Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: Open Blackjack Tournament

Casino: Sam's Town Tunica

Posted by: deltaduke deltaduke

Posted: 2009-04-27 11:02:42

Added event name (Open Blackjack Tournament).
Added reentry fee (150.00).
Changed format.
Added details (Registration Saturday May 16  11-5
1st round starts at 1PM
Sunday conclusion starting at 12 noon
Rooms based on rated play
Maximum 294 entries
The pit boss I spoke to thinks it is elimination, but 
really doesn't know.  It is possible it is hybrid, but I 
don't think so.).
Changed 1st Prize to guaranteed.
Added prize details (1st place is guaranteed, other places based on 200 entries.).
Added prize 2 (4500).
Added prize 3 (3000).
Added prize 4 (2400).
Added prize 5 (2100).
Added prize 6 (1800).
Added prize 7 (1200).