Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: $100,000 Big Deal BJT

Casino: IP Biloxi

Posted by: deltaduke deltaduke

Posted: 2010-02-16 18:03:24

Added details (Friday,March 5th registration,6pm-9pm in studio b. 
Saturday, Mar 6th day one -studio b. Sunday,Mar 7th, day 
two-studio b
Entry fee will be reduced or comped according to your play 
history there.  Payment of entry fee includes 2 
complimentary room nights and a commemorative gift.).
Added prize details (All prizes are half cash and half promo chips. Should 
winner have an elite or premium players card an additional 
$1500 promo chips will be awarded.  Promo chips are the use
one time type.).