. Bass wife for those who don't know. What is that so far around $3,000 in cash (between you and honeybee) plus free air and three night stay at the Belligo. Not bad for a few weeks worth of playing tournaments online and with two different formats beside.

    Keep the winning going on next week in Las Vegas.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2006
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Dr Bass congrats again . You played a fine game

    I had you in right where I wanted you on the last hand :p

    And then you got a BJ to dash my hopes but second paid over 200 so as we were saying in Aruba "It's All Good"

    Miss Rando :joker: wanted to name the tournament the JOEP Memorial Tournament but he will have to wait a long time for that.

    He of course was again lurking at all the tables smack talking even at tonight St Kitts Final Table .His problems seem to be in his head only as he is a constant lurker and talker in the chat room.Why doesn't he get disconnected when he is doing that

    I guess he was finished mopping the floors and doing the dishes.He is the perfect wife.:laugh:

    I know he was rooting for me to win my All Expense paid St Kitts package and to top you in the so called Joep Grudge Match

    Why are some people calling it that it was a friendly get together of BJT members ?

  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Hey Cry baby....:eek:

    No lurking Joe Pain in the_ _

    You finally understand the problem exactly as I have been saying ...the chat works fine on this game....If you were smart enough... you would know that I speak about the chat function where the dealer explains each action....the bug is that the game action runs too slowly compared to chat....this causes the game to time out for the person near the button...I doubt you understand as you certainly have never written anything that sounded very intelligent.

    In fact you probably would not have made it as far as you did tonight except that in the earlier rounds two people experienced the absent error and were handicaped by was Adriana Jade in game 35863141-22....the other was Ann Dee in game 35864538-12.

    Now as for your game.....lets see you were the only pro there at the table but did you win????

    It must have been the highly skillful play of the 6 amatures that over came your game right????

    He makes a secret bet of 50,000....a much better bet would have been 35,000...BTW as you saw me guess in

    And so what do you the PRO expert do when you get a 16 against the dealer ten??....You pick the worst choise and you yourself almost no chance of low and didnt!!!lol

    Were you able to see straight enough to watch the next card come out??? Did you see that 5 come Hot Shot Professional my azzz????

    I was watching to see if you could win a all expense paid trip to St Kitts but you simply played to dumb to have a chance...or did you just throw the game so one of those amatures could win???

    The more you talk the dumber you sound...and Im certainly not impressed with your game.

    Tonight you wern't smart enough to keep quiet and hide until the embarassment of your poor decision making skill faded.

    I could have easily hammered you earlier about the poor play and how every amature at that table sent you packing ...but I was being nice and frankly I found it too easy to be worthwhile...but you just couldnt shut up could you???

    I said it are the worst ambassidor this game could single handedly brodcast more bad publicity than any other person...

    You hide problems, you taunt the customers , and you spout off on any issue ..but mostly they are issues you are completely ignorant about...lack of insight never stops a fool and it never seems to stop you...hummmmmmmmmm

    Nice playing tonight
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    MR Know Nothing

    In the 100 Match

    Lets see Kenny Smith inexperienced ?

    Honeybee yes a newbie to Bet 21 but a proven winner at,

    Fgk 42 new to the game but a worthy opponent

    Delta Duke who has won more on line tournaments that you have stuck you nose into

    Dr Bass another player who can walk the walk

    and Alale who I don't really know but played a strong game

    And you point was .................:joker:

    In the other match if you knew anything you would know with a big bet out standing on a 16 vs a 10 when if i bust I cant win is a play even a ROOKIE would recognize.

    So since you are not even close to that I forgive you for not seeing the right play there.

    You will learn eventually.I'm might be dead and buried before you accomplish that but never give up.There is a purpose for you here.

    Some may say it's to be my whipping boy but that not for me to say

    I do notice that you do follow me around from table to table watching all of my plays. If you want an autograph copy of my picture let me know.You may even want to call into the show tomorrow night to finally speak with me if you have the BALLS
    Hey you should like this it's a Toll Free # you seem to like everything that free so call in and let out some of your hot air over the radio. I'm sure that there are a couple of people who would get a kick out of you calling the show.

    So do you have what it takes to call in.......I'm saying NO

    1-866-820-5528 anytime between 6 PM & 7 PM

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2006
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    YOU started with the "GRUDGE MATCH" not me! :laugh:

    Listening on the radio show last night I noticed that Kenny had time to read this thread - so why didn't he have time to come to the match? :rolleyes:

    Hey Joep, can I request a re-match?
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Well...Im just getting caught up on my reading today Friday.....

    First who was ever talking about the 100 dollar match???You came in second...good job...although you blew still cashed...its far more than your usual $10 game skimming You should be very proud.

    Standing on 16 in the position you were in was the worst couldnt have won if the dealer busted...what were you hoping for ???a miracle???


    No matter...

    Im about done toying with you now...I was being the puppet master for a while....It was fun....Jump Joe jump....what a

    You never answered one .ONE question yet....neither did ole yellow jacket...

    You failed as a paid beta tester as well as the other "pros".

    Dont fool yourself..Pane...everybody knows you lost the St Kitts dealey to amatures...and you lost by making an amature mistake...

    Wheres that pro skill advantage you're always poppin off about???

    Just BS like 99% of what comes out of your mouth...

    Start answering questions.

    Do it here on the modern internet forum....not some outdated AM radio show that requires equipment manufactured before the World

    I still got a bag of 8 tracks...interested???

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