Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: $100,000 Big Deal BJT

Casino: IP Biloxi

Posted by: deltaduke deltaduke

Posted: 2010-02-16 12:55:07

Changed entry fee (199.00 to 399.00).
Added details (Friday,March 5th registration,6pm-9pm in studio b. 
Saturday, Mar 6th day one -studio b. Sunday,Mar 7th, day 
two-studio b
Entry fee will be reduced or comped according to your play 
history there.  Payment of entry fee includes 2 
complimentary room nights and a commorative gift.).
Added prize pool (100000).
Changed event size (1 to 3).
Added prize details (All prizes are half cash and half promo chips. Should 
winner have an elite or premium players card an additional 
$1500 promo chips will be awarded).
Changed prize 1 (25000 to 50000).
Changed prize 2 (10000 to 20000).
Changed prize 3 (7000 to 14000).
Changed prize 4 (4000 to 8000).
Changed prize 5 (2000 to 4000).
Changed prize 6 (1500 to 3000).
Changed prize 7 (500 to 1000).