World Series of Blackjack III, Week One

Discussion in 'World Series of Blackjack' started by KenSmith, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Joep being nice


    Like you I have noticed the change in our mate Joep.

    Ever since he transformed from Joep to Joep2 and back, some kind of metamorphous appears to have occurred.

    Just when you think he would come on for the attack he doesn’t?

    Is it that the Gentle Joep2 side in him is gradually taking him over?

    Or could it be that Joe is winding us all up and just biding his time for his next big kill? :laugh:

    P.S. I don’t envy our Ken having to regulate this lot on the thread…lol
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Sorry boys

    ...but you'll have to have fun on the rodeo without me tomorrow nite. i think i've said all i need to on this topic & regardless of how he & others would like to glorify his play, i saw his bets & its more than obvious he's all talk.

    Good for you for making it to the big dance, kid, but we all know luck & not skill got you there & without an invitation back (or a serious effort on your part to learn more about the game) we'll never hear from you again...

  3. diablomn24

    diablomn24 New Member

    Joe P Im in. Look out for an exciting show. I hope blackjacks bi............. calls in. Id be dissapointed if he didnt. Trying my best Ken if you want to edit go ahead.
  4. diablomn24

    diablomn24 New Member

    Hollywood has no balls

    Well Hollywood I guess you have allready shown your true colors. You cant even commit to a radio show for maybe 15 minutes. This must mean when I get the money rounded up for our game youll probaly punk out once again.
  5. diablomn24

    diablomn24 New Member

    Hollywood keep telling me I have no skill because that just adds more fuel to the fire. One way or another by the time this is all said and done I will be the best tournament blackjack player around. Im not now I know this but I am a decent player. And when me meet up (not if) Im going to make a fool out of you. What will you say then Hollywood.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    His Style Could Be trouble

    Hollywood come on now. How could you pass this chance up ? Plus we really do need a counter point from the skillful side of the ledger. He has admitted he still lacks all the tools .You called in when we had Chainsaw on . You have to admit that players like him in a short run tournament do give the pros some fits when and if they build up an early lead and then shut it down and begin to mirror our bets.

    If you are serious about promoting Blackjack Tournaments you will call in. You have always been a welcome guest on our show and you do have a book coming out. Its all good

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I can't wait!!

    I have no idea when WSOB III will air in the UK but I tell you after reading this thread I can't wait!!! As I have not seen it I can't possibly comment on Episode 1 but it sounds to me like it's great TV and could only be good for the game. I'm sure I've read posts before that have commented that TBJ doesn't make good TV, especially early on because everybody bets small and the action doesn't start until the last few hands. Whether that's true or not again I can't say but anything that gets peoples attention from the off and keeps them till the end has got to be good.

    To a certain extent I can understand where you guys are coming from when you talk about Paul Haas's "bad" bets, etc and how it may devalue the WSOB and give a "false" impression of how tournament BJ is played. However at the end of the day he won his place there fair and square and you can't argue with that. I've seen a similar thing in big poker tourneys where the player who is undeniably not the best player at the table and who also makes some bad plays wins, it happens in everything, and it's good that it does. If the best players won all the time it'd get pretty boring.

    If you really want to know who the best players are you need to start a BJ league. Play 10 tourneys a year and whoever comes out on top after that can really say that they are best.


  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thank you, this is what I have been suggesting for years, except I suggested 12 tournaments (one every month) and all around the country so every player has to endure some travel.

    Points would be given out for each event and a running total for every player would be posted monthly for all to see. To qualify for any yearly ranking a player would have to play in a minimum of 7 of the 12 yearly tournaments.

    All 12 of these designated tournaments would have to be "OPEN" to all players and a set of "National" tournament rules would have to be used to make it fair.

    Because points would be awarded for each of the events the attendance for these tournaments could get pretty high so there would have to be limits made on who gets to in to play and the only fair way would be first come first serve. We could even allow players pass a certain point entry, but no guaranteed re-buy for that tournament.

    Of course getting to many players is a problem we would love to have and we could deal with that when and if it happens. For now we just need to get the casino locations to work with us and the other casinos so we could get this format to become a reality.

    I also suggest a rules committee (5-6 of the players) to over see the tournaments and assure that the best possible rules and format are used in the tournaments and they are run fairly for all the players "Pros" or "Newbies". They would also be there to listen to suggest and comments from the players.

    I can't see it getting any fairer than that and we would finally know who is really the cream and rises to the top and see if the shit floats or sinks...LOL

    And if anyone whines about having to travel to the tournaments, than BOO F---ing WHO! Over 80% of us have to travel for every tournament we play in now.

    Lets see whom the top players really are, I for one would love to see who comes out on top for the top twenty-five players consistently, year after year.

    What do ya'll think? Give me some feedback.

    PS. I understand several of the players can't make every tournament or even 7 of them per year, but the players who want to be called "Pros" shouldn't have any problems making "Only" 7 tournaments per year. If they can't than they shouldn't call themselves "Pros".
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2006
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Sorry, I need to add one more thing...

    To be fair to the working players I think all 12 of the designated tournaments should be played on Sat/Sun, so they don't have to miss work.

    Registration could be on Friday and early Sat. and the tournament over by 3:00 pm on Sunday so they could catch a fight back in time to be at work on Monday.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    You could have different divisions to deal with the numbers

    Why not have 4 or 5 different leagues with the elite in the top league and the not-so-elite in the other leagues. You could qualify for the league above by coming in the top 10 of your existing league at the end of each season. You could also drop a league if you come in the bottom 10 :eek: That way you woudln't all have to play the same tourneys - you could have a Premership Tourney and at the same time a 2nd division tourney elsewhere.

    It could also act as a feeder to the WSOB. All the players in the top divison minus the bottom 10, plus the top 10 from each of the other divisions play in a tourney that generates the players for the actual televised event. That way you know that the players in the WSOB deserve to be there because they have consistantly been at the top of their game all year and have won a preliminary. Of course it'd take a few years to get to this stage.

    This is just off the top of my head so it's probably got loads of holes in it.



    Ps. Sorry TX - I wanted to leave your post at the top of the thread so that people didn't think "there's that Reachy spouting again "but this idea came into my head and I had to express!!!!
  11. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    hell yes

  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Multi-leagues sound good, but...

    At this time I think it will be hard enough to get one league going.

    We would need all the player support we could get and still most important will need willing casinos to work with us on this idea.

    I would love to end up with multiple leagues, even leagues from other countries would be great, but we would need to structure the rules and formats simular for them to inter-mix for some sort of playoffs.
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    TX, How is this any different than the WSOP, except it is a lot fewer tournaments?

    TX, I've got a feeling that the CBS BJ Tournament will solve that problem. Let's face it WSOP is on ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, Travel Channel, BRAVO, etc.

    So what are you waiting for? You've got the connections! Make the calls. The casino's SHOULD be willing to put up the facilities. I mean look at the WSOP how expensive is it to run those? Don't you think that BJ tournaments would bring in MORE people?

    Let's take a poll or whatever it takes to get this thing rolling!

    PS Why did you have to write so big??? :confused:
  14. diablomn24

    diablomn24 New Member

    message for JoeP

    hey JoeP is that central time reply back asap so I know
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    More to it...

    fgk42, the difference between this concept and the WSOP is:

    1) It is blackjack, not poker. We don't have a BJ craze yet.

    2) The WSOP is played in about a month and a half and is held in one location the entire time. I
    don't know to many BJ players that could do this.

    3) My proposal would offer one event every month with a few weeks break between each. Also
    held in different locations so every player involved would have to do so travel.

    4) My concept will offer "Open" tournaments and at a reasonable fee of $300 so you (fgk42), UTVolFan, Swog, Toolman, Rookie,...etc... can afford to play in the same tournaments as Kenny E., Joep, Hollywood, and other big name players.

    Will CBS really change that much for tournament blackjack?

    I am not sure, I hope so, but remember in the UBT format only 63 players at a $2,500 entry fee are allowed to play per tournament. In a regular blackjack tournament format we would need 150 players to make this format be worth wide. Also several of the UBT players will be part of the UBT team so that will even leave few playing spots for the regular players. Lets say they have a 10 player UBT team, now that only leaves 53 seats in their tournaments.

    You asked what I am waiting for?

    What makes you think I am waiting? I have been working on this format for over a year now.

    Getting casinos to agree on something new is not an easy job and getting them to agree to work with other casinos is really a BIG job. Plus I have to get locations around the country that are willing to allow summer time events up north while the winter events can be held down south.

    Than I have to try and get them all to agree to the "National" set of rules for all the casinos to go by.

    Trust me this is not an easy job, but I am trying.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2006
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Show Time

    Paul the show airs live at 6 PM Pacific Time which will be 8 PM Central time

    Toll Free



  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Wrong Info

    Rick you are wrong on the details about the UBT Tournament in Aruba.

    Actually posting bad information about the UBT format is not good for anyone, players or UBT

    So let me take the liberty to clear this up the UBT tournaments in Aruba is expected to have 400 players

    They already have commitments of 200 players to play as of this early date so with a projection of 400 players @ 2500 they will have a prize pool of at least 1 Million Dollars .

    So as you can see they may not be a new 2 million dollar tournament in Las Vegas but it looks like there will be 18 1 million dollar tournaments within the next year and all to be shown on CBS TV

    If Kenny and I have the time tonight we will talk about this in more detail on the radio show tonight at 6 pm .We may just have to many guest and call In's but that always a good problem

  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Thats GREAT! I thought it was just going to be like last years format of only 63 players. This is the first I have heard of this this many players in the UBT format. :eek: Now is that 200 for the UBT or for the poker?

    Will there be re-buys offered and if so how much will they be? :confused:

    I love to hear about blackjack tournaments with LARGE turnouts, it makes me feel good to think we maybe getting back to the good old days of 500 - 600 players per tournaments with big prize money and bonuses and even better Open to everybody! :D

    I'll be listening tonight for more info on Aruba and any other up dates on the format, thanks Joep. :)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2006
  19. mociferous

    mociferous Member

    working weekends

    I realize I'm in the minority, but my husband and I are off during the week and work all weekend every week. (Darn shift work.) I prefer mixing up the days of tourneys. Also, flights are cheaper if you don't travel Fri/Sun!
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good point

    Your right, maybe a few weekday tournaments should be thrown in to accomadate everyone, plus it is easier to get a casino to work with us during the week vs. the weekend.

    This is the positive feedback needed to create the best possible BJ tour.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2006

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