Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: World Series of Gaming

Casino: Harrah's Atlantic City

Posted by: deltaduke deltaduke

Posted: 2008-01-04 16:23:54

Added details (Accumulation 1st 2 rounds.  49 advance and table winner 
to finals).
Changed prize details (200 or fewer entries makes this a winner take all event to 200 or fewer entries makes this a winner take all event

Up to 200 players - 1st place $100,000
208-249 players - 1st place $100,000, 2nd 25%, 3rd 17%, 
4th 16%, 5th 15%, 6th 14%, 7th 13%
250-299 players - 1st place $100,000, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%, 
4th 15%, 5th 8%, 6th 7%, 7th 6%, 8-14th 2% each
300-799 players - 1st place $100,000 up to 21 places paid 
based on a % of the prize pool).