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Update Details

Event: Double Down Saloon Blackjack Invitational

Casino: Flamingo

Posted by: KenSmith KenSmith

Posted: 2006-07-03 17:43:56

Changed date (8/4/2006 to 8/17/2006).
Added details ((Originally shown as Aug 4-6, revised as per Fredguy's post
after he called and asked.)
Hotel - 3 free nights included.

The following dates are from the original info...  Since the
new dates are said to be Thursday through Saturday, confirm
the details before making plans.

Registration and reception on 8/04/06 (Friday).
Round 1 on 8/5/06
Rounds 2,3,4 on 8/6/06
In the past, these have been some of the details:
Bankroll: $5,000 funny money.
Bet range: $100 - $5,000 (except last hand at final table).
Some wild cards.
No re-buys.).