World Series of Blackjack 2007 Qualifiers

Discussion in 'World Series of Blackjack' started by KenSmith, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not ideal

    I guess in an idealistic world that would work. But that's not the realities. The "name brand" casinos don't want to participate because the finals are held at one of their competitors and they don't want the glory to go to someone else if they participate. This is where the Indian casinos pick up the slack. They are independent and by hosting a "satellite", they get recognition and more locals to visit their casino. The decision to host a "satellite" is up to each individual casino with almost no restrictions. If restrictions were put on them, there would be even more problems getting them to cooperate. That's just the way things have evolved.
  2. Indeed Paul Did Finish 1st On His Final Table

    He Racked Up Another $5,000 And Won 1st Place On The Final Table. He Will Be Advancing To Finals And He Will Win Again Because Lets Be Honest The Kid Cant Be Stopped At This Point. He Didnt Even Get An Invite Or Even A Free Entry. He Fought The Hard Way And Paid His Way In And Won. For Any Of You That Wanna Crack On How I Use My Grammer I Could Care Less I Am At Work And Im Lazy. I Just Wanna Get My Point Across Look Out For Haas Kids!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    High Qualifiers:

    Reach: Someone will post it I know. But to your question of how to play one of those table winner and top money winner "deals."

    There is a formula(maybe "wongies") used for accumulation tourneys. Swogg and Petie and Ken have posted it. Something like the total monkeys in New Deli, divided by the remaining Chinese Tigers, times the number of cavemen entered, then the square root of that, adjusted by Xpi for the number of knock out babes.

    So one may set their chip goal for that number while playing at the table, or play elemination style at your table, or a combination of both..If your good at both formats, it should give you an extra option.

    I don't know the exact formula, obviously, because the one accumulation I played in I detested and don't want to try again. Plus the bubble of variance I've been in forever doesn't allow me to accumulate very much. I do know from posts here, that those who were successful, used the formula, set a benchmark and shot for that, or lost trying. But the loss was no big deal since most lose out anyway.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Point-Counter Point-No Point.

    Talk, talk, talk, talk.

    Put up or shut up.

    Rag Kennye E. Rag HD. Rag posters here with unintelligible babble about a Homie game, but fail to step up against the best in a neutral site. That's not only laziness, but cluck, cluck, cluck. And droppings.
  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    Don't hold your breath.

    He'll use the five grand on truck accessories or bathhouse fees before he plays anyone for it.
  6. This Room Was Boring Until I Mentioned Paul

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Yes, I can understand why it is difficult to talk in coherent sentences whilst performing your job of work. But keep up the practice and pretty soon you'll be able to tackle walking and chewing gum simultaneously. Incidentally does being Paul Haas' Chief Fluffer really constitute a career? I'm not sure it would look that good on a resume but I guess it explains the one-fingered typing technique and I can see how it makes mouthing your words as you type them difficult.

    Anyway, my congratulations to Paul for coming first in the qualifier. Maybe now he'll be able to put some petrol in that truck that he bought and drive it off the lot. Maybe he'll even be able to talk while he's doing it. We'll allow one syllable words in this case.


  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The phone lines are open

    So will the Assassin be calling into tonight to the show to boast and challenge someone to a match or will he be busy ?

  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Oh Brother?


    Forget about Paul Haas.

    Invite the Assassins Brother on to the show (Mark Mullaney).

    He will be much more amusing.

    Andy :D
  10. Yes Joe P Paul Will Call Tonight

    Paul Will Be Calling Into The Radio Show Tonight. I Thought I Would Tell You Guys Something Pretty Crazy I Saw At The Recent Wsob Tourney. Paul Has 5,000 Out On His Hand He Pulled Up An Ace. Another Ace Popped Up So He Split Them. Another Ace Popped Up And Split It. So 3 Hands 15,000 On The Line. The Dealer Showed A 7. He Got 21 On All 3 Hands. The Dealer Proceeded To Get A Damn 21 And He Pushed. It Was One Of The Most Crazy Hands I Have Ever Seen Take Place!
  11. diablomn24

    diablomn24 New Member

    Nomad who and the hell are you?

    Because I would like to put a face to the person that is talking an awful lot of crap for a person I dont even know. So I would appreciate it If you explained it. By the way for those who want to know I played 3 tables and won first place at every table. For those that dont know where Mystic Lake is find directions and come up and play me. I would love to see you there. As far as I am concerned this is probaly won of the toughest tournaments to play in. I also know for a fact that if it wasnt all you chicken (BLEEP) (I apologize if this is to vulgar)you would come up and dethrone the KING at Mystic Lake. But I doubt any of you have the balls. Joe Ill be there tonight. Also Nomad will you please call the show as well that way me and you can straighten out a few things. I dont want to rough you up on a respectful website I rather do it on the radio.
  12. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Tonight's radio show

    Come on Nomad who are you? …lol.

    For god’s sake Joe make sure Anthony Curtis hits the record button tonight. I don’t want to miss this.

  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    This is fun!

    It's like going to the zoo and poking a bear with a stick :D . Just make sure that when you ring the show you are seated with no distractions so that you can concentrate fully on forming words and then sentences.

    Anyway good luck with your final table appearance at Mystic Lake and I genuinely hope you win and make it to WSoB 2007. It'll make for entertaining TV. Incidentally does your gimp play Tournament Blackjack or is he just your PR man?



    PS. nomad probably won't be able to call in today as he's moving house. In fact he moves house almost every day. Go figure...
  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Let's Get It On

    We might have to put the BIG NEWS off to next week as there seems to be something BREWING

    We know Paul will be there

    Will Noman and Hollywood show up ?

    If you feel the need to give Paul a piece of your mind call in

    Barney Stone who always has nothing to say about everything should chime in :laugh:

    Here is the links to the show


    Phone numbers

    Toll Free 1-866-820-5528
    Locally 702-731-1230

  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    After SUPERMAN

    I'll be listening in for the fight AND the big announcement. Don't you dare let us down Joep. The radio show airs right after "Smallville" here so the timing is perfect. Smallville you ask? It's about Superman growing up, of course. And no, he does not carry a toolbox - but he could if he wanted to. ;)
  16. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    OMG! Stop the presses! The HILLBILLIES can count past 20! I didn't know you could do that! After all when you take off both shoes and socks there are only 20 digits!

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

  19. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    And the Oscar for... animated short depiciting tournament-style blackjack fightclub goes to....




  20. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    I agree

    Just as I was getting fed up with the cartoons. Fgk42 pulls out a classic.

    Nice one.


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