Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: $30K Dublin Down Blackjack Tournament

Casino: Westgate Las Vegas

Posted by: chipsmccoy chipsmccoy

Posted: 2007-01-03 09:36:42

Added event name ($30K Dublin Down Blackjack Tournament).
Changed format.
Added details (Likely to be similar to those they have held in the past 
at this level.  Sufficient play will get a comped entry, 
but entries for purchase have been available in the past.  
Likely to have a $20 "Mulligan" and "free ace" component 
as well as wildcard draws in to all rounds subsequent to 
round one.).
Added prize pool (30000).
Added event size (3).
Added prize details (8th through 19th (semi-finalists) also get paid $100.).
Added prize 1 (15000).
Added prize 2 (5500).
Added prize 3 (3500).
Added prize 4 (2000).
Added prize 5 (1500).
Added prize 6 (1000).
Added prize 7 (300).